Hand care

How to strengthen the nails?

How to strengthen the nails?

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  1. Features
  2. Ways of care
  3. Facilities
  4. Tips and tricks

A beautiful and complete image is impossible without a manicure. But even the most expensive coating can not hide flaws or compensate for weak nails, since no manicure can decorate broken, weak and exfoliated nails. And if they become dull, fragile and brittle, then it is time to think about how to return them a healthy appearance.

Nails, like the rest of our body, need vitamins. Especially the lack of useful elements can be observed when the season changes and during the cold season. During this period, the nails can begin to exfoliate and become more brittle and weak. To cope with the problem will only complete a course of recovery and strengthening. And for this it is not necessary to turn to expensive specialists or to buy stockpiles of cosmetics. You can carry out all the procedures for the resuscitation and improvement of nails at home.


When meeting and communicating, we always pay attention to the hands of the interlocutor. They are able to tell a lot about the person opposite. And therefore, recently, beauty salons offer various treatments for both women and men. But in order to give your hands a well-groomed appearance, it is not necessary to spend time and money on expensive spa offers. All procedures can be performed independently, without leaving your home, while using only natural products.

For a start it is worth deciding what nails are. In fact, these are claws that have changed in the process of evolution. Their main function is the mechanical stiffness of the fingertips, which is especially necessary when you need to get something, pry or perform any other manipulation, for example, eliminate skin itch. The nail plate itself consists of solidified protein and contains sulfur, calcium, zinc, selenium, copper and phosphorus.

The strength of the nail plate depends not only on nutrition, but also on genetics. For example, thin nails cannot be made thick by consuming vitamins and using any masks or creams. Achieving thickening can only be artificially and temporarily, for this you can apply special protective coatings that will make the nail plate more solid and durable.

But this does not mean that if the nails are weak and began to break, then the problem is only in genetics. First of all, you should pay attention to nutrition, because nails, skin and hair are a peculiar reflection of the whole organism. Perhaps your body is trying to warn you that some kind of failure has occurred and you need to pay attention to your health. Nails can deteriorate not only after building or gel coatings. Often, brittleness appears after exhausting diets, diseases, and vitamin deficiencies.

Carefully consider the nail plate and pay attention to such phenomena:

  • If you notice a small bright spots on the nail, then you do not have enough magnesium. Include bran, pumpkin seeds, nuts, pulses, almonds, pine nuts, pistachios, peanuts and hazelnuts in your daily diet.
  • If nails grow very slowly, eat more cottage cheese, cheese, natural yogurt, fish, legumes, and nuts.
  • If the nails become brittle, then the body lacks sodium. A large amount of this mineral is found in marine fish, legumes, chicken eggs and dairy products.
  • If your nails exfoliate, add more protein to your daily menu.It can be meat, fish, dairy products, legumes, cereals, and protein shakes.
  • Layer nails can also due to lack of fat. Therefore, in the diet must be present foods rich in fatty acids. And this does not mean that you can eat chips daily, mayonnaise, lard or fatty meat. In the menu of each person must have products with a high content of macronutrients. Therefore, eat more nuts, seeds, flaxseed oil, avocados, dairy products, olives, yolks, fish and dark chocolate.

Also on the structure of the nail plate is influenced by external factors, which include household detergents, cold, mechanical damage and so on. Therefore, wear rubber gloves when working around the house to minimize skin contact with aggressive chemicals and protect your hands during frosts.

Ways of care

To restore the nail plate and give the nails a beautiful appearance is not so difficult. All procedures can be performed without leaving home. But besides the fact that you need to care for the nail, special attention should be paid to all fingers. So, for example, when caring for nails, special attention should be paid to the cuticle. This is a dense skin located at the base of the nail plate. It performs an important function - protects them from the penetration of infections. The cuticle can be clipped with special forceps, apparatus, or removed with additional means.

