Gift wrapping

Gift boxes: features of choice

Gift boxes: features of choice

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  1. Features
  2. Kinds
  3. How to choose?
  4. How to do it yourself?
  5. How to decorate?

Gift wrapping is important. Even a small gift can look attractive and original due to an unusual box. Many still underestimate its role. Remember, with what pleasure the children unfold the layers of paper to get to the desired gift. Therefore, we offer a closer look at the options boxes. Taking note of the ideas suggested below, you can easily surprise your relatives and loved ones on any holiday.


On the shelves of souvenir shops and flower shops you can find a large number of different gift boxes. All of them look very nice, but not everyone is suitable for your gift. The most important parameter will be the style and size. It's okay if the packaging is slightly larger than the size of the gift. Inside you can put special decorative elements in the form of paper, foam balls or special long shavings.

Sometimes a gift consists of several elements. Then you will need to look for a box with several compartments. This is a very good option for an ordinary gift. In the additional sections you can put sweets and other elements.


There are many different gift boxes. Some of them are more traditional, others have an unusual shape and design. But all of them can be divided into certain types. So, it will be easier for you to decide on the right option when the question of choice comes up.

Wooden box and drawers

Such a packaging option always looks very expensive and respectable. Especially well it is suitable for gift wrapping for men. Due to its brutal appearance, it will fully comply with the harsh temper of a man who does not accept various bows and bright packaging.

In it, you can easily put a real "gentleman's set." Usually it includes expensive alcohol, perfume or other attributes. The box or box does not need to be decorated further. But engraving will be most welcome. This will only emphasize the status of the gift.

Cardboard box

It can be made independently or purchased at a specialty store. If you do it yourself, make sure that it is a new cardboard (and not the one left from an unnecessary shoe box). There are several options for packaging. You can simply take the box, put in it a gift and tie it with an elegant ribbon. And you can additionally pack it in gift paper.

The last option is good when the appearance of the box does not match your idea of ​​the beautiful. Now we are talking about a regular rectangular box, but it can have various shapes. It is enough to find the stencil you need, print and cut the blank on it. Usually collecting the box itself does not take much time and effort.

A heart

Such romantic packaging is perfect for presenting a gift to a very close loved one. But do not think that they can only be your girlfriend (boyfriend) or spouse (husband). If the girlfriends have a rather warm relationship, then they can make a present in this form. In addition, do not forget about the main women in our lives - these are our mothers.

It is the shape of the heart that will help her to express all her love and appreciation, because we don’t tell them so often how they are dear to us and how we love them.


This is a very unusual box shape. It is perfect if you need to give a little surprise. The triangular box already looks like a piece of cake. But this impression can be enhanced if you arrange it accordingly.

If you already have a finished box, then it will need to be pasted over with printed drawings in the form of a piece of cake. If you purchased such finished packaging in the store, then you will not have to do anything else, because even the ribbon will be superfluous.


This is a great option that fits a variety of gift options. Flowers decorated in such a hat box will look especially original. Cupcakes and muffins can be placed in the lower round boxes. If you give a soft toy to a child or a girl, then it will also comfortably fit in a round package of the appropriate size.

The round shape is interesting in itself, therefore it is not necessary to decorate it additionally. In most cases, it comes with a lid, so on it you can knead the bow, which will be enough. On the market you can also find craft options for round boxes that look very elegant.

Today, another version of this package of transparent thin plastic is offered. If you want to show all the beauty of your present, then choose this option.

Themed boxes

In addition to the shape and color, the boxes may differ in subject matter. For example, it will be very correct to pack a Christmas tree-shaped gift for the New Year. But here it is not suitable for any other occasion. Therefore, the reason for which the gift is presented influences the choice of the gift box.

On New Year

We are accustomed from childhood that New Year sweets are packaged in a special way. Usually it was a beautiful bag in which treasured candies and chocolates were kept. Today it is not necessary to resort to this trivial method. If you want to pack a small gift, then cut out the appropriate stencil and assemble the box. Make it quite easy, namely:

  1. First, draw a cross on paper;
  2. Next, you need to draw four Christmas trees; their basics will be the lines of the cross.

You can make a regular box in Kraft color and tie it with bright bows. Inside, you can put tinsel and small Christmas decorations.


Little fidgets especially like unpacking gifts. Therefore, it is possible to make multi-layer packaging, which only enhances the feeling of celebration and the anticipation of the gift. In addition, children's gifts can be decorated in the form of funny animals. It is quite simple. You just need to cut and paste the corresponding elements of the faces of the bears, deer or kittens.

It is worth remembering that even babies have their own color preferences. So, the little princess will be much more pleasant to get a beautiful box in a delicate pink color. But the boys better place a gift in a blue, blue or green box.

For professional holidays

In addition to the main popular holidays, there are also highly specialized holiday dates, for example, the day of the medical worker or the day of the miner. The most appropriate will be to arrange and gifts in the appropriate boxes on these occasions.

On the day of the health worker, you can choose a white box on which the traditional red cross will flaunt. But a gift to a miner can be packed in black lacquer paper, symbolizing coal. The gold ribbon will smooth the impression a bit and hint that coal is black gold.

If you give a gift to a foreigner, then you can arrange it in the form of national symbols, for example, it can be dolls; besides, it is very easy to hide the main gift in it.

For birthday

This is one of the most beloved and expected holidays for each person. To please relatives and friends on this significant day for them is simply necessary. There is no single recipe for box design for this case. Here everything will depend on the age, gender and temperament of the person presented.

