Cleaning the house

How to wash a pillow?

How to wash a pillow?

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  1. Facilities
  2. Features of washing depending on the type of materials
  3. rules
  4. How to dry?
  5. How to clean stains?

Clean and fresh bedding significantly affect the comfort of a person's life. The highest requirements of comfort are made to the bedroom, which means - to the sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers and, of course, pillows. In order not to spend money on new ones, you can periodically successfully wash the pillows at home.


Experts caution against washing pillows with powders and conventional detergents. It is best to use gels, because it is more likely that they will be completely washed out of the fabric. If the pillow is woolen, then you should take a special tool containing lanolin. It cleans wool fibers well and gives them elasticity. Also suitable for washing liquid soap, shampoos. Some housewives consider the best option rubbed baby or household soap, which dissolves quickly.

It is undesirable to use powder as its large particles dissolve slowly and it is difficult to wash out. It is important to ensure that the washing machine mode was chosen delicate, or carried out a hand wash.

Features of washing depending on the type of materials

Each type of pillow filler requires compliance with certain features during washing. There is no universal option here.otherwise the thing may be corrupted.


Holofiber pillows are considered a variety of synthetic, so they are perfectly adapted for washing in a typewriter in the home. As a rule, after the washing machine models retain their original appearance and look completely new. If you know that the holofiber cushion has been around for a long time, do a little experiment. Put something heavy on it.

If the cushioned place has restored its elasticity, the pillow is all right and can be sent to the washing machine. In the case of the remaining dents, the product will have to be sent to the trash bin, it is no longer serviceable, since the filler has collapsed.

The washing process is as follows:

  • soak the hollofiber cushion for an hour, diluting with liquid detergent in warm water;
  • optimal temperature conditions - 60-70 degrees;
  • It is better to turn off the spinning, but if automatic spinning is still selected, after washing, you need to whip up the product and straighten out the irregularities.


Bamboo is considered one of the most unpretentious materials for filling pillows, so there is no doubt that machine wash does not harm the filler. During the wash you can do other things, because the product will not deteriorate. Bamboo is washed at a temperature of 40 degrees. Almost any powder will be suitable for natural, environmentally friendly fibers, but it is better to choose a liquid variant.

Air conditioning should not be added, because the result will meet all your expectations and without it. If the cushion with bamboo provides a cover, it is enough to immerse only it in the machine - so the filler will remain intact and will serve for a very long time.

Those impressed with bamboo pillows need to know that it is best to store such a product without packaging, in a whipped state, so that the fibers breathe.


Wool is recognized as the most healing filler for pillows.More recently, users have noted that such bed copies have an undesirable smell and cause allergies, but today these observations are irrelevant. This material has a calming effect, it is warm, improves the mood and health of those who use wool pillows.

Sheep pillows owe their unique advantages to lanolin - animal wax, which is heated by the temperature of the human body, absorbed into the skin and has a beneficial effect on health. Natural wool has excellent thermal conductivity, so that a person does not overcool and does not overheat on a similar pillow. The natural filler is breathable and breathes well.

The stronger effect on the listed positions is given by camel wool, which is also used as a filler. It is enough to soak pillows from sheep and camel wool before washing for half an hour in barely warm water with liquid powder. It is better to wash such a thing with your hands in the bathroom; in a typewriter, you can also perform a similar procedure with the spinning turned off and in the delicate wash mode.

The main thing - do not overdo it with detergent, to have a good effect when rinsing. It is strictly forbidden to twist the product. They are simply shaken when wet and straightened.


Polyester-filled pillows have not been popular for some time because they are synthetic. But today the myth of the harmfulness of synthetics is overcome, because modern artificial materials meet all hygienic and sanitary requirements. Polyester cushions are fluffy, lightweight, comfortable to use. The same applies to their washing. In the machine to wash such samples is completely safe. The sequence of steps is as follows:

  • decorative cover is removed, the lower pillowcase is left;
  • 100 g of powder are used, “anti-skating” balls are added;
  • selects a quick wash; a temperature of 40 degrees is sufficient;
  • rinse the product three times to completely clean the detergent;
  • after the product is removed from the machine, it must be vigorously shaken and re-laid for spinning;
  • After several push-ups, the model needs to be dried.

Orthopedic model

The orthopedic pillows with a memory effect are quite capricious during the manipulations with the washing. They hold the head in a special way during sleep, which means they must keep their shape after cleaning with water. Such products are filled with polyurethane foam. The filler consists of small fragile bubbles, so that there is always the threat of destruction of such a sensitive material.

Memory pads should not be washed even with your hands, let alone a typewriter. All that may include for them the process of cleaning with water is rinsing with almost cold water and wiping with a soft sponge with light soaping. No other treatment should be used, otherwise the item may become unusable.


Often wash the padding pad to nothing, it is enough 1-3 times a year. The synthetic winterizer is well washed out both manually and automatically. It is appropriate to remember what when washing products with a synthetic winterizer to prevent in any case it is impossible:

  • hot water is prohibited;
  • do not start the machine and spin at high speeds;
  • soaking is carried out quickly, and it is better not to soak at all, but simply to pour the thing with cool water;
  • prevent any bleaching;
  • the synthetic powder does not suit dry powder, all that is needed is liquid.

