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Cages for a hamster: types, choice and arrangement

Cages for a hamster: types, choice and arrangement

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  1. Varieties
  2. How to choose?
  3. How to equip?
  4. Where to place the cage?
  5. Home care hamsters

Little fluffy and funny hamsters are loved by adults and children alike. These animals often give birth at home as pets. In order for these mobile and nimble animals to live comfortably, they need to create the necessary conditions for this: pick up a convenient cage and equip it.


There are different types of cells that differ in design, material production, external design and size. When choosing a cage, you should take into account the hamster breed, as well as how safe the design is. Cages should be spacious, comfortable and equipped with various accessories for mobility and entertainment of animals.

Design and dimensions

The design features of the cells must comply with such parameters.

  • Door design and size. It should be convenient to open, and its dimensions should be such that it was easy to remove the hamster from the cage. It is necessary that the door had a locking hook or latch as hamsters are able to easily open an unlocked door. It is not recommended to use cages with doors on springs: they can cause a hamster injury.
  • Floor type. The cage bottom in the cage is inconvenient in that the pet may be injured on the bottom of the bottom bars. It is better if the cage will have a solid holistic floor, which often has a rounded shape, which is convenient when washing it. There are also retractable pallets, but they are usually shallow and can leak.
  • The size. Hamsters of different breeds require cages of different dimensions. Syrian hamsters will be completely satisfied with cages 50x40 cm in size with a top having a semicircular shape. A small cage is dangerous for such animals in that it does not provide them with the necessary mobility, which can cause obesity, physical inactivity and affect its lifespan. For dwarf animals will require smaller cells size. For other breeds, the size of the cage should not be less than 30x45 cm, with a height of 20 to 30 cm.

If the cells are two- or three-storied, then each level should have such a height. There are also huge large-sized cages for keeping several hamsters.

By types distinguish such cells.

  • Standard trellised. In such cages it is convenient for the pet to climb on the bars, hang on the ceiling slats, move around them and sharpen their teeth. It is important to consider the density of the rods in the walls. For the maintenance of small hamsters are necessary cells, in which the rods are close to each other (at a distance of 5-6 mm). For hamsters, larger rods may be less common, but with an interval of not more than 13 mm. For a hamster of a Syrian breed, the distance between the rods is 5 to 10 mm. Lattice cells are easy to wash, they are well weathered.

The disadvantage is that, moving in it, the hamster can produce too much noise. In addition, it does not provide complete security for the animal, as other pets can reach through the rods of a hamster sleeping near the wall and injure it.

  • Three-storey and two-story cell. Such dwellings have large dimensions. The height between the levels in them should not be too high. On the upper floors, the animal rests, and the lower ones are used for vigorous activity and games. Multi-storey cells can have solid platforms for their entire length or to the middle.In horizontal solid platforms, there is always a hole for descending the ladder. Often these cells are equipped with pipe-tunnels and labyrinths.
  • Terrariums and aquariums are designed for dwarf and other small hamsters. Structures must have a volume of at least 40 liters. The top of such a dwelling should be open to the air or covered with a grill to prevent the curious animal from getting out of it. For better aeration, the height of the aquarium should be less than its width, then the glass walls will not sweat and will not create favorable conditions for the emergence and reproduction of harmful microorganisms. Aquariums provide complete safety to their residents from other pets, and the space around them will always be clean.

However, in aquariums, insufficient ventilation, limited internal area, and glass walls can break. Since initially these tanks are not intended for hamsters, there is a need to purchase a large number of attributes and accessories for the animal.

  • Mink house with pipes, tunnels and a maze. Such dwellings are closed plastic containers interconnected by tunnels. The use of labyrinths and pipes makes such dwellings very similar to the burrows in which hamsters live in nature. But the transparent and smooth plastic surface of the walls does not allow hamsters to climb. In such a dwelling bad air enters.

Insufficient airing contributes to the accumulation of ammonia vapors, which as a result causes problems in the respiratory tract of the animal. In addition, in the house there may be unpleasant characteristic odors. And also it is extremely inconvenient to wash it.

