Cleaning the house

How to clean the stove from fat and other dirt?

How to clean the stove from fat and other dirt?

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  1. Cleaning rules
  2. Facilities
  3. Remove fat and burnt spot
  4. Remove carbon from the grid
  5. How to wash the burners?
  6. How to clean the pens?
  7. How to wash the oven?
  8. How to scrub plastic and foil?
  9. Care Tips

The stove is an indispensable attribute of every kitchen. During cooking, greasy stains form on its surface, which cannot be eliminated immediately. Over time, carbon deposits are formed, which is very difficult to fight without using detergents.

Cleaning rules

Cleaning the surface and dirty grill of a gas stove can be done only after disconnecting the device from the gas supply. Always follow the safety rules.

Only one action to disconnect the device from the gas supply will eliminate the possibility of its accidental receipt, as well as protect you from possible injuries.

Next, you should carefully remove the grill from the gas stove. Very often she is the most polluted. Grate usually accumulates a lot of fat, which is most difficult to eliminate.

To clean the grid, you can use traditional methods that have already been tested by time. Many housewives were convinced of their effectiveness. The grate should be put in a bath or basin, pre-filled with hot water with the addition of soap. To prepare the grill cleaning solution, you need to take 5 liters of water and one bar of soap 72%. It is necessary to pick up such a container so that the grate was completely immersed in the prepared solution.

Gas stove must have hot plates and electric ignition. They are also objects of accumulation of dirt and grease. If these elements are of a removable type, then they should be removed from the stove and also immersed in a soap solution for high-quality cleaning.

Contaminated items should be soaked for several days. After this procedure, the laundering of grease and dirt will be easier.

Cleaning pens and hard to reach places will require special cleaning products. If the gas stove is equipped with an oven, then Be sure to clean its exterior surfaces and internal parts.


Eliminate the fat and various kinds of pollution will help both folk remedies and special detergents purchased in stores. Traditional methods are less effective and require more time and effort to thoroughly clean the gas stove. When using household chemicals should be very careful in terms of security, so that it does not get further in the food.


If desired, to prepare the fat from the gas stove, you can use the tools prepared by yourself. Traditional methods are chosen by those who prefer safe and proven methods and do not like to use synthetic household chemicals.

Anyone can be able to clean the plate with folk remedies, since all the components are always at hand. Household chemicals are not in demand, as they can cause allergies, are unsafe when used, and all actions should be done with rubber gloves to protect the skin of the hands from various kinds of damage.

Household chemicals

Modern manufacturers of household chemicals offer a wide range of products, allowing you to quickly and easily remove even difficult to remove contamination and a large layer of fat.

All cleaning products can be divided into three groups:

  • Abrasive Means are presented in the form of powders containing abrasive particles. They have a wide price range. They need to be evenly applied to the surface of the plate and left for 30 minutes, then, using a brush or cloth, cleans the surface. Then you need to thoroughly wash it to remove the detergent. This option is ideal for removing stains from stainless steel and is strictly prohibited for enameled panels.
  • Washing The products are gels, creams, foams and pastes. Gels and creams include microgranules that act as an abrasive, but very soft, and also have a pleasant odor. They should be applied on a wet surface and wait half an hour to dissolve any kind of dirt. Foam or paste is ideal for cleaning vertical surfaces, they are characterized by efficiency and softness. Paste is a more economical option than foam.
  • Fat solvents made in the form of sprays. They are ideal for cleaning hob covers and grates. Spray the product onto contaminated elements, leave it for a certain time, which is indicated by the manufacturer, and rinse with water. Cleaning should be done only with gloves. It is worth paying attention to the composition of the spray, since some are designed specifically to eliminate soot, so washed away is quite difficult.

Remove fat and burnt spot

To eliminate fatty and burnt spots, it is necessary to make preliminary preparation. To soften old stains, use hot water and baking soda. The surface of the plate must be moistened with hot water and sprinkled with soda. After half an hour, you can begin to clean the surface of fat and burnt spots.

Preference for soda removal soft sponge. Experts do not recommend the use of scourers made of metal. To clean hard-to-reach places, you can use an old toothbrush or cotton swabs.

This cleaning option can be used for stoves and ovens. It is better to clean the inner walls with a soap solution that can be made independently.

An excellent tool for eliminating burnt stains is the use of solutions with the addition of citric acid, juice or acetic essence. These tools can be used both separately and together. A great solution is the combination of vinegar and ammonia solution. It is strong and effective in combating burnt spots and a thick layer of fat.

