Cleaning the house

How to wash terry towels?

How to wash terry towels?

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  1. How and what to wash towels depending on their color?
  2. Washing in the washing machine
  3. What can be washed?
  4. Remove stains
  5. Give softness
  6. Remove the smell
  7. How often can I wash?
  8. How to dry?

Terry towels are soft and tender. Very often, after several washes, they not only lose their appearance, but also become rigid. To terry products retain their original appearance and softness, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of experts.

How and what to wash towels depending on their color?

Experts recommend washing white and colored towels from the terry separately to eliminate the possibility of dyeing snow-white products upon contact with colored models.

Manufacturers of terry towels use sufficiently resistant dyes, but it is better to completely eliminate the possibility of staining, as practice shows that Mahra has a tendency to staining.

Better colored towels washed together. In the process of washing products lose the brightness of colors. If they are erased at the same time, they will lose their brightness equally, which will not be visible to the eyes.

Kitchen towels are often contaminated during cooking. Dishware options are used for wiping dishes, so they should always be clean. They should be washed in a typewriter. For white models, you can use water temperatures from 90 to 95 degrees, for color - the temperature mode should not exceed 60 degrees.

Snow-white models allowed to boil, but first you need to get rid of stains, because when in contact with hot water stains securely fasten on the product, their removal will be impossible.

To boil it is necessary to use a container made of metal, which can be both enameled and aluminum. It should not be rusty, so as not to spoil the white products.

Washing in hot water does not always eliminate stains, then you can use a stain remover. But not all manufacturers offer quality tools. Spectacular stain remover is not cheap. In order not to damage the pile of the product during washing, they should not be washed together with clothes that have accessories made of plastic or metal.

To remove old stains, you can use stain remover. It should be applied exclusively on the contaminated area of ​​the product. After using the stain remover, the towel should always be rinsed thoroughly in a huge amount of water.

In order to wash bath towels and options for hands well, you should use only detergent in the form of liquid, since it does not greatly affect the structure of the pile and the softness of the products. When washing bath towels worth using plenty of water. If the products will be erased in the machine, then its drum should not be filled by more than a third. Many experts recommend unscrewing the products from the mahr by hand, so that the products retain their shape and do not wear out so quickly.

For washing heavily soiled towels, you can use traditional methods. The most popular means is laundry soap and ammonia. An excellent method is boiling, while it is worth adding 1 tablespoon of ammonia to 5 liters of water.

Popular folk remedies:

  • Salt. It helps to eliminate stains from coffee, ketchup. Before washing products from the terry should be soaked for 60 minutes, but in the cool water it is necessary to add salt. It is necessary to keep to the proportion: use 1 tablespoon of salt for 1 liter of water.Further washing occurs as usual. This method is the most economical and efficient.
  • Laundry soap. For white towels ideal boiling for 20 minutes. Laundry soap or laundry powder and 1 tablespoon of silicate glue should be added to the water. This method will return the whiteness of the products.
  • Mustard powder. White towels with old stains can be quickly wiped off with mustard. This agent must be diluted in high temperature water to form a mushy mixture. Then it should be applied to wet products and soak for two or three hours. Mustard is ideal for eliminating yellowness.

Washing in the washing machine

Rarely enough, terry towels are washed by hand, since this process requires a lot of time and effort. Most women use an automatic washing machine.

Before washing terry towels in a washing machine, it is necessary to choose the laundry detergent, as the softness of the products depends on its choice. Experts strongly recommend not to use the powder for washing, it is better to give preference to the liquid. It is ideal not only for terry products, but also for washing other products, for example, a plaid.

The advantage of liquid washing gel is that it perfectly removes stains from fabric fibers.

Mahra is characterized by a complex structure, as it includes a large number of villi in the form of eyelets. If you use washing powder, then its particles can remain in the eyelets, thereby creating an unpleasant stiffness. If you do not change the powder to a liquid gel, then after a few washes the towel will generally not be suitable for use.

It is strictly forbidden to use for washing terry towels. various bleach. They bring such products only harm. To make the product soft, you should use only liquid detergents and add a small amount of vinegar. Liquid remedy allows you to eliminate stains, and vinegar gives the products of the terry softness.

After choosing the laundry detergent, it is very important to make the right choice of the washing machine program. When choosing it, consider the following parameters:

  • Water temperature should not be higher than 60 degrees.
  • Spin can be produced up to 800 revolutions per minute.
  • Standard washing mode.