In specialized stores you can find a lot of options for gift boxes on this issue. Some simply have the inscription in English or Russian "Happy Birthday", others are made in the form of a round cake. Think about which option will suit your birthday man: cheerful and bright or more reserved and classic.

On Valentine's Day

On this day, in addition to traditional Valentines, it is customary to give small gifts. And although this holiday does not belong to the age-old Russian, but he got accustomed well to us. The most popular option for a gift box on this occasion is, of course, the shape of the heart. Since gifts for Valentine's Day give each other spouses or lovers.

But this is not the only design option. An ordinary rectangular cardboard box is also suitable here. To reflect the value of the holiday, you can decorate it with hearts and other elements.

On September 1

Most often, students present their teacher only flowers. But some parents want to thank the teachers in a special way for their hard work and present gifts.

In this case, the box should be quite modestly decorated, but the drawings and other elements should reflect the theme. And also in some families there is a tradition to give gifts to the child, which helps him to perceive the beginning of the school year as something joyful and pleasant. In this case, you can arrange a gift in the form of a large pencil or stylize a box under the book, for example, an ABC book.

To the wedding

On such a special occasion and a gift should be special. Increasingly, the newlyweds themselves are asking to give them money, rather than specific items. This is justified, since a lot of money must be spent on the wedding. But if, nevertheless, you decide to present a gift to the newlyweds, then take care of its packaging.

Color for box or wrapping paper is better to choose from light colors, because on this day everything should be associated with tenderness and innocence. A great decoration on the box will be two wedding rings or a couple of doves made of paper.

Brand boxes

Sometimes, expensive items are already sold with the package. This is a good watch, perfume or jewelry. In this case, you can not additionally buy another box. Brand packaging is fully justified. If you want to indicate that it is still a gift, tie a ribbon.

But we want to warn you. In such packages you can give only those things that were originally in it. You can not take a beautiful box from the clock that you once gave, and put there completely different (especially if they are much cheaper). It will be an unpleasant surprise for the bestowed. No matter how beautiful the brand box is, it is intended only for a specific product.

How to choose?

The souvenir market presents a huge selection of gift boxes. They can be huge and small, metal and plywood, black and bright pink. When choosing, one should proceed from several main factors, which are presented below.

  • Gift size. It is logical that a large box is required for a large gift, and a very small box for a gold ring or earrings. Try to pick a box in size so that the gift does not hang in it.
  • Occasion. We have already written about the thematic packaging of the box. So, it is important that the design corresponds to the upcoming occasion.
  • By gender. For the weaker sex, more gentle and sophisticated versions of gift boxes are selected. Men will suit boxes engraved with wood, plywood or metal.
  • Age. Children can pick up a bright and cheerful box, but an older solid man this option is no longer suitable. And also it is not necessary to arrange gifts for adolescents in a naive children's style, since they have already come out of this tender age.
  • Registration. Any box can be transformed beyond recognition by applying the original design. If you want to emphasize the occasion on which the present is presented, then decorate the box with the characteristic symbols of the holiday. Universal options are beautiful ribbons and bows.
  • The form. Not only size matters, but also shape. For example, it is impractical to try to place a rectangular object (tablet, book, etc.) in a triangular or round box.

How to do it yourself?

Making a box of paper with your own hands is a snap. In order not to bore you with long stories about what shape you need to draw and cut out of cardboard or paper, we just give a universal stencil. Following the instructions below, you can easily make a gift in a beautiful and original box. The main advantage will be the fact that no one will definitely have such a package, and you will not spend additional funds on it. So, the manufacturing process includes the following steps:

  1. save the stencil image to your computer (laptop, tablet, and so on);
  2. scale it to the desired size;
  3. print on plain paper;
  4. transfer the stencil to a thick cardboard and cut the workpiece;
  5. already at this stage it is possible to glue the box with the necessary drawings or bright images;
  6. collect the box and glue it; let dry a little and can use.

How to make a gift box, see the next video.

How to decorate?

If the box itself is very bright and elegant, then in addition to decorate it is not worth it. It is very easy to overdo it. If you think that it is not beautiful enough for a gift presentation, then use several methods of decoration.

  • Bows and ribbons. This is the most traditional and easiest way to transform even the most ordinary box. It is enough to tie a satin ribbon, as he will play in a new way. In the shops you can easily find large beautiful bows that are going in one movement.
  • Themed decorations. We already wrote about them above. There are no particular limitations. The main condition is that the symbols used in the design correspond to the theme of the holiday.
  • Flowers These delicate plants can melt the heart of even the most cold-blooded beauty. So why not use them when you make a gift box. They can be both alive and artificial. The latter are presented in a large assortment in stores, but can be homemade.
  • Hearts. Such a romantic symbol is more suitable for decorating gifts to beloved children, the second half or mom. But you should not make out the hearts with boxes of gifts that you are going to give to a colleague or friend. It may be misinterpreted.
  • Wrapping paper. Any box can be transformed in the blink of an eye, just wrapping it with beautiful wrapping paper or film. It can easily be found in stores. The attractive thing is that you can choose the desired size and pattern.

Many people neglect the gift wrapping, considering that the main thing is the gift itself. But, you see, it is much more pleasant to get a beautifully designed gift. This is especially appreciated by the kids, who have holidays and are associated with such magical elegant boxes.

Therefore, in preparation for the next holiday, do not forget to purchase or make decent packaging for it.

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