Gift wrapping

Surprise Boxes: Description, Tips for Making and Decorating

Surprise Boxes: Description, Tips for Making and Decorating

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  1. What it is?
  2. How to make boxing?
  3. Step by step instructions for making cake
  4. What can be put inside?
  5. Ideas for inspiration

With such a wide variety of souvenirs in specialized stores and boutiques, it is not so easy to get the most suitable gift for the recipient on the occasion of the solemn event. The gift itself must be different originality and be available in the pricing policy. But in addition to the gift, special attention should be paid to its packaging. Traditional paper and ribbon bows are gradually receding into the background. The same goes for colorful packages.

Today, packaging made using the scrapbooking technique is widely popular. thanks to which, at minimum cost, you can independently create an exclusive box that fits in size to the prepared surprise.

What it is?

The official name of all the usual box with a surprise sounds like Magic Box. When literally translated from English, Magic means “magic” or “magic”, Box is translated as “box” or “box”. Even in the figurative understanding of the phrase, the donor wants to please the recipient with the gift not only the contents of the gift, but also the outer cut of the package. In appearance, the box can have a different shape, its simple design often hides in itself a particular content. The recipient of the gift, opening the box, will experience positive emotions and a lot of vivid impressions.

It may seem that the creation of hand-made packaging using the scrapbooking technique is a rather complicated procedure. Of course, you have to spend a lot of effort, but after seeing the progressive result, it will be very difficult to stop, especially when you make exclusive decorative elements.

After seeing the final version, it becomes clear that the most difficult thing is to just start creating the foundation, and then everything will go like clockwork.

Magic Box is a rather interesting packaging design idea, its creation consists of several steps.

  • Desire to surprise. The main thing is that the addressee gets the maximum pleasure from the present. Especially vivid emotions are framed souvenir packaging, made with his own hands.
  • Original design. To do this, you need to connect the fantasy. In a pinch, you can search for ideas on the World Wide Web for inspiration. Any of the proposed options is enough to improve, so you get exclusive packaging. It is important not to forget that the design of the greeting box should correspond to the age of the recipient. When searching for a design solution, special attention should be paid to the lifestyle of the hero of the occasion, as well as his exclusive preferences.
    • If the recipient is a small child, the gift box should be bright, different cheerful colors, images with cartoon characters, rhinestones and shiny elements will be appropriate.
    • For girls aged 20 to 25, a vintage-style craftsmanship is suitable, with feathers, ribbons and aged photos as decorative elements.
    • Men of any age are more relevant to make a package of decor with cold tones. But at the same time the box should be supplemented with interesting images directly related to the life of the gift recipient.
  • List of tools and materials. Having developed the design, you will need to collect the necessary items, without which it is not possible to create a packaging masterpiece.And some of them lie in the far corners of the shelves and cabinets. Missing items will have to be purchased at a specialty store.
  • Free time. To create a decorative package, you need to allocate a sufficient amount of time, so you can make a special box with a surprise.

These 4 steps allow each person to approach work with maximum readiness. The main thing is to determine the complexity of the design. Wishing to surprise the recipient of the presentation, it is best to get acquainted with the master class on creating a drop-down gift box, where each party will carry a special part of the whole congratulations.

How to make boxing?

Before you start creating a magic box or a folding box, you need to collect material for work. First of all, you should pick up a special paper. Scrapbooking stores sell sheets of various formats and colors, which do not contain lignin, which provokes the subsequent yellowing of the material. The texture of scrap paper can be dense or thin, one-sided or two-sided, smooth or embossed, as well as matte or glossy.

If it is not possible to purchase specialized material, it is proposed to use cardboard or drawing paper as an analogue. Next, you need to prepare the tools:

  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • plastic spatula;
  • Crochet hook;
  • ruler;
  • any elements and objects that can be used as a decor.

The proposed list may be a question regarding the plastic spatula. It is needed to create neat cardboard bends. As an analogue, it is proposed to use blunt-tip scissors.

Professional craftsmen for such purposes use a special tool - a special knife.

After collecting the materials and equipping the workplace, you can begin to manufacture the frame part of the box. As a ready-made sample basics, you can use templates taken on the Internet. But it is better to do all the work with your own hands.

  • On an A4 sheet, you must draw a grid consisting of nine squares, each side of which is 9 cm.
  • The figure of a regular cross is cut from a lined sheet.
  • Squares on each side must be bent along the fold line.
  • Next, it is necessary to cut out 6 squares of scrap paper with side lengths corresponding to the prepared cross, that is, 9 cm. Five squares will be used immediately, the sixth figure will lie idle for a while.
  • The prepared squares of scrap paper are glued to the cross and fall under the press. As a weighting agent, you can use books.

The first 5 steps form the basis of the future box decorated from the outside. Next, you need to proceed to the design of the internal parts, lay out gifts and write wishes for the recipient of the presentation:

  • from scrap paper of another design it is necessary to cut 5 squares with rounded ends;
  • the prepared figures are glued to the inside of the cross;
  • further decorative elements are attached that serve as decoration, wishes or stand for souvenirs.

After making the inside of the box you need to make a cover. To do this, you need to cut out thick paper, and preferably from a sheet of drawing paper, a square, each side of which is 11 cm. Inside, draw a square figure of the base, 9 cm. and on top stick the remaining decorative sheet of scrap paper square.

The dimensions shown are an example for creating a box. With independent performance dimensions can be changed. Special attention should be paid to decorating the box.If the gift is intended for a friend, it is proposed to use bright-tone paper on which beads, artificial flowers, satin ribbons, figures of people and animals will look laconic. A gift for mom should be decorated in pastel colors.