You should not choose economical options, as they usually use water in small quantities. Washing terry products requires a lot of water, because the mahr absorbs water well. To rinse them will also need a large amount of water. An excellent choice are programs designed for washing baby clothes, as they use enough water to rinse thoroughly.

It is better to use additional rinsing. It will eliminate the remnants of the detergent, especially if you use powder rather than liquid for washing.

For better stain removal before machine wash, an additional soak should be used. You can use a soap solution, while the water should not be hot. For best effect, add vinegar to the water. About 15 ml of vinegar will be required per liter of water.

During the washing process, experts recommend using air conditioners as well, since they positively affect the structure of the fabric, giving it softness.

Experts recommend to buy special balls designed to break the terry. They are placed in the drum machine and are inside as during washing and rinsing. The presence of a ball is a natural way of raising the mahra.

What can be washed?

Experts do not recommend washing heavily soiled terry products with clothes or bedding. The washing process will be inefficient, and it can also ruin the clothes.

Even if the towel is in the same color with socks, pants or jacket, you should not wash them together. Terry products should be washed separately, because it is not hygienic, and cotton pads can be left on the cotton fabric.

Remove stains

In order to wash the terry towel from dirt well, it is worth using detergents for washing that do not contain chlorine. To eliminate stains from paint or tea is to apply a chemical bleach or stain remover.

To wash heavily soiled kitchen towels, you can use laundry soap. The product must be thoroughly rubbed with soap, placed in a plastic bag and firmly tied. In this form, it must be left for 12 hours. Next you should wash the towel as usual.

White dirty towels can be soaked in a special whitening solution. For its preparation you will need only 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, 1.5 tablespoons of bleach in the form of powder and 100 g of washing powder per 5 liters of boiling water. The presence of sunflower oil will cope with old spots.

In order to properly wash the products at home from yellowness, soda solution is perfect. A bucket of water will require a third of a glass of soda. Towel need to soak in the prepared solution for about two hours, and then boil in the same solution for half an hour.

To remove fresh blood, soak the product in cold water. For the old spot is suitable exclusively warm water. You can use laundry soap to quickly remove blood stains.

Give softness

Terry towels often become stiff after numerous washes. That they were soft, you can add vinegar when washing in a typewriter.

When hand washing, vinegar can be used to soak the product. In the basin it is necessary to take water and add a little vinegar. In the resulting liquid should soak a towel for a while. This will also get rid of stubborn stains.

Another method that will give softness to the mahr is to use salt. Water for soaking or rinsing needs a little salt.

Water hardness plays an important role. If in a certain region it is tough enough, then you can wash terry towels with different means, but they still will not be soft enough. To cope with this problem will allow a small addition of vinegar in the water. During the last rinse, add 200 ml of vinegar to a bucket of water.

To give the towels from the terry softness, you can use another method. It is necessary to collect cool water in any container and place the towels there, leave it until morning. Then the products should be rinsed thoroughly in fresh water and hanged for drying. This method will allow you to completely get rid of residual powder on the product.

It is strictly forbidden to use iron. If you want to iron the towels, then you can use only steam. Some towels even have a pointer on the tag, which prohibits stroking this product.

Remove the smell

Towels made of terry very quickly absorb surrounding odors and moisture, so they can not be thrown into a basket with dirty clothes. After a few days, mold may form on the product. If the towel is dirty, you should not postpone washing.

To eliminate the unpleasant and sharp smell, the ideal choice is laundry soap. The towel should be thoroughly soaped with this soap, and then soaked in warm water, after adding a little potassium permanganate there. It is better to soak the product overnight, and in the morning to wash and rinse.

How often can I wash?

Terry products are not recommended to be washed frequently, but they must be clean. Remember that with frequent washings colored towels very quickly lose the brightness of the colors.Negatively on the structure of the fabric affects the frequent use of chemical bleaching agents.

How to dry?

After washing and rinsing terry towels should proceed to their drying. This stage is no less important than the first two stages. Dry products from the terry can be in an electric typewriter. Even without the use of air conditioners, they will be soft and pleasant to the touch.

An excellent choice is drying in the fresh air. Towels dry well on the street, but you need to be careful not to overdo it. Overdrying of products adversely affects their fluffiness.

If you can not dry terry products in the open air, then you can hang them on the balcony or in a well-ventilated room at room temperature. First, the product must be shaken vigorously several times to straighten the loops after washing and rinsing. After that, you can hang a towel for drying.

How to wash terry towels? Any good housewife thinks about it. All instructions can be seen in the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


