Cleaning the house

How to wash linoleum after repair?

How to wash linoleum after repair?

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  1. General recommendations
  2. Facilities
  3. How to wash?
  4. Care rules

The most versatile and affordable flooring is linoleum. For any room you can always find a suitable copy in color, density and price. Not surprisingly, it is used not only for the home, but also for office space.

But sometimes, after cosmetic repairs, there remain various types of dirt on it, which cannot be washed either from the first or second time. Do not despair, ordinary low-cost products will come to the rescue, with the help of which you can clean up even the most complex types of pollution.

General recommendations

There are many recommendations, following which you can avoid all sorts of problems associated with the cleaning of linoleum.

If the change of linoleum is not included in your plans, and minor repairs are inevitable, then the simplest action will be to close the floor. It is not necessary to buy a special film to cover the surface of the floor; you can use old wallpaper, newspapers, boxes, wallpaper wrapping film. Since all these materials are smaller in size than the surface area, then you can fix them with construction tape.

But if it so happened that the remnants of building materials still fell on linoleum, then Do not use sharp objects for cleaning. Drops of paint, the remnants of stuck wallpaper do not need to scrub with a construction knife or spatula, as there is a high probability of damaging the surface of the linoleum.

Extreme care must be exercised if aggressive agents are used as surface cleaning aids.

To check their actions, you must first test on a small area, and better - on an unnecessary piece of linoleum.

The use of all kinds of alkaline solutions and soda is strictly prohibited. Means, which include alkali in various percentages, penetrate deeply into the structure of linoleum, leading to the destruction of the material. The appearance of any linoleum will be irretrievably lost, and then you have to change the entire coating.

When working with any means it is necessary to use special protective gloves. They can be purchased at any hardware store, they are not expensive, and skin of hands will be protected from the effects of the means used.


In order to scrub various contaminants from the surface of linoleum and, if possible, return it to its original appearance, you can use both chemical and folk remedies. Both those and others deserve special attention, because thanks to them you can refuse to buy new coverage, thereby saving considerable money.


There are many popular tools available to everyone, without exception. Their high efficiency is not just proven and time tested. Each tool is usually used for a particular type of pollution and consists of one or two components.

In order to return the linoleum, which has lain for more than one year on the floor, the initial shine, you should use milk and water. To do this, mix equal parts of both components and treat the floor surface with this solution. Allow the floor to dry for a while and then rub the surface with a small piece of fabric that contains wool fibers. The best effect can be achieved if you use 100% wool.

Very often on the surface of linoleum stripes are formed. Most often, their occurrence is associated with traces of the soles of shoes. Most of these bands formed in the corridor. To remove them, you can use an ordinary school eraser. Just rub a little and the bands disappear. Then you can wash the floor as usual.

Traces of a conventional ballpoint pen are easily rubbed off with the help of normal sulfur. Finding sulfur is easy; she is present at matches. First you need to wet the head of the match, and then rub it with a place where there are traces of the handle. The resulting paste is removed with a piece of lint-free cloth.

From the stains of iodine saves potato starch. In place with a stain is applied a mushy composition of starch and water. Keep the composition is necessary until the stain does not completely disappear from the surface of the linoleum. You can get rid of stubborn grease stains with elderberry berries.

It copes with most of the pollution. sauerkraut juice. The acid contained in the juice penetrates deeply into the coating structure and dissolves impurities without harming linoleum, leaving the surface clean and smooth.


In addition to the folk remedies used to clean the linoleum, and used a variety of chemical compounds. Before using them, you should carefully read the information on the labels and only then, taking into account all the recommendations, apply this tool against specific contaminants.

Inexpensive and quite effective is "White Spirit". It is quite easy to cope with almost any kind of pollution. In order to avoid poisoning with volatile compounds when using it, it is necessary to ensure fresh air flow. And also do not forget to wear protective gloves so as not to damage the delicate skin of the hands.

Solvent "646" no less effective and easy to use. It is best to show its activity against stains from paints and varnishes. When working with this tool it is worth remembering that it belongs to toxic and highly flammable compounds.

There are also less toxic products specifically designed for cleaning the floor surface. As a rule, they are used not only to remove dirt from linoleum, but also from other coatings. These multifunctional tools include foam TaffStuss cleaner. It can be used for dry cleaning. A small piece of fabric and foam cleaner will perfectly cope with most stains.

With less complex pollution excellent floor cleaning products. To date, they produced a huge set, and therefore to find the right copy will not be difficult.

How to wash?

The initial appearance of the linoleum after repair can be returned to a variety of means. The use of a substance, as well as methods of applying to the surface depends on the type of stains. Thanks to the hard work of specialists, based on the interaction of chemical components, the surface of linoleum can be cleaned and washed quickly and without damage to the structure of the coating.

Lime and cement

The most common types of pollution are lime and cement. They can sink even if the floor was previously covered with polyethylene. A small amount is enough to make the linoleum surface dull and untidy; even reusable mopping with usual cleaning products will not help.

