Cleaning the house

How to quickly and effectively clean the gold with stones?

How to quickly and effectively clean the gold with stones?

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  1. Causes of pollution
  2. Cleaning rules
  3. Facilities
  4. How to clean jewelry?
  5. Tips

The fair sex extremely rarely go into the "light" without precious jewelry. Exquisite items made of precious metals flaunt on well-groomed fingers. They are worn, almost without removing, so from time to time they need to be cleaned. On how to clean gold jewelry with stones, our article will tell.

Causes of pollution

It is impossible to meet a family in which precious jewelery would not be kept. For many of us, such decorations carry not only material value, but also spiritual value, preserving centuries-old family traditions and heritage.

Over time, the jewels lose their former brilliance and presentability. Every student knows from the chemistry course that gold is a soft metal, so pure gold is not used in the jewelry industry. Therefore, to impart the solidity to gold, silver and copper impurities are introduced into the alloy.

Since certain impurities enter the gold, there is a tendency to fade, because the composition of the impurities reacts to the external environment. Such changes are affected by:

  • The contact of gold products with the skin, due to the fact that the glands secrete sweat and fat, the product is salted and loses luster.
  • When using decorative cosmetics and perfumery, traces remain on the product.
  • Also, environmental exposure leaves its mark in the form of smog and dust.

Thus, precious stones and gold grow dull. Performing the usual manipulations and following certain rules, you will easily bring into the proper form of any precious product.

Cleaning rules

If you follow the rules of storing and wearing jewelry, then you will not be difficult to care for them. Such products will long delight you with their bright shine. In the rules of care for gold jewelry The following recommendations are included:

  • Try not to wear gold jewelry in the heat.
  • Avoid wearing jewelry in the bath or sauna.
  • Be sure to remove rings and bracelets before washing your hands or dishes.

Since at high temperatures precious alloys begin to dim, do not leave gold under ultraviolet rays.

If the gold products have faded, before proceeding with the cleaning, consider the individual characteristics of the alloy and the stones that adorn them:

  • When cleaning products it is not recommended to use brushes with stiff bristles and products with aggressive abrasives.
  • Many stones do not tolerate high temperatures, so when cleaning, give up hot water.
  • Ideally, use a simple soap solution and a soft-bristled brush.
  • When removing sebum and sweat from the surface, it is recommended to use medical alcohol.

Even with the most proper care, occasionally you need to show products to a professional jeweler. He will appreciate the surface of the jewelry, tighten and strengthen the gems, make a professional cleaning of the product.

For careful cleaning of products do not forget to wear gloves. Wet cleaning is done with a wet soft cloth, and dry - with a special velvet cloth.


Our grandmothers also owned effective methods for cleaning jewelry. Therefore, if you notice that any of your accessories are dull and need cleaning, Feel free to use one of the following folk methods:

  • Liquid soap. In a small container dilute the warm soap solution and put the jewelry for 15-20 minutes.Then rinse with clean water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.
  • Baking soda. This method is suitable for cleansing the product, but without stones. Dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water. After placing the decorations in the solution, boil them for 5 minutes. After that, under a stream of water, clean the product with a brush to make it shine.
  • Dentifrice. Every bathroom has this hygiene product. If tooth powder is not available, replace it with toothpaste. Apply the powder or paste to the soft brush and clean it with light movements. The procedure will take you no more than 5 minutes.
  • Bow. When cooking, clean your decorations at the same time. Cut the onion into two halves. Rub the surface with onion juice and leave for a few hours. During this time, the juice will act on the contaminated surface. Then just rinse the product and wipe with a soft cloth. Products re-sparkle.

