Compatible Aquarius

Compatibility of Aquarius with other signs of the zodiac

Compatibility of Aquarius with other signs of the zodiac

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  1. Characteristic
  2. Advantages and disadvantages of the mark
  3. How to fall in love with yourself?
  4. Who are compatible with?

The one who was born in the period from January 20 to February 18, refers to the sign of the zodiac Aquarius. The element of this sign is Air. These people are very bright personalities who hardly manage to find their soul mate.


Most of the representatives of the sign Aquarius - realists. But despite this fact, they are not accustomed to living here and now. They constantly dream about something, see themselves in the distant future, plan and forget that their life passes.

Aquarius - these are the people who absolutely do not want to live by the rules. In their plan they begin to show their stubbornness in early childhood. They do not like the general schedule of the day in kindergarten, they do not want to sit at the desk and wear a uniform at school. They constantly protest against the rules, wherever they are. In adulthood, this is reflected in their personal relationships and careers. These people love independence and freedom and try to live in such a way as to get as far as possible from the usual stereotypes in everything.

Nature has given Aquarius calmness, kindness, and prudence. But they are very easy to ruffle, so often the representatives of this zodiac sign are very hot-tempered and unpredictable in their behavior. They are ready to challenge society, someone from their relatives and even themselves. At the same time, they themselves are not even fully aware of what they need it for, what they ultimately want to achieve.

Being close to the representative of this sign, be prepared for the fact that he will amaze you all the time. Sometimes surprises from Aquarius may not be so pleasant. Outwardly, a calm and patient person can suddenly explode and show aggression. Astrologers say that by shocking people, representatives of this sign receive some inner satisfaction. Knowing about this feature of Aquarius, you will calmly respond to their unpredictable nature.

Another feature of Aquarius is that they always want to be the center of attention. Partly for this reason, many of them choose for themselves a public profession that allows them to be visible.

Despite all this, men and women of Aquarius have some individual characteristics of character, which we will discuss in more detail. A representative of this zodiac sign is always a generous and open man who is genuinely interested in the problems of his close people. He is pleased to help others, so the man tries to actively participate in the life of his brothers, sisters or friends. By the way, this man has a lot of friends and he is always ready to come to their aid, even if he is not asked to do so.

In any society, this man feels relaxed and at ease. Once in an unfamiliar company, after five minutes, becoming its leader. Aquarius is an interesting conversationalist, you can discuss the most unexpected topics with him, he has his own opinion on everything.

The only thing that this man will not say is about the personal lives of other people. He will never discuss you or someone’s way of life behind your back. Aquarius himself does not tolerate gossip and never allows them to be distributed alongside him.

In the life of such a man always happens a lot of events. And most of these events he creates himself personally. Aquarius can unexpectedly change his place of residence, work, etc. Sometimes it seems that this man consists of some contradictions, and there is some truth in this.Changing a lot in his life, he still benefits because nature has endowed this man with powerful intuition. When Aquarius makes a decision, he thinks only of himself. At such moments he does not care what everyone thinks around.

These men do not seek wealth and fame. Ideal work for Aquarius is a good salary and at the same time a very short, unstressed work day. They are a bit lazy, so they do not want to work long and hard. Such men have no relation to workaholics at all and sincerely do not understand why they need to work day and night. Among these men there are very few who are really able to provide for their family.

The women of Aquarius have one amazing ability, which they definitely need to know about their loved ones. Whatever this woman says, it all comes true. For this reason, she is always confident in her future.

If a man Aquarius is different unexpected outbursts of aggression, then women such a feature in the character is not observed. Of course, she is emotional, but completely unspotted.

This woman loves to be interested in everything new and often seeks to gain new knowledge and skills. This character trait helps her to manifest herself at work and stand out among her colleagues. It can be called a real workaholic. Aquarius seeks to earn more money in order to provide loved ones. First of all, she thinks about the family. But sometimes, in pursuit of financial well-being, a woman of Aquarius completely forgets that her family needs to pay more attention and personal time. As a result, due to excessive workaholism, a woman loses friends and relatives, who simply stop communicating with her.

Just like the man of Aquarius, a woman is sometimes ready to go against the generally accepted rules. She does not like to do everything the way others do. This is clearly manifested in her style. Even at the age of adolescence, she begins bold experiments with her appearance, trying to stand out from the crowd. In adulthood, the same thing happens.

The representative of this zodiac sign is very witty, feels easily and relaxed in unfamiliar companies. It is always easy to find a common language with her. She is hardworking and persistent, so she always achieves her goals. Unlike a man of Aquarius, a woman always knows for sure what she wants from life, she does not hover in the clouds, but acts.

Despite outward openness and sincerity, this woman keeps all her emotions and feelings in herself. Even close friends rarely know what she feels like. Aquarius is unlikely to share his secrets with anyone.