The choice of means depends on the cleaning surface. Some products act gently, while others are very powerful, and are therefore suitable only for some surfaces.

On the glass

Many modern stoves have a hob of glass-ceramic, which requires gentle care. The surface of the plate must be moistened with a soft sponge.

Creamy products should be used as they are characterized by a mild action.

The tool must be applied to the surface and wait a bit. If after wiping the surface remains contaminated, you can use a special scraper. This tool will allow you to easily remove the burnt residue. After removing the dirt, wipe the surface of the glass with a clean sponge, and then with a soft towel.

Soda can be used to fight hard-to-remove stains. It is safe for glass, therefore it is in demand. It is necessary to wet the soda a little before use, and then treat the dried spots with it and leave for a few minutes. After that, the surface of the plate must be washed with water, removing all residual soda.

To enhance the effect of soda, you can still add one drop of lemon juice or vinegar. The interaction of these substances helps to quickly cope with a strong soot.

To eliminate stains on the glass, you can use not only traditional methods, but also chemical creams and liquids.But it is worth being careful when choosing household chemicals, since some products contain potent alkalis and acids, which can adversely affect the glass surface.

Before using a particular tool, you must be familiar with the manufacturer's instructions. All actions must be performed with rubber gloves.

Another way to remove stains on the glass surface - melamine sponge. It is necessary to moisten it with water and wipe contaminated places on the surface. After cleaning, rinse the panel with water and wipe dry with a towel.

On the electric stove

All heating elements in a metal casing are not disassembled, therefore such a stove is distinguished by the accumulation of fat around the burners. To quickly clean the electric stove at home, you need to perform a certain series of actions:

  • It is necessary to wait that all heating elements of the plate have cooled down.
  • Remember that the electric stove must be disconnected from the power supply. Security measures should come first.
  • The cleaning agent must be carefully applied to the surface, wait for the fat to dissolve and wipe the coating with wet wipes.

To carefully remove greasy and burnt stains around the heating parts, you can use a wooden skewer or a toothpick.

It is strictly forbidden to pour water on the surface of the electric stove, since even a small amount of water on the spiral can cause a short circuit.

On metal

Many modern stoves have a stainless steel hob. This gas stove looks spectacular and beautiful in the kitchen. But even minor stains and stains are very noticeable on the surface of stainless steel.

To clean the surface of the metal from the old fat, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Dirt should be removed immediately from the surface. No need to wait for a burnt spot to form.
  • To remove the dirt will need a sponge and any means of grease or dishwashing.
  • Cleaning soda from the metal will help soda-soap solution. It must be applied to pollution, leave for half an hour and rinse thoroughly with water.

On ceramics

For cleaning difficult to remove stains on the ceramic coating, you can use a special scraper or a plastic spoon. With their help, you can get rid of both fat and burnt spots, but actions must be carried out carefully and slowly.

When using a spoon, it should be kept under a slope of 30 degrees. If you apply force, then on the ceramic coating may be scratched. Remaining stains can be easily removed using a cleanser and a soft sponge.

To eliminate strong soot, you can use another method. It is necessary to take olive oil and pour a few drops on the stain, then leave for 20 minutes. Thanks to the use of oil, surface cleaning will be much easier.

If the above tools and tools are not at hand, then with fat Lemon juice, vinegar and soda will help. To prepare a cleansing agent, you need to take baking soda and mix with a small amount of water before the formation of a mushy look. Apply the resulting product on the spots and leave for 20 minutes.

Care must be taken that soda does not dry out on the surface, as this may damage the ceramic coating. After 20 minutes you should remove the soda with a damp cloth.

If you use vinegar, then it must be mixed with water in equal proportions. This tool should gently wipe the stain. Vinegar has not only cleansing, but also disinfecting properties. After its application on ceramics there are no stains.

Remove carbon from the grid

The most difficult part of the slab is the grill, since it is on it that a thick layer of fat accumulates. When choosing a method of cleaning it is necessary to make a start from what material is it made of:

  • The cast-iron grate must be calcined. To do this, you can use the oven, gas stove or a blowtorch. Use a metal sponge to carefully clean the rods.
  • You can use a dishwasher to clean stainless or enameled grates. It is necessary to choose a program using high temperature water.

In the absence of a dishwasher, the grate should be dipped in a container with hot water, after adding a small amount of detergent. To prepare the solution will need soap, vinegar and soda. The product should be soaked for 12 hours in order to soften the fat well. After that, contamination must be removed with an iron brush.