  • Modular cells assembled from individual modules. These unusual cages can have a different design, in accordance with the set of modules and the wishes of the owner of the hamster. However, such a cell does not always look beautiful. In addition, they are expensive, take a long time to assemble.
  • Small cell carrying. Such cells are not intended for permanent residence of the pet. They are used if necessary to plant the animal during the cleaning of the main cell or for its transportation (for example, to a veterinarian).


In the manufacture of cages for hamsters can be used different materials. Cells are like that.

  • Metallic. Such cells are a good home for furry animals, because the structures have excellent aeration. They are easy to disassemble, which facilitates the process of washing. Most often they have a solid solid plastic floor, which can be detached and removed, which is also convenient when cleaning the cage. Of great importance for these cells is the quality of the metal raw materials. The metal must be hard, as the hamster is able to gnaw through the rods of soft metal and slip out of the cage.

The best option is a cage with unpainted rods made of stainless steel so that the hamster does not swallow and does not get poisoned with paint. Such cages are suitable for hamsters of any kind, if we consider the density of the arrangement of rods.

  • Plastic. Plastic quality is important for these cells: it must be durable and safe, and the cell itself must not have sharp details. Plastic houses often have more than one level and are equipped with tunnels, tubes, and other attributes that fully satisfy the locomotor activity of the animal. Usually they are used for pets of small size, which freely move through the winding tunnels. Large-sized hamsters can simply get stuck when walking through the tubes. Transparent plastic cage allows you to admire the games and entertainment of a hamster.

Despite the fact that they have a rather attractive appearance, these cells do not provide the necessary aeration.

  • Glass. These are usually terrariums and aquariums. Although not intended for hamsters, they are often used for them.Walls in glass dwellings can be made not only from pure glass, but also from plexiglass. It is quite durable material, although it requires caution when handling and washing. The disadvantage of such houses for hamsters is their large mass and not quite satisfactory ventilation capacity. In addition, it is not very convenient to fix attributes on the glass walls.
  • Wood. Wood is an environmentally friendly raw material and safe for hamsters if hard wood was used. The negative aspects include the high ability of the tree to absorb odors, and it is poorly cleaned. In addition, the price of such cells is very high. Usually, wood is used to make a combined cage in which the frame or floor is wooden, and the walls are metal gratings.

There are also other combined cells: a plastic case with a metal lattice ceiling or walls.

How to choose?

When choosing a home for your pet, you need to consider not only the size and type of cage. It is desirable that it was equipped with places for eating, sleeping, relaxing and toilet. The best cages are those in which the hamster will feel comfortable, safe and have everything necessary for a mobile and active life.

When choosing a particular type of cage, you need to take into account all the disadvantages and advantages of the future housing of the animal. It is also important to know that dwarf rocks can live together, and separate cells are required for Syrian residents. It is necessary to take into account the fact how easy it is to maintain the cell. The greatest difficulties arise when cleaning cells from plastic, consisting of several elements, levels, because they have many inaccessible parts.

Dwarf Hamsters
Syrian hamsters

An important factor is the cost of the cell. There are a large number of cell models from different manufacturers on the market. The most famous and popular manufacturers are: Triol, Ferplast, Imac, Kredo, producing different types and models of beautiful cells with different cost: from budget to expensive. One of the budget options for cells can serve as a cell from Ferplast Mini Duna Multi (pink, white or light green). It is made of durable plastic and has a long service life.

There is a wide range of models of various types and other manufacturers. You can specify only some of them:

  • from the Russian manufacturer Triol model "Studio" is a combined cell;
  • Fantazy model from Imac (Italy) is a convenient two-story cell;
  • Kredo three-story model, which has a modern original appearance.

This is just a small list of what is on the market. The owners of hamsters have a great opportunity to choose exactly the cage that best suits their pet, you only need to take into account all the nuances.

How to equip?

For a hamster to function normally, in addition to a convenient and safe cage, it is required to collect all the necessary accessories for arranging its home. Hamsters love to make minks, dig, move and play actively. Proper cell arrangement should provide not only the physiological needs of the tenant, but also his playing activity and entertainment. When arranging the cage need such accessories.