Cutting the cuticle is necessary once or twice a month., because during this procedure the skin will grow faster every time and become rougher. And if it is removed from the nail plate by special means, it will return a few days later to its original place. Therefore, the cuticle can always be judged on the quality of the manicure.

Also, nail rollers located on both sides of the nail deserve special attention. This part of the finger also has a rougher skin. Splicing rollers is not recommended, since the slightest damage to the skin can lead to burrs. It is best to use a special file to remove hardened skin.

Consider a few simple and at the same time effective ways to strengthen nails at home.


The best way to strengthen the nail plate are baths. For their preparation requires a minimum of components, and the preparation of a small bath will take several minutes. Sea salt, medicinal herbs, essential oils and other available components can be used as a base.

If the nails do not have enough vitamins, they immediately become weak and brittle. The most effective way to strengthen them is sea water. And you can arrange a spa procedure with your hands even without leaving the sea. Enough to buy in the store large sea salt and dissolve it in a bowl with warm water. You can perform this procedure daily if you have 20-30 minutes free. And in two weeks you will notice that the nails began to grow faster, and their surface became more brilliant and smooth.

After the bath, it is recommended to rinse your hands in running water and apply a moisturizer as the salt dries the skin. You can also use cosmetic oil. Do not forget to pay special attention to the treatment of the cuticle.

Milk bath allows you to quickly restore the nails at home. As you know, milk is an excellent source of calcium, which is so necessary for weakened nails. And to carry out such a procedure is quite simple. It is enough to buy whole cow milk at the nearest grocery store. The main thing is that the percentage of fat was at least 2.5%. Pour the milk into a deep bowl and heat in the microwave for 30 seconds. Dip your fingers in the milk for half an hour. And then wash your hands with soap and use a moisturizer. Do not forget to process also the cuticle.Take a milk bath is recommended 2-3 times a week. And then in a month you will notice changes.

It turns out that gelatin can be used not only for preparing snacks and desserts. It helps to revive the nails after the extension, and also nourishes the damaged nails and gives them extra shine. Gelatin can be purchased at any grocery store, as long as the powder does not contain dyes and flavors. In a deep bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of gelatin and 200 ml of hot water. Stir the mixture thoroughly until all the gelatin is dissolved. When the temperature of the liquid becomes comfortable for the fingers, lower your nails in the bath for 10-20 minutes.

In case of emergency, oil can also be used as a bath. It is best to strengthen the nail plate suitable olive, almond and castor oil. Olive oil can be purchased at any grocery store, and castor and almond oil are sold in small jars in pharmacy chains. In the same proportions, mix the oils and lower the nails in the bath for 15 minutes so that the plate is completely covered with liquid. After the procedure, blot your hands with a napkin to remove excess oil, and rub in the rest of the product into the plate and cuticle with massaging movements, then let the residual oils soak. Better wear cotton gloves for a few hours, and, if possible, for the night. Such a bath will help to quickly restore the structure of nails damaged from extension or gel polish.

For the preparation of herbs with a decoction of herbs you will need a mixture of various herbs, which can be purchased at the pharmacy or assemble in the summer on their own. Chamomile, burdock and St. John's wort flowers are suitable for strengthening Add one teaspoon of dry herbs to the container and pour boiling water over it, let it brew for 10-15 minutes. When the temperature of the broth becomes comfortable, dip your fingers in a container for half an hour. After the bath, blot your hands with a dry cloth or towel, and then use a moisturizing nourishing cream.

Bath with green tea is a very simple homemade recipe for spa treatments. All you need is green tea and a few drops of olive oil. Fill the tea with boiling water and cover the container with a lid, let it brew for 15 minutes. Then add two tablespoons of the oil to the slightly cooled tea and mix. When the temperature becomes comfortable, lower your hands in the bath for 15 minutes.

For honey bath, in addition to liquid honey, you will need olive oil 2 tbsp. spoons and one raw chicken egg. Mix all the ingredients in a container and heat the mixture in a water bath or in a microwave. Carefully move until uniform and lower the fingertips for half an hour. After the procedure, wash your hands under running water with soap and apply moisturizer to your nails and cuticle.


