Gift wrapping

Selection and manufacture of gift baskets

Selection and manufacture of gift baskets

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  1. Features
  2. Basket Filling Options
  3. How to do it yourself?
  4. Recommendations

One of the good ideas for decorating a gift is a beautiful basket. You can put in it a prepared gift and present it to the hero of the occasion. Gifts in baskets always look more impressive and rich than presents packed in simple boxes or gift bags. Today we will analyze in detail how to choose such things and how they can be made by hand.


Today, people have a million opportunities to beautifully and originally design a gift for any occasion. Many, instead of the usual boxes and packages, prefer to present the gifts, arranged in an attractive basket. In most cases, such decisions pleasantly surprise those who are done and attract more attention.

In modern stores you can find a lot of different options for gift baskets. They differ in design, size, and materials from which they are made. There is an opportunity to purchase both a very expensive model and a budget one, but no less attractive and roomy.

A gift in a beautiful basket can be presented as a loved one or a good friend / girlfriend, as well as to a boss or business partner.

Such a gift will pleasantly surprise not only an adult, but also a child. This suggests that Such gift wrapping is universal - you can use it for any reason.

Gift baskets are good not only for their versatility and attractive appearance, but also the ability to do them yourself. Many people prefer not to buy such things, and do them yourself. Making a beautiful and high-quality gift basket usually does not take too much free time and money. A spectacular thing can be done quickly and easily, if you rely on detailed step-by-step instructions.

Basket Filling Options

Gift baskets differ not only in their design, but also in their immediate filling.

  • Men are most often handed concise and solid baskets, inside of which is expensive alcohol, quality coffee, cigars and a jar of olives. A good stationery will also be a good gift, especially if the hero of the occasion is a busy and business person.
  • For the fair sex can be collected A nice gift set of flowers, fruits and sweets. Often, branded expensive champagne or good wine is presented as a supplement to such a gift basket. If a birthday present is selected, then a small box with jewelry will be put in the assembled basket - such a decision will surely surprise the lady. On March 8, it is permissible to supplement the grocery set with the girl’s favorite perfume.
  • If the gift basket is selected for the child, then it should not be too large. Children love a variety in everything, so it is better to choose a few small gifts that are sure to carry the baby. Often in the children's basket put candy, chocolates, toys and fruits. A good addition will be a disc with your favorite movie, game or cartoon child. Such a gift is sure to please the baby.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the gift decorative basket should have an appropriate thematic design.

That is why it is so important not only to pick up a present, but also carefully think through all the nuances of decorating the finished holiday composition.

How to do it yourself?

The gift basket can be made in different ways using different materials. Many people make such things well from newspaper tubes, thick cardboard, colored paper, plastic parts, or bamboo sticks. Of course, the most striking look wooden and straw versions with a handle. They are made by the method of weaving.

Cute baskets can be made from a combination of colored cardboard and satin fabric. Such a product can easily create their own hands at home. For this you will need:

  • ribbon;
  • colored cardboard;
  • satin fabric;
  • scissors and glue;
  • ruler;
  • pencil and stapler.

The order of manufacture is as follows.

  1. First, on the first piece of cardboard you will need to make a grid consisting of 9 squares.
  2. Next, you will need to very carefully make cuts on the dotted lines.
  3. Then you should bend the leaf on all transverse lines.
  4. Next, the design fasten using a stapler.
  5. Then you need to cut a small handle of the desired length.
  6. Now you can proceed to the immediate decoration of the cardboard structure. To do this, take the harvested ribbon and attach it to the edges of the basket using glue.
  7. To decorate this basket, you can use small flowers. To create them, you need to cut a pair of pieces of the desired diameter from paper.
  8. Further, from textiles you will need to cut out so many circles, which will correspond to the number of decoration petals.
  9. Now each of the cut circles should be bent in half.
  10. Then these details will need to be bent in half again to form a small triangle. These blanks will need to be strung on needles with thread, making 4 punctures. Due to such manipulations a fold will be formed in the middle.
  11. Similar actions will need to be applied to the rest of the fabric blanks. They will need to be strung on the same thread. In the end, all the petals will have to be pulled together and fastened.
  12. Then follows the same principle to make another flower, but of smaller diameter. Fasten two decorative parts to each other. In the middle of the resulting flower, attach a bead.
  13. Attach the resulting part to the cardboard basket. That's all! In this gift wrap you can put a small cute gift.
11 a photo

Wicker gift baskets look very interesting and neat. They can also be made in different sizes and supplemented with various kinds of decorative inserts.

We will analyze in stages how to make such a thing.

For this you will need:

  • clothesline (cheap shopping cord);
  • glue gun (it will be much more convenient to work with it);
  • cardboard box (you can only use the cover from it);
  • skewers;
  • scissors;
  • locksmith pliers;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • paper, pencil, ruler;
  • ribbon, ribbon, lace for decorations.

Manufacturing procedure.

    1. The first thing you need to decide on the actual dimensions of the product. The basket will have a base of cardboard. If the box cover is used, then it will be necessary to cut the walls from it. Their size should be no more than 3-5 cm.
    2. Based on the direct dimensions of the base, you should visually determine the height of the structure. The thickness of the linen lace can also be selected as desired.
    3. Next, you need to shorten the skewers in accordance with the height of the future basket, if necessary. Be sure to accurately calculate how many wooden sticks you will need.
    4. Now you can begin to make the base of the basket. To do this, glue the sticks to the inside of the base of cardboard. Leave a distance of 1.5 cm between the skewers. It is advisable to use double-sided tape: cut strips of the required length, bend and attach only to the side wall of the base, and then proceed to gluing the sticks.
    5. As a result of the above actions, you will get a kind of palisade.Now you can start the direct weaving. It should be weaved as tightly as possible, but not too much pressure on the skewers, otherwise they can squint.
    6. If the edges of the base are too high, then you can put something in the basket so that it retains its shape. In the event that the rope is over, you should fill it in and continue to weave further. Then the tips can be neatly trimmed and fixed using hot glue.
    7. The last 2–3 rows of weaving should be fixed with hot glue.
    8. Extra sticks should be removed with a wire cutter. From above make sizing of a lace repeatedly, making out edges of a basket.
    9. Then you can freely fasten the outer sticks at the base and in the joints, as well as hide the ends of the rope, if required. Do this with hot glue.
    10. Now you can proceed to the design basics baskets. Cut off the corners at the base so that they are more rounded.
    11. Make a winding design around the perimeter. Secure the first rows with hot glue, and then the rope can only be partially glued. In conclusion, cut off all unnecessary details.
    12. After that, you can decorate the resulting gift basket at will. For this ideal lace and braid. It is also permissible to sew a kind of cover for the inside of the product. A versatile solution would be a delicate satin ribbon tied in a charming bow, or beautiful wrapping paper.


    For the manufacture of baskets, you can use brown paper. It looks very nice in the places of the bends of the structure.

    From the stacks of old magazines you can make dense baskets in which to fit fruit and other small presents.

    Filling the basket must meet the interests, preferences and age of the hero of the occasion - be sure to consider this.

    Men are better to give presents in more restrained baskets, which do not have a large number of colorful decorations, flowers and bows. The product should be beautiful and neat, but not catchy.

    The ideas of creating baskets with their own hands are shown in the next video.

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