Advantages and disadvantages of the mark

The main advantage of representatives of this sign is that they are sociable and open people. Aquarius can easily gather like-minded people around him and make a large number of friends. If you continue to talk about the advantages of their character, then it is worth mentioning such qualities as kindness, docile nature (despite the hot temper), the willingness to always give a helping hand, modesty, a friendly attitude towards all and high intelligence.

Aquarius is not only excellent interlocutors, but also advisers. They love it when they turn to them for clues. Their advice is always right, so you should listen to them. And one more essential plus is devotion and loyalty in love.

If we talk about the shortcomings, they certainly are. Representatives of this sign dream a lot, talk about the future and often just sit back in the present. Aquarius is a little lazy and it bothers them in many ways. They very often judge people by their appearance, disregarding their character and other qualities.

In addition, Aquarius often lose interest in those who cease to amaze them. This peculiarity of their character is most likely related to disadvantages rather than advantages.

How to fall in love with yourself?

Since Aquarius is extraordinary personalities, many representatives of other zodiac signs fall in love with them very seriously. Here there is quite a logical question - how to make Aquarius fall in love?

Let's start with the men. If you want him to pay attention to you, then you need to interest him in the first minutes of dating. Aquarians love to pay attention to unusual girls. It should be not only beautiful and intelligent, but also stand out from the crowd, and only then Aquarius will notice it and take the first step towards it.

At the same time, it is important to remember that for this man it is very important that a certain mystery, mystery remain in his chosen one. Aquarius is one of those men who want to discover new features in their women every day, to recognize their new partner, and the predictable ladies are not interested in them. The most ideal woman for the representative of this sign is the one who can become a true friend, a better lover and an interesting interlocutor.

Aquarians seek a relaxed relationship. They do not need excessive passion, and from the scenes of jealousy, they can completely go crazy.

Often these men choose as their second half those with whom they used to be friends. For many Aquarius, love begins with friendship. They can look at a girl for a very long time, they can hide their feelings for a very long time. But as soon as he realizes that a woman interests him not just as an interesting interlocutor and faithful friend, he will begin to show signs of attention to her. During the period of courtship this men especially show their tenderness, affection and care.

Aquarius is used to doing everything gradually, without haste. Therefore, she will never tolerate a woman pressing on him. If you want to be close to Aquarius, then have patience and let him do things himself and make decisions.

Despite the fact that these men often marry, they still feel free. Aquarians are not ready to give up their previous lifestyle, they are not ready to change their daily routine and get used to the new rules.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that representatives of this particular sign have the highest divorce rate. And all because in the relationship they are trying to lead, manipulate. As soon as Aquarius feels a certain pressure from his second half, he immediately loses interest in it and is ready to break off relations.

Aquarius woman does not like passion in all its manifestations. She dreams of a big and pure love, of a tender and trusting relationship. Despite her sensuality, she is still guided by reason and even in a state of love tries to control her feelings.

It is very difficult for such women to find a partner in life, and all because they too idealize relationships. Aquarius seeks to find the perfect man who would meet all her requirements. Such girls rarely marry before the age of thirty, because it takes years to find the ideal. In general, these women do not like to rush, and even when they start having novels, they do not want to quickly drag their elect to the registry office. Rather, the opposite happens - her men want to marry, have a family, but she is not in a hurry.

A representative of the sign Aquarius is ready to marry only if she is fully confident in her chosen one. Unlike the Aquarius men, who appreciate the riddle in the ladies, these women strive to fully explore their partner. Her chosen one must be unusual, kind, caring, but not secretive. If she knows everything about her man from the very beginning, then it will be easier for her to decide to take the next step. These women do not like surprises.

In relationships, the Aquarius woman is open, honest and sincere. This will never change and think about having an affair on the side. She is completely immersed in a relationship and if she truly loves, she is ready to reveal all her secrets.Aquarius is also waiting for honesty and openness from its second half. If it seems to her that you are cheating or cheating on her, then she will simply leave without explanation.

In marriage, these women are very nice and believe that the head of the family should be a man, so Aquarius tries not to argue and not to contradict the spouse. In general, it can be said that such a woman would be a good wife and mother, if only to find an approach to her and not to disappoint her.

Who are compatible with?

Both men and women are most suitable according to the horoscope for those signs that also refer to the element of Air. This is Gemini and Libra. With representatives of the air element it will be possible to create the perfect pair.

To begin, consider the type of relationship in the event that two Aquarius. Many naively assume that when people are born under one zodiac sign, this suggests that a perfect couple will emerge. But actually it is not. Perhaps at first glance, the two Aquarius will love each other, and may become the main competitors in life.

Of course, Aquarius can make each other a good pair, they are perfectly combined with each other. But the disadvantage of such a relationship is that both know their own nature, their advantages and disadvantages of character too well. Sometimes these relationships will remind you to communicate with yourself at the mirror. Therefore, two Aquarius - this is not an ideal pair. Both will soar in the clouds, dream, and in the meantime they need a man who could pull them down to the ground.

