Hand care

Hand baths: properties and cooking recommendations

Hand baths: properties and cooking recommendations

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  1. Features
  2. Benefit
  3. Contraindications
  4. Recipes
  5. Tips

The skin of the hands is daily exposed to many negative factors, and therefore needs regular care. In addition to skin, joints and bones can be injured and complex rehabilitation is needed to restore them. It is not necessary to buy expensive tools or go to salons in order to maintain the condition of hands in good condition. At home, you can make and take baths for hands. This article will discuss in more detail the properties of the baths and recommendations for their preparation.


Complete hand care can be organized at home, without resorting to expensive services in salons. Of the simple and affordable components, you can independently make baths for hands at home, which will be no less effective expensive store supplies. The composition can be made from a variety of components.

First of all, baths differ in the properties that they have. Solutions can have a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the joints and bones, as well as improve blood circulation. Before preparing the bath it is important to consider the purpose for which this procedure will be carried out.

Most often, the problems associated with the skin of the hands. Even without any negative effects of external factors and injuries, the condition of the skin with age tends to worsen. First of all, this is due to age-related changes and skin aging. The second common problem is dry skin, which occurs due to insufficient moisture.

Even if the hands are in good condition, do not neglect the means to care. Taking baths regularly will keep your skin in good condition and avoid many of the problems associated with it.

The deterioration of the skin condition occurs for the following reasons:

  • without the use of nutrients, the skin over time loses a large amount of moisture, as a result of which it becomes dry and flakes;
  • weather conditions such as wind, direct solar radiation, temperature drops and precipitation affect the skin;
  • cell regeneration processes slow down with age, and the outer layer of the skin becomes thinner;
  • Some problems in the body related to a lack of iodine or certain vitamins can affect the condition of the skin;
  • chemical and mechanical damage to the skin.


For the care of hand skin used a variety of tools and procedures. Each method has its advantages.

Consider the advantages of hand baths:

  • This procedure helps to restore the skin even in advanced cases when the skin has become very dry;
  • have a nourishing and moisturizing effect;
  • help in the fight against aging of the skin and effectively smooth wrinkles;
  • reduce sweating of hands;
  • salt baths can be used during rehabilitation after a fracture, which will reduce pain, relieve swelling and contribute to the regeneration of damaged bones and tissues;
  • strengthen joints and help reduce inflammation, therefore, are often used for arthritis;
  • promote tissue regeneration, accelerate metabolic processes and cell renewal, therefore they are used to heal small wounds and cracks;
  • can be used as a lightening agent, as the mask helps to get rid of age spots.


In certain cases, do not take a bath for the hands. If you neglect the contraindications for such a procedure, you can only worsen the condition of the skin or even harm the body as a whole.

Hand bath is not recommended in the following cases:

  • there are severe damage to the skin in the form of wounds and cracks;
  • elevated blood sugar levels;
  • varicose veins on the hands;
  • high blood pressure;
  • inflammation of the skin, which are accompanied by purulent secretions.


There are a huge number of ready-made recipes for hand baths. It is only important to choose the most appropriate composition for a particular case.

All baths can be divided into three types:

  • contrasting;
  • low temperature;
  • high temperature.

The procedure for taking contrast trays involves the use of both hot and cold composition. In this case, the hands will need to be immersed in water of different temperatures. This procedure allows to improve blood circulation and a positive effect not only on the skin of the hands, but also on the state of the whole organism.

Cold baths have a similar effect with contrasting procedures. In this case, the effect is also on the circulatory system. In addition, this procedure has a good tonic effect for the whole body.

The use of hot compounds is taken in order to reduce the inflammatory processes of the skin. Also, these baths help to reduce pain and therefore are often used in rehabilitation after fractures, sprains and sprains.

When additional components are added to the water, the properties of the bath change significantly. The main influence in this case on the skin of the hands will have the ingredients used and their properties.

Paraffin wax

Paraffin is widely used in cosmetology, as it has some healing properties. First and foremost, it is used to moisturize and soften rough skin. Among the moisturizing and softening compositions for the skin, paraffin bath is one of the most popular.

For cosmetic purposes, it is best to use paraffin, bought in a pharmacy. For one-time use will require about two hundred grams of the substance. It is not recommended to use paraffin wax candles or other household goods for the procedure, as the quality of the substance in this case will be very doubtful.

To make such a bath, you first need to bring the paraffin to a liquid state. To melt paraffin, it is best to warm it in a water bath. It is important to ensure that the melted substance is not too hot. Otherwise, you can get burned skin.

For the purpose of additional protection of the skin, it is best to lubricate the cream with moisturizing properties before the procedure. After the paraffin is melted, you need to dip your hands in a viscous mass and hold for literally five seconds. The steps for lowering and removing brushes from a molten substance must be repeated about three times.

