Color psychology

White color in psychology: what does it mean and symbolize?

White color in psychology: what does it mean and symbolize?

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  1. Characteristic
  2. What does symbolize?
  3. Features of perception
  4. What kind of people do you like?

White color each of us perceives in his own way. At first glance it may seem that it causes everyone only positive emotions. Is it really? This question cannot be answered unambiguously simply because it is neutral and opposite to black color. And this raises many questions that are not so easy to answer.


Most people associate white with snow and winter time. It has its specific meaning in psychology, since it is perceived by our consciousness as something cold and not expressing anything.

A picture with absolutely white colors will look ridiculous and ridiculous. It will be just a blank canvas on which anyone can draw an image. And thus convey to all certain information. Otherwise, the faceless color scheme will remain faceless, because the white color initially is the basis for a person to express his feelings and thoughts on it.

For an individual personality, he carries both positive and negative emotions. And that's why. On the one hand, the color of purity can calm our psyche. On the other hand, from his glut it is easy to fall into a depressive state. Not without reason, polar explorers often experience a depressed mood due to a long stay in a snow-covered area.

Where permafrost lies around, whiteness blinds to pain, and as a result, our brain experiences stress from a lack of information. From this moment on, a glitch in consciousness starts, and despondency sets in. And only a strong personality can deal with it.

And then the benefits of civilization can come to the aid of people: communication, the Internet and television. Thanks to them, the inhabitants of the North, where the white cover lies all year round, have the opportunity to receive information of various kinds. For example, pictures of nature and greenery, as well as birds and flowers, which are distinguished by a variety of colors and colors.

With the help of sight, a person must accept positive emotions, and then his consciousness will be in balance with the environment.

And white as well as black is the color of emptiness. When that very emptiness comes, then the decline of spirit begins.

Usually snow-white paint has similar characteristics with clouds in heaven. Many people sometimes wanted to jump at least once in this ephemeral wool, but, unfortunately, this is impossible, as long as every mortal has a physical shell. And that is why humanity began to compare light shades with life in the sky.

White color is considered to be pure and impeccable. Usually Angels and other inhabitants of heaven are depicted in this color scheme. If we imagine a ghost, it will always look like a small snow-white cloud.

It is no coincidence that white color is used in wedding ceremonies in large quantities. So the bride and groom want to show the purity of their thoughts. Women and girls wear white clothes in order to attract attention. Representatives of the weaker sex want to show others that they belong to this type of ladies, which is distinguished by a clear integrity in behavior.

From the above, it can be concluded that the characteristic of white color shows a double shade value. On the one hand, it represents purity and the beginning of something, on the other hand, emptiness.

What does symbolize?

White color in some nations symbolizes death.When grief happens in a family, women don’t wear black but white scarves on their heads. Men put on white clothes. White is the color of the shroud. Therefore, he, like the color of the night, is associated with death. It is not just that a large number of people have snow shades cause discouragement, as they are associated with burial and a grave.

Let us see why exactly white color causes such unusual emotions. In the culture of individual nations, it is believed that if one wears a dead man in black and surrounds him with the same color, then in the next world he will not be able to see anything. And light colors at the funeral will show the deceased the way to the underworld.

But this is not always the case and not at all. Among other things, a completely white color from artists means a complete void or lack of color. But unlike black on it, other paints that do not distort appear well. So, if red is applied to black, then a brown color is obtained, and on a light shade, red always remains red. The same will happen with other colors.

White color skillfully combines the spectrum of color and denotes divinity and innocence. Where artists want to portray the integrity of something, they use white paint.

Therefore, pure shades symbolize the very purity and the ability to start everything from scratch. No wonder white symbolism from the time of the universe meant a union and a truce. When the opponent surrenders, he hangs out a white flag. And this means that he is ready to negotiate, and therefore, to restart the relationship. In the future, a truce will surely come, and new times will come for both sides.

Stars in the dark sky almost always silver in a light shade. They attract the gaze of everyone with their freshness, so people associate the bright color with their dreams and hopes. That is, from a touch with white paints, they can get help from above.

In this connection, animals that have a whitish hue are considered sacred in many countries. In India, a cow is considered an unusual animal. And it is depicted in white as well as the white Asian elephant, and the Greek (it is inherent in the people of Germany) white horses, and the Chinese white tiger, and the Egyptian white bull.

The specific intentions of the people means the white dove. He is a symbol of peace and goodwill. Not for nothing at weddings, young people are released into the sky of snow-white pigeons.

A good and beautiful tradition symbolizes the beginning of something new and beautiful in their lives.