Masks are applied to the nail plate with soft massage movements. Means carefully rubbed directly into the nail and cuticle. After completing the procedure, you can wear cotton gloves and leave the mask for a few hours on your hands.

A unique and increasingly popular berry mask recipe appeared relatively recently. As you know, many useful vitamins, including vitamin C, are found in currants. And it is this berry that contributes to the rapid restoration of the nail plate. To strengthen thin nails and get rid of delamination, use these berries: currants, lingonberries and cranberries.

Any currant is suitable for this procedure: red, black or white. Berries can also be fresh or frozen. Take a couple of berries and rub them into the nail plate. Leave the separated juice for 10-15 minutes, then wash your hands well with soap and water so that there are no marks on the skin. With this procedure, it is necessary to be very careful not to get clothes or furniture splashed with juice. This mask can be done a couple of times a month.

Iodine helps to fight with dull and weakened nails, gives the plate a bright color, so it is recommended to apply such a mask before bedtime. Using a cotton swab, apply a little iodine on each nail and evenly cover the entire plate. The product absorbs quickly, especially if the nails are very dry. This procedure is not suitable for daily use and is recommended as a prophylaxis or in addition with complex treatment 1 time per season.

Strengthen the nails can be folk remedies, for example, using a mask of oatmeal and chamomile. In the summer season, you can use fresh flowers, and in winter you can replace not dried ones. At the pharmacy, you can buy dried chamomile flowers in tea bags, but to use as a mask, the petals must be freed from the bag. Oatmeal contains many vitamins B and E, as well as rich in amino acids. But for use in cosmetic purposes suitable unprocessed cereals. Get in the store oatmeal without sugar and additional additives. If you are preparing a mask only for use on your hands, then you will need in a deep bowl to mix oatmeal and chamomile flowers in one teaspoon. Fill the mixture with boiling water and cover. Allow 5 minutes to infuse, then carefully grind to a state of slurry. Apply the mask on the nails and leave for 20-30 minutes.

If the nails grow very slowly, then you can use a curd mask in combination with a milk bath. The recipe for this mask is very simple: in a deep bowl, mix one teaspoon of cottage cheese and a few drops of olive or castor oil. Stir them thoroughly until the consistency of sour cream. Apply the product to the nail plate and leave for 30 minutes. It is recommended to use a curd mask a couple of times a week for a month.

Honey is an excellent nutritional component in many treatments. In addition to baths, liquid honey can be used as a main component in the mask. Also in honey you can add a few drops of cocoa butter or coconut, and rub the mixture into nails and cuticle. The mask can be kept on hand for 10 to 30 minutes. In this case, it all depends on perseverance, since honey is a very sticky component, so it’s not very comfortable to sit with him in your arms for a long time.

The mask will help accelerate the growth of nails. And even for a week of use, you will already see the first tangible results. But this recipe is not recommended for owners of thin and damaged nails, since the main component of the mask is hot red pepper. Try to add a smaller amount of pepper to the beginning and adjust the proportions based on the sensations. Mix red pepper and your favorite hand moisturizer in the same proportions. Stir thoroughly until uniform. Apply a mask on your nails, but be careful if there are skin lesions or sores around the nail plate. The most convenient way to apply the mask with a special brush or cotton swab. Leave for 15 minutes. If you feel a burning sensation, then wash off the mask before. After the procedure, apply a cream or cosmetic oil.

Paraffin therapy

Paraffin and wax are known to have a great effect on the nail plate, which is why they are often used in beauty care cosmetics. But often all store facilities and spa treatments in the salons are expensive. Any masks can be taken at home and they will cost much less. Cosmetic paraffin can be purchased at the beauty store. Paraffin is usually sold in small jars, but it lasts an average of six months.