The rest of the washing pad in a typewriter is extremely simple. As for the spin, then the hostess and experts disagree. The hostesses believe that nothing will happen with the automatic spinning with a pillow, you just need a gentle mode and low revolutions. Professionals do not recommend spinning pillows. to achieve greater durability, because low revolutions wear fabric, spoil the bedding.In addition, even at low speeds, the sintepon can become a bunch, which will continue to be straightened.

Useful advice: before sending a sinteponovy pillow in the machine put it in a bag for washing. The temperature should be a maximum of 40 degrees. For hand washing, it is recommended not to foam excessively liquid soap, not to hold the pillow in water for more than 15-20 minutes and wring gently, without twisting.


Cushions are particularly susceptible to pollution, because they are used more often than others and not always carefully. They absorb dust, stains and dirt, so their washing is an inevitable necessity. If vinyl covers are provided on the pillows, it will be enough to wipe them with a rag, pre-dipping it in dishwashing liquid and warm water. Rinse and wipe again so that there is no excess. Then you can wipe the pillow with a clean towel and leave to dry.

Cloth covers are best cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, using a nozzle for furniture upholstery. Even for refreshing covers that can not be removed from the pillow, a good steam cleaner. If not available, it can be rented. Practical housewives tried out the delicate washing of pillows from the sofa in a typewriter and claim that it does not harm the products, but experts do not advise taking risks.

If you spoil the pillows from the sofa, then the sofa itself will suffer: you will have to pick up the material, sew new pillows or change the entire upholstery. In short, this experiment will cost a lot.


It should be immediately clarified that the buckwheat husk pillows are not washable. The filler itself does not get dirty. It is necessary to pour the contents out of the cover, and if it is heavily soiled, wash it separately. These are basic approaches, but it’s worth exploring the details Check the density of the cover, it should be made of durable material - teak and with a hard edging. When you detach husk from it, examine whether there is a zipper on the case, this will simplify the eruption of the husk. Separate the filler in a cotton bag is better to hang in the sun to ventilate.

The cover itself is well knocked out and pre-immersed for soaking in a mild soap solution. You can wash it with a typewriter or with your hands. Then the cover should be ironed well. You can add for the freshness of a couple of drops of essential oil, various herbs or sachets - motherwort, oregano, mint. In the end you need to gently back buckwheat husk.

If the buckwheat pillow is too hard, then in the process of washing it can be softened. To do this, dilute the filler with bamboo fibers. Promotes healthy sleep and a new pillowcase made of natural fabric.


You can summarize the general ways of washing pillows with non-quill fillers:

  • The correct washing mode is gentle, the temperature, in general, should not exceed 40 degrees, the spin speed, if provided, is small.
  • Whitening is completely ignored.
  • Synthetic fillers respond well to washing along with tennis balls inside the drum. The balls beat the product and do not let the contents get lost.
  • In the machine or container for hand washing you need to fill only liquid, gel detergents. Rinse twice or thrice.
  • After manual or delicate spinning, the item is dried with a large towel so that it absorbs excess moisture. Do not twist the product.
  • Not all pillows are washable. Orthopedic and buckwheat are not intended for wet processing. Do not expose her pillows with balls of polyurethane inside, such as anti-stress. In extreme cases, the pillow with balls should be separated from the cover and washed separately in soapy water, trying to deal with the stickiness of such a specific filler.
  • As a rule, on the etiquette of a new thing is always a ban on washing. If absolutely necessary, such a model can be dry-cleaned.
  • New pillow from time to time should be whipped and aired, so that in its filler improved air circulation.Then she would not need to wash for a long time.

How to dry?

Do not even think about hanging the washed pillow on the rope, securing it with a clothespin. This is an unacceptable method of drying, which threatens the complete loss of form. Drying is carried out in a well-ventilated room or on the balcony, on the street, choosing for this a reliable horizontal surface, for example, clothesline or dryer with crossbars at the top. In the presence of a special "substrate" pillow can be positioned for drying on the radiator.

A thing with good ventilation dries out pretty quickly, but occasional beating still does not hurt, it will improve the whole process. In this case, the product with synthetic filler will perfectly retain its original appearance.

How to clean stains?

For different types of stains, it is necessary to apply various approaches to the removal:

  • If contamination has arisen on the pillow cover, then it is easiest to pre-apply a cleaning agent to the affected area, then wipe with a sponge.
  • Harder to wash the blood at home. This happens often - drops fall on the pillowcase. Here the main thing - the speed of reaction of the hostess. The blood, when exposed to air, is connected to the fibers, and the leeward spot is much harder to remove. If time is not lost, then the blood can be washed off with just cold water.

In more complex cases, you will have to deal with a blood stain manually, a washing machine will not give a guaranteed result. Here are some recipes:

  1. To put an aspirin tablet into a glass of water, wash the problem area with a sponge until it disappears completely.
  2. Soak the pillowcase in water for half an hour, set the laundry soap in advance. Pre-how to lather the stain on the face and inside out.
  3. Hold the item in brine (1 scoop per liter) overnight, then wash as usual.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide fights bloodstains well. It is applied to the affected area, hold for about 10 minutes, then soaked and washed with the addition of detergent.

By following all the recommendations, you can easily cope with pollution on any pillow.

How to wash and clean pillows at home, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


