Scottish cat

How to care for a Fold Scottish kitten?

How to care for a Fold Scottish kitten?

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  1. Breed features
  2. What to do before the appearance of Scottish Fold?
  3. Care rules
  4. Nutrition
  5. Schooling to the tray
  6. Vaccination

Scottish Fold kittens are considered to be one of the most charming pets. They have docile temperament, good health and get along well with other pets. In order for the baby to become a beautiful big cat and become a true friend for many years, it must be ensured with the right diet and proper care.

Breed features

Scots from birth have straight ears, which take on final shape by a three-month-old kitten. This breed is often confused with the British, but its representatives are characterized by their own characteristics. Unlike the first, Scots are characterized by smooth character, tenderness and appeasability. British cats, on the contrary, are independent and arrogant. In addition, lop-eared beauties are very smart and easy to learn, they never scratch furniture, do not tear the curtains and do not break the vases.

Scottish Folds have excellent health and can live to 15 years with proper care. The paws and neck of the cats are short and powerful, their muscles are well developed. Unlike other cat breeds, the Scots have triangular small ears that are tightly pressed to the skull, their tips pointing slightly down because of the specific structure of the cartilage.

These pets have a luxurious fur coat, its color can be different, starting with snow-white, black, cream, blue and ending with marble, smoky and silver hues.

Before you start a Scottish Fold baby at home, you need to be prepared for the fact that he will require a lot of attention to his person. The kid should not only receive good nutrition and care, but also have constant communication with the owners. The main feature of this breed is the inability to meow; instead, representatives of the feline kind make sounds that resemble a creak. In addition, these cats can move and sit only on their hind legs and like to sleep on the back.

These cats have a thickening around the whiskers, because of which it seems that the animal is constantly smiling.

What to do before the appearance of Scottish Fold?

Lop-eared Scots are usually ready for independent living at 2-3 months of life, at this time they are separated from their mother, but before they get this kitten, you need to carefully prepare everything.

  • First of all you should buy the dishes, from which the baby will eat and drink. It is best to give preference to stainless steel or porcelain bowls, and food plastic containers may be suitable. Additionally, you will need to buy toys, a house and a tray with a filler. Since the kitten will need to be periodically shown to the veterinarian, it is necessary to buy a spacious carrying, it will come in handy when traveling to the country.
  • The next stage of preparation will be the compilation of the daily regimen and the selection of a balanced diet. At first, the small handsome is not recommended to give dry food.
  • The final step will be to prepare a place to house the house. It should be protected from drafts and not noisy, so that the pet can rest comfortably (lop-eared Scots - big dormice). When the animal gets used to the new habitat, it will gradually begin to explore the entire space of the room. During this period, the crumbs must be given maximum attention and give him affection.

Care rules

Scottish cats are undemanding in content, but in order to properly follow them to look after, it is necessary first of all to study their basic habits and character.

  • Absolutely all representatives of the Scottish Fold breed are considered to be clean animals and like to have their own place, where they sometimes prefer to be alone.
  • These kittens are usually purchased at the age of 2 months, after which the fluffies should be provided with proper care, taking into account the following points:
  1. balanced and timely meals;
  2. the presence of a scraper and a clean toilet;
  3. arrangement of the bed.
    • The main thing in the care of the Scots is the organization of the toilet, which includes the constant replacement of the filler. Experts recommend using the kind of filler that was used in the nursery where the kitten lived. Thanks to this baby will not have to adapt for a long time. The choice of the tray under the toilet also plays a huge role: if the Scot does not like it, is placed in an inconvenient place or is not cleaned out of time, the kitten will go to the toilet in any other place. If this happens, you can not punish the animal, it will not lead to good results, but, on the contrary, will cause aggression.
    • No less important is the arrangement of the bed. A pet should have a comfortable house where he can sleep and hide. If the bed is organized correctly, then the kitten will not sleep in the wrong places and bother with its presence. House animal should be periodically cleaned and washed. Mandatory additions to the housing of the Scot are a scraper and toys (mice, balls, etc.).
    • Hygiene procedures are an integral part of scottish lop-eared care. including:
    1. care for hair and ears;
    2. timely bathing;
    3. haircut and cleaning claws;
    4. eye examination.
      • Since the representatives of this breed have a specific structure of the ears, they need to pay great attention, performing regular cleaning. The cleaning procedure is simple: each ear should be turned in turn and gently wipe the ear with a wet swab. If, after cleaning, traces of light sulfur remain on the swab, this means that the pet is healthy. When a specific and unpleasant odor appears, which is accompanied by yellow sulfur secretions, it is necessary to immediately show the baby to the veterinarian, as this may indicate the presence of an infectious disease.
      • Eyes also require special care: the Scots' tear channel is often infected. In the event that they are not inspected and not cleaned, the appearance of brown or purulent discharge. To prevent this, a kitten should wipe the corners of the eyes daily with a wet swab.
      • Several times a month, the pet needs to trim the claws. This should be done carefully, without damaging the blood vessels. It is best to teach the cat to this procedure from early childhood, it will facilitate further care. It is desirable to cut claws with special scissors, which can be purchased at any pet store. Claws will also help to clean the claws.
      • The cartilage and bone of the Scots are very fragile, therefore, you need to pay special attention to the care of the oral cavity of the animal, which consists of regular inspection of the teeth and their cleaning from plaque, stone. The teeth of the cat should be white, without inclusions, and the gums - pink. If there are sores in the mouth, you should immediately consult a specialist who will prescribe treatment. In this case, it is forbidden to give solid food to the Fold Scot until full recovery.
      • Since cats of this breed are distinguished by their cleanliness, when they are kept, it is necessary to properly organize the care of the fur, combing and bathing with special lotions. Since cats have thick hair, the intestinal tract is often clogged when licking it.Water procedures and regular combing with wooden or plastic combs with wide teeth will help to avoid this. If you ensure proper hygiene wool, you can not worry about the appearance of fleas and ticks.