Following the manufacturer's recommendations, melt the paraffin in a water bath to a liquid state. Add a few drops of olive oil to the mixture, and then apply the resulting product to the nails. You can also wear gloves on your hands. The duration of the procedure is 1.5-2 hours.Of course, it may seem that such a mask takes too much time, because during the whole time the movement of the arms will be limited. But this is just fine, because this time can be set aside for watching your favorite movie and relaxing under relaxing music. It is recommended to carry out this procedure 1-2 times a month. Paraffin will accelerate the growth of nails and help align their structure.


You can also independently make a nourishing cream at home. To strengthen the nails you need 30% cream, aloe juice, calendula oil, sea buckthorn and burdock oil. All ingredients must be mixed in the same proportions to the state of liquid cream. Rub the product daily 1-2 times a day in the nail plate and the skin around. Store the finished cream must be in the refrigerator.

After the completion of any procedure is not recommended to immediately manicure and apply varnish. In combination with masks and baths, you can use healing and firming varnishes. Such coatings are recommended for very thin nails that may break at the slightest bend. The firming coating will make the nail plate more dense and thick.

For the growth and strengthening, you can use special medicinal varnishes, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

The manufacturer indicates all recommendations for use on the package. Especially popular are the protective coatings of Eveline 8 in 1. Judging by the reviews, varnish not only helps to strengthen weak and brittle nails, but also gives a beautiful look. Apply the product to the nails should be gently so that the varnish does not get on the skin. For four days every day it is necessary to cover the nails with one coat of varnish, and on the fifth day remove the varnish with ordinary liquid and repeat the procedure again. Therefore, you must use the tool for 2-3 weeks. During this time, the nails will become smoother and stronger, the tool will help eliminate brittleness and get rid of dullness.

Tips and tricks

The nails on the hands do not grow so quickly, for 1 month the plate grows on average by 1 mm, that is, it takes about six months to grow a long healthy smooth nail.

We offer some more effective and at the same time simple secrets for nail care:

  • Do not use a metal rough file. It is better to replace it with a modern glass or plastic model.
  • To restore the healthy appearance of the nails after building, it will take several weeks. The easiest way would be a daily mask from jojoba oil, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Every night before bedtime, rub the warmed oil into the plate and cuticle. After the procedure it is recommended to let the oil soak completely and not to wash your hands with soap. During the entire period it is not recommended to varnish your nails in order not to slow down the process of treatment.
  • Also for nails you can use oil of grape seed, tea tree, lavender, sandalwood, bergamot, apricot and peach. All oils can be mixed and rubbed into the nail plate and cuticle, or add a few drops in masks, baths or nourishing creams.
  • Often the nails can exfoliate and break due to lack of vitamins. But to resolve the situation is also quite simple pharmacy tools. Buy ampoules of vitamin A and E. Some pharmaceutical companies offer complex vitamins Aevit. These vitamins are necessary to take courses inside, but they are also excellent for use on nails. To do this, use a small needle to pierce a capsule with liquid vitamins and distribute the product over all the nails. One capsule is enough for all 10 fingers. Rub vitamins in the nail plate and cuticle. After 1-2 weeks of daily use, you will see how strong your nails are. This procedure is recommended once a season to nourish and maintain the health of the nail plate.
  • Get rid of the yellowness of the nails and strengthen the plate will help a slice of lemon.Often the nails become weak and brittle due to a lack of vitamin C. Then any fruit with a high content of vitamins, for example, lemon, comes to the rescue. For the procedure you will need a small slice of lemon and some free time. Apply a slice of lemon to each nail for 30 seconds. This procedure is good because it does not require you a lot of free time or long preparation. Feeding the nail plate can be at bedtime or even during the lunch break. And instead of lemon, you can use grapefruit or orange.

It is necessary to monitor the beauty of the nails not only on the hands, but also on the legs. And there are a lot of recipes and secrets to strengthen nails. But the most important thing is not to forget to carry out such procedures regularly at home at least at the moment when you are watching a movie or listening to music, since only with regular use you can achieve an excellent result.

About what other ways to strengthen the nails, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