One of the important points is to decide which filler is better to use for the pallet. It matters not only how useful or not this or that kind of litter is, but also how often it needs to be changed, to wash the cage and the space around it. There are many types of filler for the pallet. They may differ in material production, weight, safety for the animal, the degree of absorption of moisture and odors.

  • Plain newspaper. This type of litter has remained since the time when there was simply no other filler. But the newspaper harms the hamster's health and not only with ink.Absorbency of newspapers is extremely low, and they do not absorb smells at all, therefore they do not meet the requirements of hygiene. In addition, they will have to change every day. This type of litter is not recommended.

  • Soft clean paper. Hard paper can not be used, because the sharp dense edges can cause serious injury to amateur nibble. White soft paper towels, napkins or plain toilet paper can be put as a litter. In such a filler, the hamster will perfectly arrange his mink and will happily gnaw the paper into small pieces. Despite the fact that such a filler is practically safe for animals, it has the same drawback as newspapers - it does not absorb liquids and odors.
  • Cotton wool and rags. Warm soft wool and rag rag quite like a little animal. But this option does not ensure the safety of the pet. Cotton wool has fibers in its structure that can harm the hamster's health. If he manages to wind them on his frail foot and tighten them too much, he can not only damage the tendons, but also lose his limb. And in fabrics, fibers have even greater strength. This type of filler is also not recommended, besides it has the same drawbacks as newspapers and paper.
  • Sawdust. They are used most often because it is an inexpensive type of filler. Sawdust though not fully, but rather well absorb liquid and absorb odors. It is necessary to change the filler quite often - in 2-4 days, when odors appear. But for hamsters with long hair, sawdust as a filler is not suitable, as they, tangling with the hair, form clumps. Care for such a hamster will have every day - combing the hair and remove sawdust. In addition, some hamsters love to hide sawdust behind the cheeks. In this case, they can injure the buccal mucosa and cause infection. The disadvantages of sawdust can also be attributed to the fact that they are lightweight material that easily spreads and pollutes everything around.

In addition, sawdust can only be used for hardwood trees. Sawdust of coniferous trees can not be used: they can cause respiratory diseases in the animal.

  • Pressed sawdust or wood filler. The quality of such a filler is much higher than sawdust: it has a higher ability to absorb moisture and absorb odors, which can appear only after 5-8 days. Wood filler does not have such disadvantages as sawdust. But its disadvantages include a rather large amount of granules, as well as the presence of wood dust in it, which is dangerous for hamsters with allergies.
  • Cellulose filler. This type of filler can be used even for animals with allergies. The degree of absorption of moisture and odors it is the same as that of sawdust. But its granules are smaller and lighter than those of extruded sawdust. Therefore, it can be used as a litter, even for small pets.
  • Corn litter. Compared to all of the above, this type of filler is the best, so its cost is quite high. It has the highest degree of moisture absorption and retention of odors. Change it will have about 7-10 days. There is no wood dust in it, it does not tangle with wool and is not capable of injuring the animal. This is the smallest type of filler. Its only drawback is that it is very light, which means it can easily spread outside the cell.

Food and Water Tanks

Other necessary accessories in the hamster cage are containers for food and water. It is important not only to get a convenient feeding trough and a drinking trough, but also to correctly place them in a cage. Hamster feeder need to be put on a small height, so that the animal was comfortable to eat. The feeder is convenient in that you can put a daily rate of feed in it, thereby controlling the amount of food the animal. It should be small, but deep.

It is better to use a ceramic bowl, rather than a plastic one, because it is light and the hamster can easily knock it over. It is recommended to periodically scatter food on the floor in order to maintain the hamster's natural instinct in searching for food, its collection and storage.

Water is not recommended to be poured into a usual saucer or bowl: the hamster can turn them over and the litter will be constantly wet. It is better to use a special drinker. There are several types of them: drinking bowl with a pocket and a ball, vacuum and nipple. They are attached to the cage outside and will not occupy space inside.


To diversify the life of a pet in a cage and provide him with a comfortable content, it is necessary to place additional accessories in the cage.