But there is a solution, thanks to a very simple means. Wash linoleum will help salt and soap. It is necessary to prepare a solution of these two components. First you need to rub the soap on the grater, on a bucket of water it is enough to take 3-4 tablespoons and put the finished chips into the bucket. Add 3-4 tablespoons of common salt and mix everything thoroughly. The water temperature should be in the range of 30-40? It is impossible to use more hot water, as the pattern located on the surface can fade.

The resulting solution is my floor, and then carefully wipe it dry.


Very often, walls and ceilings are treated before painting or pasting wallpaper with a special primer. It has a liquid but very sticky consistency, and therefore it is quite likely that even covered floor will hit the surface.

Fresh primer stains can be scrubbed with normal soft tissue. But with dried spots primer will have to tinker a bit. Need to cook solution of water and acetone. If we take 100 ml of a ready-made solution as a basis, then 33.5 ml is acetone (1/3 part), and 66.5 ml is water (2/3 parts). The finished solution is applied on a hard piece of cloth and scrub the stain, and then the floor is washed as usual.

In the absence of acetone, you can use a nail polish remover, which any lady undoubtedly has. It is possible to use this tool only in the case of a small amount of pollution, otherwise it will have to spend too much time and effort to rub off the stain.

To treat the place of contamination, it is necessary to wet a cotton swab or a small piece of cloth and use it to treat the stain on the floor.


Whitewashing is often used to clean up the ceiling. Its consistency is fluid, and therefore its contact with the floor surface is inevitable.

The stains left over from whitewash can be removed with a simple, but very effective means, which is kerosene. Due to its impact from the stains, there will be no trace, and the surface of the linoleum will remain intact. On a bucket of water you need to add a small amount of kerosene, mix well and clean the floor. During the treatment of the floor surface it is necessary to open the window for free access of fresh air. After processing, you need to wipe the linoleum with plain water with a slight addition of vinegar until the smell completely disappears.

Building dust

Even after minor repairs on all items and, of course, a layer of building dust is formed on the floor.

Wash the linoleum can be ordinary warm water with the addition of capacity several manganese crystals. After the addition, it is necessary to stir the water thoroughly so that the crystals are completely dissolved, and the floor should be washed with the resulting solution.


When finishing the ceiling and walls, paint is often used. Even if it is very neat to carry out paint work, there still remains the probability of small drops falling on the floor surface. The best solution in this case will be to scrub them right away, until they stick to the surface of the linoleum.

An effective tool in this case will be sunflower oil, used not only for cooking, but also as a stain remover. Sunflower oil, due to its properties, can soften a stain of paint. To do this, apply the oil on a cotton pad and treat them stain. After waiting a few minutes, you need to take a household brush with stiff bristles to start scrubbing stains.

There is another way to remove stains from paint. As a means in this case is used solvent or any other alcohol-containing agent.

The composition is also applied first to the disk, which is then pressed tightly against the stain for a while. Then you can begin to remove the stain.


Another problem that arises during the repair is glue stains on the surface of linoleum. Fresh formations can be removed with soap and salt solution, but if time is already lost, you will have to use another remedy. For scrubbing dried residues of glue, more radical means are used - this refined gasoline or white spirit. We moisten a small piece of cloth with the chosen liquid and scrub the stain, and then thoroughly wash the linoleum surface with the usual means for cleaning floors.

Polyurethane foam

When changing windows, a mounting foam is always applied, which adheres well to any surface, and linoleum is no exception.

Fresh foam formation can be removed with a special spatula. To do this, you need to gently scrape it off, starting to act from the edge of the formation, gradually moving towards its center. After removing the foam from the surface, it is necessary to treat this place with any special means intended for the treatment of linoleum.

With dried foam, you need to do something different. To do this, the protruding part is cut as close as possible to the surface of the linoleum, and the remaining part is processed by a trained professional tool.

Professional solvents include special solvents that, thanks to a special chemical formula, affect the mounting foam. These include: “Barton SOL OFF”, “Orbafoam Eliminador”, “Cosmofen”, “Fenosol S” and many other tools that are freely sold in any hardware store.

It is completely unacceptable to use a common solvent in the fight against this problem. Its impact can lead to the fact that the remaining foam penetrates into the pores of linoleum, from where it will be very difficult, and most likely impossible, to remove it.

Care rules

Any coating, and linoleum is not an exception to the rule, requires not only careful treatment, but also careful and thoughtful care.

There are certain rules, the observance of which will help to keep the linoleum not only clean, but also in excellent condition regardless of the time of the flooring.

Before wet cleaning, you must first remove the garbage with a broom, brush or vacuum cleaner. The more thoroughly the dry cleaning is done, the faster and better wet it will be.

After removing the stains, the entire surface of the linoleum should be washed with soapy water or floor cleaners. After the surface dries, you can apply linseed oil with a thin layer and polish the linoleum with a wool cloth.

The surface of even the old coating will shine, and the linoleum will look like new.

You can learn more tips on cleaning linoleum from the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