The most suitable option would be vintage style. Boxes for men are made in strict shades, they do not have to be black, it is possible to use blue, brown, green and gray tones.

Step by step instructions for making cake

Any solemn event can not do without the sweet part of the buffet where the cake plays a key role. Modern masters have decided to slightly replay the cream treat, replacing the sweet cakes with cardboard. From small bonbonnieres you can make a composition of an elegant cake.

Such a miracle can be presented as a birthday gift or, on the contrary, from the heroes of the occasion to the guests who came. A small souvenir should be placed in each individual bonbonniere, depending on the situation and the festive event.

Ready-made versions of cardboard cakes can be purchased to order, but it is much better to create it with your own hands.

First you need to prepare materials and tools:

  • single sided cardboard;
  • Moment glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • wrapping paper;
  • tapes;
  • stationery knife;
  • thick paper with a bright design;
  • hole puncher.

Preparing the workplace and placing the tools, you can begin to work.

  • First you need to prepare a template. The sample can be drawn independently or taken as a basis on the Internet, having previously plotted and calculated the dimensions of the future cake. Next, transfer the paper blank to the cardboard to make the pattern more dense.
  • The template is applied to thick bonbonniere paper and outlined with a pencil. The reverse side should be colored, and the front part should be colorless. After which the workpiece is cut.
  • Folds are further processed. With a sharp object the stripes are neatly drawn, but in such a way that cuts do not work. Cardboard should be slightly sold.
  • On the prepared bending lines, the structure is folded into the inner side.
  • For fixing bonbonniere required to use glue. It is necessary to fix the triangular part of the piece of cake, but do not touch the side.
  • Side ears fold neatly. With the help of a clerical knife, a slot is made so that the tongue sinks in the opposite direction of the attachment.
  • It is necessary to close the locks of the bonbonniere.
  • To decorate the finished designs, you must use wrapping paper. Cut the triangles of the appropriate size and glue to the front side of the bonbonniere.
  • Using a figured punch, you can make an additional decor, reminiscent of a patterned napkin.
  • All bonbonnieres are collected on a similar principle and are folded into a circle. To secure them you will need to use a wide satin ribbon.
  • As an additional design, it is proposed to paint the sides of the bonbonniere with a lock in a single color with a ribbon.

Visually the process of making the box can be viewed in the next video.

What can be put inside?

Creating an original box with a surprise, many can get lost in the ideas and assumptions about how and what to place inside the craft. In addition to the standard gift, the inner sides of the decorative packaging should be decorated with special elements. For example, memorable photos or miniature objects that remind the recipient of the bright emotions of the past days.

Composing the original box, you can apply a more complex structure. So, when removing the cover, the base will be decomposed into 4 main parts, and each side will open separately into several additional sections. And in each department you can arrange pictures with wishes, notes and any miniature items.

With such a complex origami, it’s nice to make a marriage proposal to your girlfriend.

But with the internal components of the cardboard cake, the question is much more complicated. Not always the performer of the gift, having prepared the base, knows what to put inside each bonbonniere. Although there are a lot of ideas for filling empty boxes.

  • Candy. Optional chocolate or caramel. M & M pills or Skittles can be the perfect solution to fill the empty space of the box. Moreover, bright colors of candies only elevate mood.
  • Collectible models. Connoisseurs of vintage cars will appreciate the miniature copies of cars that are well located in bonbonnieres, like in a garage.
  • Sea shell. It can be used as a symbol or a wish to go on a long journey.
  • Coffee of different varieties. In each individual bonbonniere you can put any type of coffee, for example, ground or grain. The main thing is to pack them in tight packages. Different types of tea can be a coffee counterpart.
  • Kinder Surprise. This kind of investment will fit for a gift for February 14 or a small child for his achievements.
  • Money. To date, these kinds of gifts are quite relevant, but since bonbonnieres in one cake can be from 12 pieces and above, it is supposed to invest in each cardboard piece a banknote with a minimum value. At the same time use known currencies.
  • Decorations. Pretty original option to offer a girl to marry. Stand on the knee in front of the fair sex, open a box with a ring in front of her, and saying a few words about love has become a banal and uninteresting tradition. And if you give her a cake of 12 models, where in 11 children rings will change, changing color from the mood of the owner, and only one will have a beautifully folded and packed wedding ring.

It is very important that each box be properly composed, the design must contain hidden pockets, clamps for other elements of the decor, and be sure to postcard with a greeting text. From the outside, it would be nice to complement the craft with balloons of the original form.

Ideas for inspiration

Today, you can get inspiration for creating an exclusive surprise box in any source. And if you visit a specialized scrapbooking shop and carefully familiarize yourself with the proposed decorative elements, you will be able to create and make a unique masterpiece yourself.

In this case, the option of a greeting box for the New Year. Wishes and congratulations to the recipient of the gift are painted on the four sides of the opened crafts, in the center there is a symbol of the holiday - New Year. The snow surface can be made of pieces of foam or cotton wool.

      Wedding photoboxing - a unique gift for the newlyweds. On the walls of the box of a complicated type of construction are memorable photographs. Inside you can arrange a calendar with memorable marks for a couple of dates.

      Quite an interesting way to congratulate young parents with replenishment. The color palette must match the floor of the newborn. In the center of crafts, it is appropriate to portray the image of the stroller, glue postcards with wishes along the side walls, leave space for entering data about the baby born.

      On one of the walls it is appropriate to glue a decorative pocket, where it is necessary to invest a symbolic amount.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


