Cleaning the house

Choosing a magnetic brush for washing windows

Choosing a magnetic brush for washing windows

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  1. Features
  2. Kinds
  3. How to choose: advantages and disadvantages
  4. How to use?
  5. Manufacturers: review and reviews
  6. Tips

Modern household appliances do not stand still. Even well-known and familiar products are gradually being replaced by new products, which increase the user's comfort in everything and the productivity of the housewife’s activities. For the same purpose, a magnetic device for washing windows from two sides was invented several years ago. This device is designed for quick and easy cleaning of windows.

Magnetic brush cleans from the outside and inside. By this she significantly saves the time of the housewife and eliminates the possibility of falling. However, the choice of products is not so simple: you need to know the features of the brush, its varieties and the nuances of use.


The brush is made of strong plastic. Externally, it is a system of two halves, which are washed windows simultaneously on both sides. At the heart of each of them is a special magnet. Because of it, the part fixed in the hands restrains the second part, which is located on the outside of the window.

In order to increase security, the external brush is equipped with a rope with a ring. It can be fixed to eliminate the risk of falling.

The two parts are interconnected by the attraction of plates with magnets. The first brush is used for the inner surface of the window, the second is necessary for the outer one. The cleansing area is covered with softened substances, usually foam or felt. At wear of material there is no need for complete replacement of the product. The store just buy a new sponge.

Along the edge is a rubber band (scraper), removing the remaining liquid. She leaves no divorce, polishes the glass. Washing time when using the device is reduced at least twice. During the cleaning of the windows, both parts move synchronously: the second moves past the first, clearing the second surface.

So that the second part does not fall out, if the magnet fails, there is a safety measure - a cord. Its end can be attached to a part of the device or at the end of a ring, which is attached to a window handle or a cleaning hand. Double-sided cleaning brush has only positive customer reviews.


Today on the market for such products are many such products. They may be intended for:

  • washing glass with a thickness of 5–6 mm;
  • single-chamber double glazing 16–24 mm;
  • two-chamber structures up to 34 mm thick.

At the same time it is important to provide a certain feature. It seems that if you purchase a product for two-chamber double-glazed windows, in which the most powerful magnets are inserted, then it can wash not only the window, but also balcony windows. But this is a serious misconception. For thin glasses, such a device is too powerful: it is difficult to move the second brush. Therefore, for each thickness, you must choose your device.

The type of glass unit for which the device is intended is indicated on the packaging. If there is no such information, it is worth checking with the seller. Many are interested in exactly how the windows are cleaned from two sides. The bucket is filled with clean water, with strong contamination of the glass there is added detergent. Thanks to a special design, cleaning occurs immediately after wetting the surface of the windows.

    Before cleaning, parts of the fixture must be disconnected. To do this, they rotate 90 degrees relative to each other. Both parts are lowered into the bucket, and then fixed to the glass on both sides of the glass on the same level.They put a safety ring on the arm and begin to wash the window from the corners of the structure, gradually moving towards its center.

    Part of the magnetic brush, which is located on the outside of the glass, repeats all the movements of the first half. The procedure of double-sided washing of panoramic glasses is started from above, so that streams of polluted water do not flood the washed glass.

    How to choose: advantages and disadvantages

    To understand whether you need such a device for washing windows in an apartment, you need to understand all its strengths and weaknesses. When using this product, the user does not need to put himself at risk, to hang out from the window in order to wash the far part of the glass. Window cleaning is completely done from inside the room. Due to the fact that the cleaning process takes place from two sides at once, you use less effort to clean the windows and spend less time.

    Magnetic brushes are made of extremely durable material, they are difficult to damage, which makes them popular with buyers. In addition, they have a lot of other advantages.