Paraffin envelops hands and hardens on them with a thin layer. To improve the effect of using a paraffin bath, brushes coated with hardened substance, it is recommended to wrap with cling film, after which gloves are worn. After thirty minutes, you can release your hands and remove a layer of paraffin from them.

With soda

Soda, used in moderate quantities, has a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands and is very effective in combating peeling and dryness. There are several ways to make soda baths.

The first recipe involves the use of the following components:

  • one liter of water at room temperature;
  • on one small spoon of baking soda and liquid ammonia;
  • big spoon of liquid soap or soap shavings.

    All ingredients are mixed into a homogeneous mass, after which it is necessary to immerse hands. The time of the procedure is twenty minutes, after which you must wipe your hands with a dry, clean towel.

    The second version of the bath is made from a tablespoon of baking soda, three drops of iodine and one liter of water. In such a hand bath it is necessary to withstand a quarter of an hour.

    With salt

    Salt baths have a beneficial effect on the bones and nails. In the first case, the composition is used for the purpose of rehabilitation after a fracture, and in the second, it strengthens the nails. It is recommended to take salt baths as a whole course, which should last ten days.

    To prepare the solution for single use, you will need one large spoonful of salt and 350 milliliters of warm water. The components are combined and mixed until the salt is completely dissolved. After that, the hands must be lowered into the solution for no more than fifteen minutes.


    The glycerin bath is another effective compound for combating dry skin. In addition to moisturizing properties, this tool performs protective functions, reducing the negative impact of direct sunlight, low temperatures and precipitation. To prepare the mask, it is necessary to combine chamomile tea with glycerin (1 tsp) and liquid ammonia (ten drops).

    First you need to prepare an infusion of two large spoons of dry chamomile and 500 milliliters of water. First you need to boil water, and only then add a medicinal plant to it and hold for 10 minutes, after which the solution must be filtered. In the resulting infusion already introduced all other components. Tray with glycerin is recommended to take no more than twenty minutes.

    With starch

    Starch baths are used to restore the skin. Such mixtures nourish and moisturize the skin, and also promote tissue regeneration. The easiest way to prepare the bath is to stir one tablespoon of starch in a glass of warm water.

    Vegetable and essential oils can be added to the starch. For coarse skin, in addition to potato starch, it is recommended to pour a tablespoon of olive oil into the water.


    As the baths, you can use different broths. Infusions of medicinal plants are already a complete composition for the procedure. However, if desired, you can add to the decoction and other components.

    Celandine heals burns well and also helps in the fight against many skin diseases. The concentration of celandine should not be too high. To prepare the infusion will need one tablespoon of dried plants and 20 milliliters of hot boiled water. The solution is infused for 20 minutes, after which it must be mixed with 2.5 liters of water and already used as a bath.

    Infusion of oak bark is mainly used as a means to combat excessive sweating of the palms. For better effect, the bath is prepared with the addition of dairy products. A tablespoon of oak bark must be boiled in 250 milliliters of milk for half an hour. The resulting broth should be passed through a fine sieve or cheesecloth, and then mixed with half a glass of warm water.

    After that, you can take a bath for hands. It is recommended to carry out such a procedure daily, until positive results appear. The broth can be prepared for several sessions at once, since it can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator without losing its properties.

    With citric acid

    Citric acid based formulations help to strengthen thin and brittle nails. However, these baths should be used no more than once a week, otherwise you can only harm the skin and nail plates. For cooking means you will need to mix one tablespoon of vegetable oil and a small spoonful of citric acid.The resulting composition should be slightly heated in a water bath until a homogeneous mass, in which you want to immerse your fingers for fifteen minutes.

    With essential oils

    Essential oils can be added to the baths, where another component is used as a base, or the extract can be added to the water as the main element. The purpose of the composition will depend on the properties of the aromatic liquid. Coniferous oils help relieve joint pain and relieve fatigue. To prepare such a tool, you need half a teaspoon of fragrant liquid diluted in two liters of warm water.

    To whiten the nails and make them shade more evenly, use the bath with the addition of lemon extract and rosemary. For 250 milliliters of warm water, take three drops of each fragrant liquid. Take this bath should be no more than twenty minutes. The parsley extract also has a whitening effect.


    There are many options for preparing hand baths. Components for such a solution must be selected taking into account the propensity for allergic reactions to certain products, age, as well as the condition of the skin. At the age of 30, it is best to include ingredients such as oatmeal, natural juices from fruits and vegetables, and sour milk drinks.

    After forty is recommended to do in the hand bath with honey, aloe juice, essential oils and cream. Medicinal plants in the composition of the bath will be useful for any age without exception.

    Properly selected herbal collection will help rejuvenate, moisturize and restore the skin.

    Before you take a bath for the hands, it is recommended to clean the skin from impurities. To do this, you can wash your hands with regular soap. In order for the components in the bath to more easily penetrate the skin, it is recommended to remove dead skin particles from the surface of the skin with a scrub before the procedure.

    How to make baths to soften the skin of the hands at home, see the following video.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


