Scottish cat

How many Scottish Fold cats live and what does it depend on?

How many Scottish Fold cats live and what does it depend on?

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  1. Life expectancy at home
  2. What influences health?
  3. How to prolong life?

Everyone wants to know how long our pet will stay with us. It is with animals that we have a huge number of pleasant, funny and funny memories: we grew up together with some, explored the world with others, or just had fun, and already managed to say goodbye to some. In the presented material you will find information about how many Scottish Fold cats live on average, familiar with the reasons for their longevity or, on the contrary, too short life.

Life expectancy at home

Scottish lop-eared cats have a relatively strong immunity, which allows them to live a significant, in comparison with dogs, term. In normal home conditions, the Scottish live on average from 15 to 17 years.

If the conditions are favorable: excellent quality feeding, constant care and care, good heredity, then these animals can live up to 25 years. To achieve such longevity from a cat, it is not good enough to feed her. It is very important to know all the critical and weak points of this breed, its shortcomings, products that it does not digest, as well as the most common diseases.

It is believed that large varieties of Scottish fold cats with a dense and muscular physique usually live much longer than their counterparts with thin bones and a weak skeleton. It plays a very important role genetics and heredity of a particular individual.

To determine the approximate life of your pet, it is worth referring to its pedigree. In the event that the cat all the relatives died of their deaths at the age of 17-20 years old, you can be sure that your pet will be the same long-lived.

To determine the most likely life expectancy of a newborn pet, simply follow its behavior. Individuals with better health behave more actively, they are inquisitive, mobile and more often meow in search of mother or food.

In ideal conditions of care and maintenance, Scottish Folds can break the bar of 33 years of age. This very threshold of life expectancy was set at the beginning of the XXI century by record holders among Scottish Scottish folds.

What influences health?

Scotsmen, despite their charming appearance, have a sufficiently gentle and delicate health for an experienced breeder. In the process of raising Scottish Fold cats, you can meet the following common diseases.

  • Skeleton. Externally, the Scots seem to be a strong breed of cats with a well-developed skeleton and bones, but it is not. Bone anomalies are often found in this breed, in which the bones have a hollow or fragile structure and are extremely prone to breakage and destruction. In addition, this breed has a predisposition to the pathologies of the formation of cartilage tissue.

These diseases, as a rule, do not directly affect the life of a young Scotsman, however, they begin to manifest themselves in adulthood. Because of what the pet has problems with gait, jogging, begins pohramyvaniya. In turn, the lack of active games and entertainment leads to the development of obesity and a decrease in muscle mass. All of these diseases can shorten the life of Scottish Fold by 3 or even 4 years.

  • Nutrition. Scots, as well as many other varieties of decorative cats, have a pronounced tendency to obesity. As a rule, a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet with excessive amounts of fat and carbohydrates, lack of proteins, and valuable vitamins in food lead to this disease. That is why the diet of the animal should be treated with such awe and buy only the highest quality and fresh food.

On the basis of obesity, this breed can develop other diseases: liver problems, complication of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Grooming. Scots' long-haired breeds have a surprisingly long hairline that can literally prevent an animal from moving without proper care. In addition, the formed woolen mats often become a haven of ticks and lice, as well as a hotbed of inflammatory skin diseases.
    • Poor grooming can also lead to physical inactivity (atrophy and weakening of the muscular system), if your pet moves a little.
    • Also Scottish folds love to lick themselves, which leads to swallowing a large amount of long hair. Because of this, real lumps of wool and seals are often formed in their stomachs, which are then very difficult to remove from the body due to blockage of the passages. This can lead to complications in the gastrointestinal system: diarrhea, constipation and decreased appetite.
  • Ear hygiene. Another weak point of the Scots are their amazing ears. These animals have too little fluff and hair in their ears, and the auricles themselves are only seemingly well covered. In addition, harmful insects — ants, midges, mites, and even flies — that can lay their eggs and excrement there, often get into the animal's ears. Because of all this, dirt and sulfur very quickly accumulate in the ears of an animal, which can lead to inflammatory processes and complications.

To protect your pet from the onset of such diseases, you should clean the animal's ears several times a week with special rods or cotton pads.

  • Heredity. Scottish folds were bred thanks to numerous breeding procedures. Breeders endowed this breed with an exceptional appearance, but could not protect the breed from the development of genetic diseases. Most of them are not able to greatly affect the life expectancy of your pet, but when buying a kitten you should refer to his passport and information about the diseases and susceptibility of his parents.