    • When using these devices it is possible to wash not only windows. You can use them one by one to clean the mirror in the bathroom or to clean the mirror.
    • They are suitable for the purification of various bases, including plastic and other coatings.
    • The main advantage of the brush is to facilitate the work several times, since when using this device on the glasses, simultaneous cleaning is performed on both sides.
    • The very idea of ​​a magnetic brush is very simple and straightforward, it is immediately clear how to use it. This is a simple and comfortable thing, necessary in everyday life.
    • Increasing the safety level when cleaning windows is a significant element of cleaning. A powerful magnet that holds the brush firmly on the outside of the glass helps to do this.
    • The device is made of durable plastic. It does not corrode, does not break. Aging is not typical for him: the duration of the device is long. Not afraid of the loss of one part, since the device is equipped with a safety cable.
    • The device is equipped with a brush with strong bristles, if necessary, it can clean other flat surfaces (plastic window sill, window frame). This brush will cope with the task of eliminating excess dirt.
    • The brush is small, it does not take up much space in the pantry. Even if there is very little space in the apartment, there will be a place for the device.

    The types of brushes with magnets vary in the strength of the devices themselves, the characteristic thickness of the glass, covered by them from 3 to 32 mm. Brushes for washing wide glass units are different from other devices for glasses more powerful magnets.

    Such a device is always in the assortment of any store and does not cost so much money. Everyone can afford it, having saved up a little money. Consider that cleaning windows by a cleaning company with a regular call would cost you a lot.

    Now consider the cons of magnetic brushes. There are not many of them.

    • Not all brushes are suitable for washing windows with thick glass or double glazed windows. For such structures, you need to pick up the device with a stronger magnet.
    • The cost of such a device can be quite high. Especially if you choose a model designed for washing thick glasses.

    The main defect is the technical features of the device. Magnetic devices are equipped with magnets of various capacities. If the glass in the apartment is thicker than indicated in the manual, the magnets will not cope and will not be able to firmly fix the two sides of the device. Therefore, the brush may subside or not hold at all. It is worth knowing the width of the glass before buying this device.

    Magnetic brushes with strong magnets cost a lot of money. If it is necessary to carry out washing of very thick double-glazed windows, you will have to spend a large amount. If the magnet is weak, you can not count on a good result.

        There are few flaws in the functionality of the brush with magnets. She does not do well with difficult areas.These include joints and glass edges. The same defect is with robots for washing glasses, similar in properties to devices. Features of their design simply do not allow to wash the surface in such places.

        How to use?

        The use of a magnetic brush for washing windows involves consideration of several nuances. Rinse out the window sill before approaching cleaning the windows. Then remove the parts of the device and disconnect them, turning 90 degrees. In this case, the influence of the magnet weakens, so the halves are easily detached from each other.

        Wet the cleaning surfaces with water or sprinkle a window cleaner on them. Then place the halves exactly opposite each other on the inner and outer halves of the glass. Before this, fasten the ring with a rope on your hand or a window handle. Swipe the brush that is in your hands on the surface. The second will completely duplicate the movement of the first, washing the glass from the street.

        The technology of using a magnetic brush for washing windows is simple, but you need to take into account the nuances.

        • Some water or cleaning liquid is splashed onto the glass.
        • To stop the attraction of the magnet, the halves are turned one to the other at an angle equal to 90 degrees.
        • The cleaning surfaces are moistened with water and a small amount of glass cleaner (or in plain water).
        • If the rope has a ring at the end, it is fixed on the handle of the glass unit or a washing hand.
        • The first half of the brush leaned against the inner plane, the second (with a cable) - to the outer surface of the glass or glass. Magnet will draw them to each other.
        • It is necessary to choose a comfortable arrangement of hands.
        • Wash the surface in the same way as a simple rag.
        • First, wipe the area around the frame (from the bottom nearest corner), then move up, sideways, downwards, then - sideways to the original position.
        • Handle the middle part, moving from top to bottom. With such an algorithm, there will be no traces of liquid on the glass.
        • If after the first time the window is not transparent enough, the procedure is carried out again. A detailed algorithm for using the device is specified in the instructions.

