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How to make a cage for a hamster with your own hands?

How to make a cage for a hamster with your own hands?

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  1. Design features
  2. How to do?
  3. How to equip?
  4. Interesting examples
  5. Conclusion

Many of us live in our home favorite pets, which we adore and try to take care of them, feed the best food and admire their cute little faces, touched by this helplessness and naivety.

However, some pets cannot live in a house “at liberty”. Therefore, they need their small houses where they can rest, sleep and always feel comfortable. In this article, you will learn how to make a hamster cage with your own hands. Make a house for your beloved pet is not difficult. It is done quite easily, and the materials you can easily find in your home or in the nearest store.

The cost of a homemade "apartment" for a hamster will definitely be lower than the cost of any shopping cage.

Design features

Cage for a small pet with your own hands can be made from materials such as plastic, wood, box, container. You can also settle a hamster in a convenient aquarium. But if you prefer the aquarium, it is better to choose a rectangular product.

The cage design should be comfortable for the animal, that is, not too small, so that the hamster is comfortable enough to be in it. For example, the standard version is a cage measuring 50 by 40 cm, and a height of 20 cm. Such housing will be quite comfortable for a pet.


  • Standard cage - 50 to 40 cm. Height - 20 cm.
  • The area of ​​the average cell size is 70 to 60 cm. The height must be at least 30 cm.
  • Big cage - 90 to 80 and in height from 40 cm.

The form

The shape of the cage for hamsters can be varied. However, the optimal is rectangular. Not very good shape will be square or round. The cage can be two-story, if you have, for example, not one, but several hamsters. If you decide to make a two-story cage, then in this case you will have to tinker pretty. But despite this, the result will surpass all expectations, because the houses on two floors are the most convenient for a small animal.

You can make a polygonal cage. But for this it should be remembered that If you choose this particular form for your pet, then the dwelling should be spacious enough and not small.

Whatever form you choose, you should always remember to ventilate the cage so that the animal is comfortable in the conditions in which you put it.

How to do?

Make a homemade cage for a hamster at home is not difficult. You can make a home even from scrap materials, which will surely be found in every home. Here you can learn about several optimal options that are standards for building a cage for hamsters.

Plastic bottle cage

To make a hamster home out of plastic bottles, you will need 3 bottles with a capacity of 6 liters.

  • First you need to cut off the neck, retreating from the cover about 8-10 cm.
  • Cut out the middle of the lid (threaded washer).
  • In the side of the bottle, make holes equal to the diameter of the cap from the neck. Such holes need to be made only in two bottles, and in the last one to make holes on both sides. In order to connect the bottles, you have to push the cut neck through the hole on one of them, but so that it passes through the hole of the second bottle.
  • To secure the bottle from the inside, secure the neck with a washer with a thread.
  • Similarly, attach a third bottle to those two.
  • At the bottom of the bottles, make small holes for the rope so that the house can be moved or hung somewhere when there is a great need. Lead a strong rope through the hole you made.

Thus, you can make a three-room "apartment" for your pet.

If you need to clean and clean one of the "rooms", you can easily detach the bottle from the other by unscrewing the washer.

From the box

The second simple way to make a cage is to create it from an ordinary cardboard box, for example, from a shoe. However, the bottom of the box will have to fill with sawdust or special filler. Also, do not make a cage out of a small, low box, otherwise the animal can easily leave the territory of its “apartment”. Prefer large spacious boxes with higher sides.

From wood

You can also build a cage from ordinary wood. This method is more complicated than the previous two, however, a house made of wood will be much stronger and more attractive in appearance.

In order to build it, you will need pliers, double-sided file, aluminum wire, paint brush, electric jigsaw (if not, you can replace it with a circular saw), fine mesh nets, side cutters, metal paint, plywood.


  • To begin, you will need to make yourself a drawing for simplicity and then follow the structure in accordance with it.
  • Fix the grid on the floor and cut out the parts you need.
  • In the resulting blanks need to make holes that will serve as a door and windows. Do not leave sharp protrusions, so that the animal does not hurt, always align them.
  • Walk on the grid with paint or clean it with white spirit.
  • Form the door clips with aluminum wire.

After you have formed the frame, proceed to the pallet.

  • Make a picture of the necessary parameters on the PVC sheet and saw off the unnecessary (what is left is not worth throwing out, as it is useful for making the sides).
  • Next, the sides must be glued on the sides, but first you need to check their parameters, where the height is 10 cm, the length for the sides is 42 cm, and at the back and the front is 52 cm.
  • Reiki of plastic, you must glue the inner side of the junction of the pallet and side.
  • Then you need to strengthen the joint between the sides and the pallet for greater reliability of fastening. This is done with the help of 6–8 cm plates. For a corner, you need 2 plates each with parameters 8 by 10 cm.
  • If you want to make the legs for the house, then you will need 16 pieces of plastic 5 to 5 cm. Glue every 4 pieces together. These are the legs for the resulting construction. Move the frame to the finished pallet.

From plastic container

Making a hamster house out of a plastic container is the easiest of all ways.

In order to prepare the house, you just need to make a hot soldering iron a few holes for air. You can also make a hole for the door. Fill the bottom of the container with filler or sawdust.

From the aquarium

You can turn any sufficiently spacious aquarium into a hamster dwelling. It is only necessary to fill the bottom of the aquarium with a special filler and put everything necessary for the animal like bowls, drinkers and wheels. You can put wooden or plastic ladders.

The tank should be at least 20 cm tall and about 40–50 cm long. The ideal shape is a rectangular shape. The most uncomfortable forms of a hamster aquarium will be round or square.

How to equip?

To equip a house for a small animal is not a difficult matter. In the cell you will need to put some litter on the bottom or a special fillerwhich you can easily find in any pet store, you can fill the bottom with sawdust. Also in the cage must be put water bowl and bowl for food. In addition, for a hamster, as a rule, put the wheel. This is the necessary minimum that must be observed if you want your pet to be as comfortable as possible in your home.

Interesting examples

We present to your attention a few interesting examples of how you can equip a house for a hamster. You can repeat it yourself from scrap materials and with the help of the above tips:

  • self-made two-story wooden house for a large family of small animals;
  • use of an aquarium;
  • housing from an ordinary plastic container;
  • interesting version of wood and glass;
  • one more original way how to equip a cage for a hamster from a usual aquarium;
  • the easiest way to make a house for a hamster out of a regular cardboard box with minimal costs and effort;
  • dwelling for a small animal from a usual cage for parrots.


Whichever way you choose a hamster cage, you should always remember about ventilation, otherwise your pet may suffocate or become sick. In order for the animal to feel as comfortable as possible, do not forget also about the fact that the cage should not be very small or low.

The height of any cage for a hamster, as a rule, is at least 20 cm. Do not install the animal house near the heating devices, especially in winter, avoid direct sunlight. As you can see, it is not difficult to build a cage, and materials for construction are in almost any home.

How to make a house for a hamster with your own hands, see the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