In the case of a relationship Aquarius and Gemini both of these signs from the first minutes of dating feel mutual interest and attraction. Due to the fact that they belong to the common element, both find many common topics for conversation, understand each other better and are on the same wavelength. This pair will be good together, from the outside they will seem like a perfect pair. But this relationship can destroy the material question. Both of these signs do not seek to ensure a family. This ground may cause serious problems.

In addition, the frivolous man Gemini can decide to commit adultery, which does not like the girl Aquarius. But still, if both learn to compromise for each other, then there will be no problems in marriage.

Aquarius and Libra are soul mates. The thoughts and desires of these two people will always coincide, making a perfect union possible. Both strive to learn something new and interesting. This unites them, and often the strong relationship between Aquarius and Libra, developing into a marriage, begins with the most ordinary friendship. Destroy the joint idyll can excessive temper and emotion of Aquarius.

In addition, representatives of this sign are accustomed to shift the responsibility on others, and Libra will not tolerate such an attitude. Therefore, an ideal relationship is possible only if Libra assumes all responsibility and becomes the head of the family. It does not matter whether it is a man or a woman.

Representatives of such a sign of the Zodiac, like Aquarius, can easily communicate, make friends or even build more serious relationships with those who belong to the element of Fire. This Sagittarius, Leo and Aries.

In case of connection Aquarius and Aries get a very strong union. Very many qualities and character traits of these two signs are the same. Both are intellectually developed and partial to everything beautiful. In such a relationship, very often the leader becomes Aquarius. Aries is quite happy with this situation. They can join forces and achieve great success together. If Aquarius gets rid of his arrogance, then with Aries can get a perfect union and a strong marriage. Otherwise, representatives of these signs of the zodiac is better just to be friends or work together.

Despite the fact that Leo and Aquarius they seem to be perfect opposites, they are still drawn to each other.The perfect marriage union is possible for a man of Aquarius with a beautiful Lioness, who can be just as he dreams in love and at home. Such relationships can develop very rapidly. Lions, of course, are ready for such a development, but Aquarius is frightened.

Therefore, representatives of these two signs of the zodiac should better study each other and only then move on to a new level of relationships. It may well turn out a strong and loving family.

Sagittarius as no one else will understand the soul of Aquarius. It is thanks to mutual understanding that they can get carried away with each other and, as a result, even start a novel. Surprisingly, Sagittarius will be able to influence the lazy Aquarius, arousing his interest in work. For the sake of such a woman, a man of Aquarius will earn money and provide well for his family.

In general, Sagittarius and Aquarius in many ways complement each other. Their characters are completely different, but the principles and attitudes towards life are the same. Both will be able to give each other what they lack in this life. Together they can reach great heights and no matter in what area. It can be a perfect marriage or a strong business relationship. An interesting fact is that both of these signs need each other and this unites them.

Taurus may well reveal the talents and potential of Aquarius. In the event that Aquarius will work under the leadership of Taurus, he will be able to achieve such success, which he had not even dreamed of. But representatives of these signs can have exclusively business relations. But a romance or marriage is excluded. They will not be interested together, they will not be able to exist next to each other, since they have completely different goals and outlook on life.

Another great alliance, but only as colleagues or friends, is possible with the representative of the water element Scorpio. This is quite a strong sign with a difficult character. HAbout Scorpio can be a faithful assistant in the life of Aquarius, who sometimes needs guidance. Aquarius himself is an adviser for many, but only Scorpio can play the same role for him.

Strong and slightly domineering Scorpio is a good strategist with powerful intuition. Therefore, he will be able to send Aquarius in the right direction, will help to realize dreams and fantasies. Aquarius may be the inspiration, the author of the idea, and Scorpio as its performer. The friendship between these two signs will be strong and true. But only Aquarius in no case can not fall for the spell of Scorpio, which is able to charm anyone.

If the relationship goes beyond friendly, then nothing good will end.

Good friendships can develop with Pisces. Very often Aquarius begin to be friends with the representatives of this zodiac sign in childhood, and friendship can last a lifetime. Pisces feel and understand Aquarius well, assuming their character and not paying attention to their variability and temper. It is safe to say that Pisces will be able to become their best friend. And often in life it happens that way. What unites them is the fact that both are great dreamers. They love to relax together, travel and attend unusual parties. Despite the fact that they often conflict, blaming everything on each other, still remain loyal friends.

Business relations in Aquarius and Pisces may not be formed. They can only be in the status of colleagues, but not in the status of boss and subordinate. About personal relationships and speech can not go. In general, initially, Aquarians see only a friend in Pisces and never look at them as their potential soul mate.

For compatibility with other zodiac signs of Aquarius, see the video below.

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