Cleaning the house

How to wash the curtain in the bathroom?

How to wash the curtain in the bathroom?

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  1. Cleaning methods
  2. How to dry?
  3. Removing rust stains
  4. Mold and mildew stains
  5. How to get rid of limescale?

The curtain in the bathroom needs regular cleaning and maintenance, as over time, particles of soapy water settle on it, mold appears, scurf and yellowness. This may be due to poor ventilation in the room.

Cleaning methods

Wash the curtain in two ways, using a typewriter or manually. The washing method must be chosen, depending on the material of the curtain for the bathroom. Many manufacturers offer stylish models of vinyl, polyester or polyethylene.

Vinyl and polyester versions can be washed by hand or in a washing machine. Various powders and bleaches can be used.

But do not immediately throw the curtain in the washing machine, first you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of the manufacturer. Usually, all information is presented on a label attached to the side of the product.

The ideal choice is curtains that can be washed in the machine, using chlorine bleach. This allows you to easily wash off any kind of stain.

Polyethylene curtains are characterized by a simple appearance, affordable price and short life. Such a curtain can last a year and a half with proper and regular care.

If you do not meet the basic requirements, then the curtain can be thrown out in a month.

If the curtain can not be washed, then it must be cleaned and washed using universal means, and then thoroughly dried. If the use of machine wash is prohibited, you can wash the product manually.


It is excellent to wash the curtain in the bathroom of yellowness or lime scale by hand washing. It is important that the curtain is not sewn from fabric. If it is made of vinyl, polyester or polyethylene, then washing should be carried out as follows:

  • It is necessary to take a basin of the desired size, collect warm water in it and add one teaspoon of soda and three times less citric acid to it with a calculation of three liters of water.
  • The curtain should be soaked in the resulting solution and leave for 60 minutes.
  • Polyester blinds after soaking should be wrinkled with hands, since this action will help to eliminate even difficult to remove contaminants.
  • Next, you need to pour clean water and carefully rinse the curtain in it.

Experts recommend adding some whiteness to the water for soaking in order to clear the curtain of yellow bloom or mold. A small amount of bleach will not spoil the fabric of the curtain, and will also help to cope with the fungal spores.

If the bathroom curtain is very dirty, then it is necessary, in addition to soaking, to still use the wash, and only after these actions can it be rinsed and dried.

Machine washable

Washing in a typewriter is very convenient and high quality. With its help, the product can return the original appearance. It is important to choose only the delicate mode of washing, as well as turn off the spinning and drying, since these actions can damage the curtain.

To give the curtains of polyester or vinyl an attractive appearance, it is enough to perform washing in a typewriter only once a month. A heavily soiled curtain stands before washing in a typewriter machine must be soaked in water with the addition of bleach.

But you should pay attention to the material of the product so that the bleach does not damage the fabric.

In the basin you need to pour up to 5 liters of warm water, add two caps of bleach.Soak the product for about two or three hours.

If the curtain can not be washed with chlorine-containing substances, then you can use a little bleach, designed for children's clothes. This bleach is used for soaking and is added during washing. To make washing in a typewriter more efficient, experts recommend loading several more towels with the curtain.

After washing, the bathroom curtain should be soaked for 30 minutes in a little salted water.

This will form an additional protective layer on the product. It will reduce the appearance of stains, so the curtain will have to be washed less often.

How to dry?

After washing, you should thoroughly dry the curtain for the bathroom. Specialists strictly prohibit pressing the product, regardless of its material. After push-ups, the material will remain wrinkled and lose its attractive appearance.

Proper drying involves a few basic actions:

  • After washing, the curtain needs to be expanded in the bathroom in order to drain water from it.
  • Further, the product must be hung vertically on a rope, while the formation of folds must be avoided.
  • If the bathroom has a cord, then after washing the curtain can be immediately hung on it. This option is very convenient and practical.
  • To dry the curtains for the bathroom can be in the open air or on the balcony. The only thing is to avoid direct sunlight on the product.
  • It is strictly forbidden to hang the curtain near heaters. This can lead to the formation of yellow spots.
  • You can not iron the curtains. They frown when exposed to high temperatures.

Removing rust stains

Rusty stains on the curtain are difficult to remove, especially if they are already old. With new rust stains will help to cope in several simple ways:

  • It is necessary to make a solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in the ratio of 3: 1. The solution should be applied to the stains with a sponge and rub a little. If the rust does not depart, then you can take a damp cloth, wet it in a solution and put on the stain for 20 minutes. After that, the curtain can be washed in the usual way.
  • You can use tools that offer well-known manufacturers to remove rust, such as "Adrilan" or "Sanita". The product must be applied to the stain, hold for a few minutes and removed from the fabric with a damp sponge.

Cleaning the curtains must be done with gloves. Remember that airing the bathroom will prevent rust stains on the curtain. It is recommended to wash the curtains only once a month.

Mold and mildew stains

At increased humidity, mold and fungus can occur on the curtain. If you decide to clean the curtains from this problem, and not just throw it away, then you must wear a mask to protect your body from harmful mold spores.

Funds from the fungus and mold can be purchased in specialized stores or use the tools that are in every home, namely, baking soda and vinegar.

The process of cleaning the bathroom curtains should be carried out in several stages:

  • Using a sponge or brush, remove all contamination from the product.
  • Pour water into a basin and add about 100 grams of soda and vinegar to it.
  • Soak the curtain in the solution and leave it for a short time (up to 10 minutes).
  • After soaking the curtain, rinse thoroughly in cold water.
  • The curtain can be put in the dryer or hung in the room until it is completely dry.

Many housewives use the popular “Domestos” to eliminate mold and mildew. It should be poured on the stain and leave for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly. For soaking should use warm water. Boiling water perfectly destroys mold spores, but can damage the curtain material.

How to get rid of limescale?

The aesthetic appearance of the product is spoiled by dried water drops, the so-called lime scale.An excellent solution for its elimination is citric acid. It can be used for soaking or added when washing in a typewriter.

Vinegar will help to get rid of limescale, a more effective remedy is chlorine bleach.

The tool must be added in a small amount in the water to soak the curtains.

Regular washing will prevent limescale. It is necessary to use a delicate mode, a good powder. For curtains of delicate materials, the addition of an air conditioner during washing is ideal.

After washing, the product requires drying. Moisture on the curtain will contribute to the emergence of mold and mildew spores. Dampness - the cause of rapid contamination of the curtains.

Regularly it is recommended to ventilate the bathroom, after taking a shower, wipe the folds of the curtains until dry.

See the following video for tips on how to wash your bathroom curtain properly.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