        The most appropriate trajectory of the device is described in the instructions. To wash the windows was of high quality, it is worth following it. Both halves of the magnetic brush are supplied with a special cloth or sponge, which absorbs the detergent and then transfers it to the glass surface. On the other side of the brush is wiping, it rakes dirt and water from the glass. When using it on an already clean window, sgon is used for polishing.

        Manufacturers: review and reviews

        Buy in hardware stores or order using the Internet can be magnetic brushes manufacturers from different countries. Let us consider in more detail the models that are in demand among modern buyers.

        Window wizard

        Produce this magnetic brush in China. Work surfaces are equipped with interchangeable foam foam inserts. In addition, the device has a flexible scraper, due to which water or cleaning agents are removed from the window. There is a cable with a ring for safe operation. Magnet of small capacity, with double glazing it can not cope. A similar model can be used to clean the windows on the balconies.

        This brush cleans the glass units up to 2 cm thick. There is a safety rope with a ring. The manufacturer claims that the product is intended for thin and thick glasses. The device should be tested in action immediately after receipt, because in the reviews there are many complaints that the power is only enough for single glass, but not for the glass unit. The device weighs about 400 g, its price is 1490 rubles.

        Glass wiper

        This is a famous model of the Chinese manufacturer. It is very compact, does not take up much space, it is distinguished by a special lightness. The product has interchangeable foam inserts and flexible scrapers. In total, there are three types of such brushes designed for washing glass of different thickness.The price for them varies depending on the power of the magnet.

        For 900 rubles you can buy a brush that is suitable for glasses with a thickness of 3 to 6 mm. 1 500 rubles will have to pay for analogue for varieties from 15 to 25 mm. If the thickness is from 20 to 30 mm, the cost of the product will increase to 1,800 rubles. Glass Wiper Magnetic Brush for Washing Windows is widely represented in domestic hardware stores. Such a device helps residents of apartment buildings, which are very difficult to wash windows.

        The brush for washing of the windows Glass Wiper will help you quickly and efficiently produce washing windows, double-glazed windows. However, it works exclusively on one leaf. To fasten on the double glazing does not allow the power of the magnet. Note that this invention is used by many cleaning companies. And so they have an idea of ​​how to clean everything quickly, efficiently and with the least amount of effort.


        Another good copy - a brush from the domestic manufacturer. Recently, it is in good demand. This is a model of a magnetic brush made in Russia. In the range there are five types of products, depending on the thickness of the glass. Brushes made of high quality plastic. The working surfaces are covered with a removable cleaning cloth. The brush halves are interconnected by a long safety rope.

        This model will cost much more than its Chinese counterparts. A distinctive feature of the model is that both brushes are fastened together with a cord.

        The washing element is made of soft fabric, the polishing scraper is made of silicone. One set of linings is calculated on the washing area of ​​50 square meters. Magnetic brush for windows "Tatla" costs from 1900 to 6500 rubles.


        Purchase must be carried out in a reputable store with a good reputation. This will allow you to buy a quality product that will last a long time. Do not buy the product on sale and at a discount. So sellers sell low-priced goods are not very good quality. In order not to doubt the authenticity of the purchase, you can ask the seller for a certificate. Its presence indicates a good product.

        When describing the brushes of the Window Wizard company, you can see only positive reviews. Basically, buyers praise the convenience of use. Some users are confused by the high price of the product, but the quality and reliability compensate for this moment. Especially noted by many is the fact that magnetic brushes are safe fixtures. This eliminates the fear of falling out of the window of his apartment.

        Large cleaning campaigns also give a high rating to this invention, as it saves a lot of time and does not require the purchase of other specialized equipment for cleaning the outside of the windows.

        The device is easy to use, there are no various difficulties in its use. During its short history has accumulated a sufficient number of admiring reviews that can be found on various sites. In our time, it is not necessary to use old methods and folk remedies for washing glasses.

        You can try in work modern, wonderful devices. It is important to choose the right magnetic brush suitable for your windows. Only in this case it will be really useful.

        In conclusion, we offer to get acquainted with the video review of a popular model of magnetic brushes for windows.

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        Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