Effective ways to clean heavily soiled grids:

  • Warm sand allows you to eliminate various contaminants, but the cleaning process takes a long time.
  • Dry mustard is applied to the twigs, left for several hours, and then washed off with water.
  • The cleaner for car engines copes with the elimination of fat. After use, rinse the grill thoroughly.

How to wash the burners?

Cleaning requires not only the external surface of the stove, but also the burner. It consists of three parts: a protective cover, a flame breaker and nozzle or nozzle. Not everyone can do a full burner cleaning.

First you need to disassemble the burner, remove all parts for thorough cleaning. The burners are easy to clean. using a toothbrush and soap solution.

The burners are usually made of aluminum, so when choosing a cleaning agent you must use options that do not contain acids and chlorine. It is strictly forbidden to use soaking.

To clean the nozzle, make sure that the gas supply is turned off. If the holes are clogged with food residue or grease, then metal wire can be used. You can do this procedure yourself or call a specialist.

How to clean the pens?

Handles of the gas stove always accumulate a large amount of fat. Usually dirt accumulates in the most inaccessible places, so you should talk about their cleaning in more detail.

The ideal solution would be the removal of pens. This should be done according to the instructions for the gas stove. If the pens turned out to be removed, then for cleaning them you can use the same methods as for the grill. It is necessary to collect water in the container and dissolve the soap in it. Handles should be soaked for half an hour to simplify the cleaning process.

Another option - per liter of water will require 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar essence. For this method, you must be in gloves to protect your hands. Handles should be placed in the prepared solution and put on fire. Boil them need about 5 minutes, then drain the solution and wait for their natural drying.

If the handles are not removed from the plate, then you should use cotton swabs, toothpicks, an old toothbrush. For easy removal of dirt it is necessary to apply ammonia or soda ash or food grade. First you need to moisten the surface and sprinkle with soda. This is enough to remove fat. But if it does not help to eliminate strong pollution, you can use cotton buds and sal ammoniac.

How to wash the oven?

For cleaning the oven, you can use the tools at hand. With their help, you must first prepare a solution for cleaning the ovens inside. You can use the same methods that are used to clean the burners.

For cleaning internal surfaces should be preferred soap solution. Using a sponge, it is necessary to treat all surfaces and leave for 20 minutes. This action allows you to easily clean a very dirty oven.

To clean the baking sheet and internal parts, you can pour the soap solution into the baking tray and turn on the oven for half an hour, choosing a temperature of 120 degrees.Next, you need to gently wipe all the details with a soft sponge.

You can use citric acid or soda. It is necessary to dissolve one of the products in water and treat the walls of the oven, leave the product for 25 minutes, then wipe it with paper and rinse with water.

For elimination of insignificant pollution the solution prepared from water and vinegar will approach. Turn the oven on for 15 minutes by setting the temperature to 50 degrees. Softened impurities are perfectly eliminated with a sponge.

How to scrub plastic and foil?

Plates are a source of danger because they heat up to very high temperatures. Hot tile can melt plastic.

It is better to keep plastic dishes away from gas and electric stoves. If plastic or foil is already stuck to the product, then it is worth taking action to remove dirt.

For cleaning enameled or stainless steel plates You will need to do the following:

  • Ventilate the room immediately as molten plastic is hazardous to health.
  • Wait until the plastic is completely cold.
  • Remove dirt with a non-sharp knife, as much as possible.
  • Treat the place of contamination with WD-40 universal grease and leave for 5 minutes.
  • Carefully wash off the grease with soapy water and carefully wipe the surface dry.
  • Plastic residues can be removed with nail polish remover, but for a start, this tool should be tested in a small area.

Remove plastic and foil from the stove with soda. It is necessary to make a paste of soda and water. Paste polluted places. Do not rub the surface very hard so as not to scratch it.

Care Tips

So that the stove does not lose its original appearance, and there is no fat on it, It is necessary to follow a few simple rules:

  • To avoid problems with stubborn fat, you need to wipe the stove every time after use.
  • Chemical means must be used to clean the hobs only with gloves.
  • When cleaning the stove, it is necessary to thoroughly wipe the entire surface, and not just the burners, since the fat is evenly distributed throughout the stove.
  • It is necessary to exclude the use of metal brushes, hard sponges or scrapers when cleaning the oven. They may cause scratching.
  • Fat can be quickly eliminated with a steam cleaner. After five minutes, all the dirt can be eliminated using only a damp cloth.

On how to clean the stove from fat folk remedies, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