        Lop-eared Scottish kitten must eat right. Since representatives of this breed have a tendency to gain weight quickly, their portions should be limited from childhood and the diet should be monitored so that it is complete. After purchasing fluffies, many owners prefer to give them the food that was used in the nursery, but this is wrong. In the preparation of the diet should take into account the following recommendations:

        • feed lop-eared Scots can only natural food designed exclusively for cats;
        • allowed to add to the daily ration of pets canned foods, wet mixtures and dry food;
        • You can periodically combine natural feed with artificial.

        In this case, it is best to combine wet food with dry food, this will provide the cat with balanced nutrition and will not cause addiction.

        When feeding a kitten with canned foods, it must be remembered that they should not contain dyes and preservatives. Do not interfere with the baby and supplements in the form of useful trace elements and vitamins. Forbidden products include:

        • legumes;
        • raw fish;
        • potatoes;
        • all kinds of greens and spices.
        Raw fish

          Recommended products include:

          • boiled or raw vegetables;
          • dietary meat of rabbit, chicken and turkey (it is pre-boiled and ground);
          • fermented milk non-fatty products;
          • sea ​​fish (it is cleared of bones and boiled);
          • all kinds of porridges mixed in the same proportion with fish or meat.

          If a kitten is provided with a balanced and healthy diet, it will work well for the digestive tract, and over time an active cat will grow from the crumbs, which will give joy to the owners for many years.

            Schooling to the tray

            Usually, little Scots get used to the toilet from a young age, while still in the nursery. After acquiring an animal and settling it in a new place, it needs a certain time to adapt. Therefore, owners of fluff should pay special attention to the toilet, choosing a filler of the same brand as it was before. Scottish kittens love when the toilet is filled with silica gel, as it makes rustling sounds. In addition, this filler perfectly keeps unpleasant smells.

            Sometimes it happens that the acquired baby is not familiar with the rules of the cat's toilet. In this case, it is necessary to accustom it to the tray immediately, otherwise the animal will have the habit of relieving the need anywhere. To facilitate the process of habituation will help placement of the tray in an easily accessible place for the kitten, but it should be hidden from prying eyes. It is best to allocate space for a toilet in the pantry or bathroom, but the door must be constantly open.

            If the Scotsman categorically refuses to visit the tray, you need to replace the filler or place the toilet in another place.


            Despite the fact that the lop-eared Scots are famous for good health, they can still manifest various types of diseases, among which the “hard tail” is considered to be common. This disease is characterized by the formation of some seals on the tail, caused by a gene mutation, and is noticed, as a rule, after several weeks from the birth of a kitten. Such seals not only cause pain to the animal, but can also lead to paralysis or death. To prevent this, you need to buy kittens only in specialized nurseries, where they are vaccinated. After the little miracle has appeared in the house, it is important to take care that it receives the entire necessary set of vaccinations.It should be noted that only a healthy cat can be vaccinated.

            At the age of one month, for the prevention of worms, the baby is given a special suspension. It must also be given every four months.

            The first vaccine is usually performed at the age of three months of the Scotsman, for this purpose a complex vaccine is used, the effect of which is directed simultaneously against several diseases. Control of the reaction is carried out three weeks after vaccination, and this vaccine is then given every year. When the kitten reaches the age of 3 to 6 months, it is vaccinated against ringworm and vaccinated against rabies each year. Any owner can obtain more detailed information on the types and terms of vaccination at the veterinarian, who will put a pet on the account and will mark vaccinations in his passport.

            On the care of the Fold Scots told in the next video.

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            Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