But here comes the contradiction of this custom when it comes to signs. Others consider the white dove a harbinger of death. In films with a tragic end, the director often inserts the following episode: the sun is shining in the open window, and a white dove sits on the window sill and starts cooing.

Beautiful and wonderful picture! But people watching this spectacle, begin to fuss and express their unimaginable anxiety. They literally panic. And all this is due to the fact that the white dove on the window symbolizes someone's quick death. Especially such an episode is appropriate when a sick person is in the room where the dove has flown. So the light color scheme can symbolize both the negative manifestations of our life with you and the positive ones. Everything in this world depends on individual perception.

Features of perception

They are different. Someone white color is associated with a vacuum and lack of meaning. Others like to surround themselves with snow-white shades in order to feel individual purity and sterility.

There is always dirt on white. Therefore, this color is completely impractical in everyday life. It is for this reason that many do not take seriously its snow-white base. A person initially imagines how much he will have to work in order to qualitatively “contain” the white thing: clothes, shoes, transport, home interior.

Therefore, the whitish color of many repels at the very beginning.It has long been known that any color causes various associations. Many do not like the snow-white shade due to the fact that it indicates the color of mourning.

Each individual has his own psychological basis, due to which he can perceive or not perceive what surrounds him. Some people hate snowy weather. Especially when the white cover is delayed for many months. In places where this often happens, people in most cases fall into a depressive state.

This suggests that the monotonous and boring colors cause fatigue in each of us. The eye “has nothing to cling to” and send another, more comfortable information into consciousness. From this, our psyche gradually begins to rebel, and then "fall asleep." And we become indifferent to the events.

To avoid this, it is necessary in everyday life to surround yourself with a variety of colors. No wonder even in modern hospitals try to use the finish, which is characterized by a variety of paintings and paints.

And this affects the attendance of the medical institution and the qualitative recovery of sick people. No one wants to sit in line among the absolutely white walls and the same curtains on the windows. Anyone will try to quickly leave such a room, regardless of their condition.

On the other hand, the color of “light” makes people happy. Thanks to this comes the euphoria. The one who is out of light for a long time, among the walls that have a dark shade, tries to break out to take a sip of freedom.

It is white that intertwines many with the color of freedom, and they perceive it very positively.

It turns out that because of the planting of white color, a person can go blind in the full sense of the word. And at the same time, due to his constant absence, he can also go blind. This suggests that everyone needs a happy medium. And between white and black there always must be a certain gap, which is filled with other shades, brighter and more saturated. Then the balance comes, and as a result, the psychological state of the individual for a long time will be at rest.

What kind of people do you like?

It all depends on the nature of the person. For someone, white is the most favorite color. And that's why. Some individuals identify themselves to a certain circle. They are airy and demanding of the environment - this is the so-called bohemian.

Lovers of beautiful life dress in white clothes and live under the warm sunshine somewhere in the villa, and their surroundings: furniture, bedding, floors, ceilings, curtains have the appropriate shade.

This happens because such a person does not care about the need to keep their household goods in complete cleanliness due to the fact that there is no dirt in the area, and instead of it, white sand lies on the beach.

Typically, such darlings of fate have servants, she cares about the integrity of their environment. Therefore, these people are not interested in how much time they will spend on cleaning the premises and their dresses.

Even more appropriately, these individuals make sure that others around them are thought of as completely unearthly creatures who do not have the frailty of everyday life. And this, I must say, is not given to everyone.

Not every person will be able to lead such a parasitic lifestyle for a long time. More active persons will begin to erect a violent activity around themselves and will necessarily get dirty. And having received a negative experience, they will correct their position and put into their lives more “mundane” shades, which will make it possible to hide some stains both on the reputation and on the clothes.

Others who cannot use the “white environment” every day, but very much want to do it, try to get at least a little closer to such a way of life. Traveling to rest in hot habitats, they use a wardrobe, where all things have snow-white shades. So, they are at least in clothes, but they try to express their perception and love for white.

So, the contemplation of white can be divided into the following:

  • it is light and not darkness;
  • it is a serene state (it is not for nothing that wake-up minutes are always depicted in white);
  • this is peace (almost everyone prefers to use white linen);
  • it is cleanliness (also related to being in a person’s bed);
  • at the same time, it is emptiness (when there is nothing in the district that pleases our perception);
  • detachment from the whole world;
  • as well as chastity and virginity;
  • it is a symbol of loneliness.

How to treat this color - you decide. But do not think much and begin to philosophize.

Black and white are in a separate row in a common color scheme, as they are the progenitors of various shades.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


