Scottish cat

Features of Scottish Fold Tabby Cat

Features of Scottish Fold Tabby Cat

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  1. Appearance
  2. Character description
  3. Features
  4. Relations with animals and children
  5. disadvantages

Scottish Fold cats have their admirers around the world. Their color can be diverse, it depends on the presence of certain genes. Consider what are striped Scots.


The main feature of the Scottish striped, like other members of this breed - hanging ears. The head of the animal is round, the hair is short and very dense, the eyes are large.

The color of the Scots is very diverse. For example, the Scottish Straight is characterized by black stripes on a gray background in various proportions. Scottish fold folds on the ears. Tabby cats in general have a peculiar pattern and a distinctive sign in the form of the letter “M” on the forehead. Tabby colors can be varied, there are striped, considered tiger, marble, spotted, fire, blue, brown and silver specimens.

All of them are united by the presence of patterns on the body. Consider these species in more detail.

  • Striped cats stand out a clear pattern of fairly thin strips throughout the body. At the withers the pattern resembles a saddle. Spotted tabbies are distinguished by marks of various outlines, clearly distinguished from the general background. The tail and legs are covered with stripes, and on the stomach - small spots.
  • Marble Scots may have a different color, but at the same time on their body are contrasting stains of a different shade. Fire cats can boast a rich ginger color of wool, forming stripes and patterns on a lighter background.
  • Blue Scots have a gray coat of cold shade. The stripes on it are dark.

This species is distinguished by golden or sky-blue eyes, advantageously looking against the general background.

  • Brown individuals have beige color of fur on which black strips settle down. In creamy representatives, the wool has a peach tide, the stripes on which are slightly darker, but not too striking. Silver tabbies are distinguished by black stripes on the base color, which turn into spots. The presence of a white color indicates that the gene responsible for color is absent.

Character description

Scottish Fold striped cats, like other members of this breed, have a calm and easygoing disposition. They are distinguished by perseverance, able to spend a long time on their hands or near the owner.

Scots good and very affectionate. At a tender age, they are playful and, like any kids, are distinguished by curiosity. With age comes balance and calm.

Experts believe that In the nature of these cats there are some habits from dogs. They are drawn to people, but they often choose their beloved master, to whom they become especially attached. However, the Scots can not be called intrusive, even with their inherent desire for affection and warmth.


Scottish Fold are clean. Their calm disposition does not make petty dirty tricks of revenge, and puddles on the floor will not haunt the owner. In addition, animals are very intelligent and easy to learn.

Training to the pots and the place for the point of the claws usually begins when the kitten is still small, so the adults do not cause problems in this direction.

It should be noted and the voice of the Scots. These cats can be heard in very rare cases. As a rule, meowing indicates that the animal is hungry or needs help.The voice is so quiet that it is problematic to hear it, even in the next room. Also a distinctive feature is the way of movement. Despite the fairly powerful torso, these pets are very graceful and move quietly and elegantly.

Scots calmly relate to movement and the road. They are not afraid of people, so they peacefully behave at exhibitions and in unfamiliar conditions.

These cats are very sweet, watching them is a pleasure. In addition, they have some not characteristic of the family of feline habits. For example, an animal will easily stand on its hind legs, if it needs to consider something, and also will be happy to sleep lying on its back.

Relations with animals and children

Scottish Fold striped cat loyal to other pets, but it does not need to communicate with them. However, it is still not recommended to keep rodents, as they may suffer from these fluffy hunters. These pets are the favorites of children, as they are sweet and love to play, and besides, they are very patient.

However, cats should be protected from very young children, so that they inadvertently do not cause pain to the animal.


With all the advantages of these animals, it would be wrong not to mention their shortcomings. These cats are very attached to the owner, on the basis of which they may have a conflict with the dogs. In this case, the Scots will not behave too aggressively, trying to retire as carefully as possible. In addition, some consider these cats lazy and prone to selfishness. This may interfere with learning. However, the patience and perseverance of the owner are able to cope with this problem quickly enough.

Lop-eared Scots are real gluttons. They should not be overfed, it can harm the health of the pet. To maintain it in an active state, the recommended rate is sufficient.

On the features of the Scottish Fold cat, see the following video.

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