  • House It is necessary for animals to sleep and rest, for storing feed supplies and for arranging mink. All hamsters love to sleep and spend time in cozy compact rooms where it is easy for them to warm up and control their body temperature. Houses can be both plastic and wooden. The main requirement for the design is a securely fixed roof, the absence of sharp protrusions, environmental friendliness of the material. All openings (doors, windows) must be of such a size that a hamster can easily pass through them.
  • Running wheel. Hamsters living in the wild, are able to cover up to 10 km per day, looking for food and material for the nest. Therefore, at home they need to create a maximum of conditions to maintain physical fitness. For this reason, a running wheel is a necessary attribute in a cage. It must meet safety requirements - its inner surface must be non-slip, solid with small transverse protrusions, and not from individual crossbars. Mesh wheels can be used if the mesh consists of the smallest sections. A wooden wheel would also be a good option.

The size of the wheel is chosen in accordance with the breed of the pet. For hamsters of large breeds, the wheel diameter should be from 19 to 30 cm, and for small ones - from 14 to 17 cm.

  • Mineral stone A small animal that likes to sharpen teeth, such a stone is simply necessary. He not only grinds his teeth, but is also a source of mineral elements. Stones are simply mineral or with the inclusion of salts or other additives: dried fruits and vegetables, probiotics and vitamins.
  • Attributespromoting pet activity: climbing ladders, a hammock where a hamster can rest, mazes, tubes and tunnels that the hamster will explore with interest, toys and various wooden objects in the form of dumbbells, vegetables or fruits, cubes with which the hamster will gladly will play, hide them or scatter them.

Where to place the cage?

The cage with a mobile and mischievous tenant can be placed not in any place. It is not recommended to place it in such places.

  • Near radiators and in places accessible to direct sunlight. These little animals react badly to heat.
  • In places accessible to drafts, as the animal may become sick when overcooling.
  • Do not place a cage with a hamster on the floor. The innate instinct of self-preservation forces the animals to carefully observe their surroundings, and from below it is hard to see. Therefore, the unexpected appearance of even the owner will cause him anxiety or stress. The cage must stand at a height of at least 1 m from the floor so that the hamster can observe everything that happens in the room.
  • Bathroom, balcony (loggia) - not a place to live hamster. Wet and cold air, through wind adversely affect the health of the pet.
  • It is not recommended to place the cage directly next to curtains, curtains, tightly to the wall, covered with wallpaper, or near pieces of furniture. An amateur chew, a hamster can damage everything that is within its reach.
  • Near sources of loud sounds (TV, radio, amplifier speakers), as hamsters react painfully to sharp and loud sounds.

In addition, the cage with a pet should not be available to other pets, if any.

Home care hamsters

Since hamsters are clean by nature, the health of a small pet largely depends on the purity of the cage. Therefore, it must be removed frequently. Daily it is necessary to make cleaning of a filler. Cleaning contaminated litter areas is done like this: all detected stool sites are removed, all pieces of uneaten food are added and fresh filler is added. The cage itself must be cleaned after 2-4 weeks, depending on the contamination. It is necessary to clean the cage in such a sequence.

  • First, you should deposit the tenant in a portable cage or in a regular bank.
  • Remove the wet and dirty filler.
  • Empty the tray from the bedding and rinse well with water (warm), using detergent for children. To get rid of the smell, you can use special tools.
  • Place the filler in the pan, adding fresh and leaving a little old to preserve the smell of the animal.
  • Wet foam sponge to thoroughly wipe the cell grating. Then wipe dry with a napkin or a clean rag.

For information on how to remove the cage from a hamster, see below.

Aquariums and plastic cages must be cleaned much more often due to poor ventilation. They need to be washed at least once a week. Drinker and trough need to be washed every day. Accessories in the cage also need to be processed. To do this, they can be placed for a while in detergent preparations, and then washed and rinsed well with tap water. Those accessories (for example, wooden toys) that after the time cannot be cleaned should be thrown away and new ones should be placed.

A hamster in a clean and comfortable environment will always be healthy, cheerful and mobile, which means it will cause positive emotions in the household.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