    In addition to these diseases, Scottish Folds are also characterized by other diseases typical for the rest of the cat breeds: skin (fungal diseases, abscesses, abscesses, ulcers, rashes, allergic reactions), infectious diseases (salmonellosis, rabies, anemia, candidiasis), eye diseases (pupil dilation, tear paths, clouding of the lens), heart disease (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy), as well as some oncological diseases.

    Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

    How to prolong life?

    Each of us wants our pet to live as long as possible. Below you can find a set of rules and recommendations that will help you maintain the health of your pet.

    Regular and timely vaccination

    You should immediately understand that wherever a pet is - on the street or at home, it always has the risk of becoming infected. Viruses and microorganisms can get into the apartment in a variety of ways: they can settle on your clothes, get into the apartment through the windows and even through other pets. Vaccination will allow you to stop diseases at the very beginning.

    Try to apply for such a procedure only in good clinics with an ideal reputation, avoid home vaccination.


    It is the most important factor in long life with absolutely all pets. Meals should not only be rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements, but also be balanced.

    • If you chose ready-made mixes and feeds as food for an animal, then it should be premium or super premium food. Only in this case you will be completely sure that your pet gets everything you need for a full life.
    • If you prefer feeding through natural foods, then you should be extremely careful about balancing your diet: a certain amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats should be in the food. Busting with some elements can lead to the formation of intestinal and inflammatory diseases, as well as to ordinary obesity, if your pet prefers to spend a lot of time in one place.

    The list of the most useful natural products for Scottish lop-eared cats: boiled meat, dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, kefir), sea fish or offal (without bone), vegetables (carrots, celery, cabbage - boiled).

    If you understand that an animal needs more vitamins at some point, they can be eaten with natural food. An equally important nutrient is clean, fresh and not weighted water. It should be available to the pet at any time of the day.

    Premium class
    Super Premium Class

    Hygiene and care

    Since birth, the pet should be taught to mandatory hygienic procedures. These include: nail clipping (as needed), combing out mats and old wool (2 times a week, in young individuals daily), brushing your teeth (at least 1-2 times a week), washing with shampoo (no more than 3-4) once a year if necessary), cleaning the ears of dirt (at least 2-3 times a week), washing the eyes - 2-3 times a week with a napkin (soaked in boiled water). Often, due to inadequate care, most skin, eye and ear diseases are formed.

    For combing it is better to use wooden combs with sparse long teeth. Do not buy Pukhoderka - it can harm the skin of the animal.


    This may seem strange, but it depends on how you bring up your pet that its lifespan directly depends. If you teach the cat, which parts of the house you don’t need to go to, where you don’t need to climb and what you don’t need to nibble, you will save your pet from many accidents (poisoning, electric shocks, falling from the balcony, swallowing wires and snacking with house plants).

    Active life

    A sports and active cat is a healthy cat with a minimal list of diseases. Try to load your pet with power loads from birth. Buy him a few trainers, poles or harnesses, where he could jump. In addition, you should definitely give him toys - they will not only cheer up your pet, but also distract him from routine affairs, shake his claws and fangs.

    Happiness level

    Scientists have proven that a positive attitude also has a positive effect on the life expectancy of living beings, just like food. To make your pet cheerful and happy, try to pay more attention to it. Take about half an hour of time each day to play, talk to the cat, even pester.

    Cats love when they show any attention. In addition, from birth, try to build the right dialogue with the animal - communicate with it, praise it for tricks, sometimes feed it with a treat, let it sleep on your knees or clothes, iron it.


    Preventive trips to the vet every six months just do not harm your pet, but will be able to protect against many diseases. The doctor will be able to prescribe a suitable diet, determine the missing vitamins, can give direction to the analysis, so you can clearly see the condition of the animal.


    It is believed that neutered individuals live 2-3 years longer than unsterilized ones. Apparently, it depends on the fact that both the female and the male in the search mode for a partner are in the strongest stressful situation. Stress is extremely negative for cats after giving birth, it makes them fearful, incredulous and aggressive. Not to mention the fact that pregnancy is extremely weakens the body and even with a balanced diet makes it unstable against viral diseases.

    In simple terms, only one thing is required of you - Try to spend as much time as possible with your pet and watch his behavior. At the first symptoms of a disease, injury or pathology, immediately contact an experienced veterinarian. So you can stop more than 90% of all possible diseases that shorten the life of a Scot.

    Next, see the interesting facts about Scottish Fold cats.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