There are other tools that are no worse:

  • "Coca Cola". Universal remedy that saves us in everyday life. It removes rust, helps with intestinal infections. It is also easy for Coca-Cola to cope with a faded, polluted jewelry.
  • Lipstick. If you have a tube with an old lipstick in your cosmetic bag, do not regret it, use it to clean your favorite jewelry. On a soft cloth or a cotton pad, apply a little lipstick and wipe the surface.
  • Ammonia. Dilute ammonia with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Then put the product in the solution for 30 minutes. Rinse with clean water and allow to dry.
  • Sugar. Not very contaminated product will help clean simple sugar. Put some gold jewelry in sugar water for about an hour.
  • Salt. Sugar will be used as a table salt. In a glass, dissolve a couple of tablespoons of salt. Ornaments placed in saline can be left overnight. In the morning, rinse with clean water and dry.

How to clean jewelry?

Cleaning the house with gold stones in the home quickly and efficiently does not have any difficulty. Earrings and rings with inlays of precious stones require careful care, as many cleaning products can cause deformation of the stones. Many stones do not tolerate a moist environment.

By the sight of gold

White gold

It is an alloy of gold with platinum and silver, making the color take the form of a silvery shade. The surface of white gold should be cleaned with care, so not all products are suitable. Follow the proper white gold cleaning technique:

  1. Pour half a liter of water into a small enamel saucepan and add liquid detergent.
  2. Put the product in a container and put it on fire.
  3. Boil for 20 minutes.
  4. Then rinse under running water and wipe with a soft cloth.

Will perfectly cope with pollution toothpaste, It will be better if the paste is gel. Apply a little gel toothpaste on a soft brush and wipe the surface.

Yellow and Rose Gold

To clean these types of gold jewelry is much easier than white gold. To clean the usual soap solution. Rub the soap on a fine grater and dissolve it in water. Put the products in the solution and boil for a few minutes. Rinse with clean water and wipe with a soft, dry cloth.

By type of stones

In order to clean the jewels with stones, determine what type of inserts are on your jewelry. Many stones are adorned with adhesives with adhesives, so after touching them with hot water they may fall out.

If jewelry with hard stones (diamond, emerald, sapphire), then the following type of cleaning is recommended:

  • Get rid of the shine will help gasoline. The product, moistened with a soft cloth, should be polished.
  • Clean larger stones with ash flour. To do this, just burn a couple of matches and pound them to make black flour.
  • With more severe pollution, use liquid ammonia.Dissolve ammonia in water and place decorations in it.
  • Clean the surface gently with a simple cleaning solution. Ensure that the solution is not hot.
  • For cleaning stones sold special tools. You can buy them in the jewelry shop.
  • Products with precious stones are cleaned with cotton buds dipped in cologne.
  • If cleansing did not have the desired effect, gasoline and a soft brush will come to the rescue.

Jewels with diamonds can be cleaned in the following ways:

  • For better cleaning, prepare the paste from the following ingredients: Mix the crushed chalk with ammonia and gently clean the jewelry. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry.
  • After washing the jewelry with a soft brush in a soapy solution, rub it with liquid ammonia.

It is advisable to clean every month, only then the stone will sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow.

Jewelry with soft stones should be cleaned more carefully than with hard ones. Soft stones include: pearls, turquoise, amber, coral. Cleaning methods:

  • Alcohol solution is suitable if there is turquoise or coral in the jewelry.
  • Get in the optics stores special wipes for wiping glasses. They will be carefully cleaned without damaging the surface structure of the jewelry.
  • You can also use a soap solution, but do not soak the jewelry.
  • Under the ban and the use of brushes with hard bristles, they can scratch the surface of the stone.


Precious products over time lose their noble appearance, they begin to darken, they accumulate dust and remnants of cosmetics. In this case, you can contact the experts from the jewelry shops, and You can also try home cleaning with old proven folk remedies:

  • Try to clean your jewelry at least once a month.
  • You can clear the accumulated dirt by dipping a cotton swab into the alcohol solution.
  • If the stones are glued, then in no case use hot solutions.
  • Cleaning with alcohol solution is suitable for almost all types of gold.
  • Solid stones on gold jewelery are cleaned with specially developed means, they do not damage the structure of the stone.
  • If soft stones are present, then use small flannel cloths for this, polish them without detergents and pastes, as they have a thin, delicate structure.

For more information on how to quickly and effectively clean the gold with stones, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


