Face massage

Buccal facial massage: features and rules of implementation

Buccal facial massage: features and rules of implementation

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  1. What it is?
  2. Impact on facial muscles
  3. Indications
  4. Contraindications
  5. Expected effect
  6. Preparation for the procedure
  7. Technique of
  8. How to make yourself?
  9. Recommendations

Today, there are many massage techniques. Each of them is designed to solve certain problems. Buccal face massage is a very unusual, but effective procedure. If you still have not heard anything about this technique, it may become a real discovery for you. The beauty of it is that after studying the features of its implementation, you will be able to repeat it at home.

What it is?

So, the buccal, or intra-buccal, facial massage is a technique patented by a French cosmetologist Joel Siocco, aimed at active rejuvenation of the lower part of the face. It belongs to the type of sculptural massage, as a result of the forceful effect of a beautician a significant transformation is achieved: wrinkles disappear, the shape of the face tightens, the skin acquires the necessary tone.

The main difference from the usual facial massage is that the beautician carries out manipulations not only on the face itself, but also through the oral cavity. Due to such a deep-contact technology, the development of all major and minor muscles is achieved.

Actually, in French, buccal and means "oral". It must be said that the author of such an unusual technique is far from being new to the business: she devoted most of her life to studying and practicing cosmetology, and is also a biochemist. This technique is not its only child, it also launches a line of cosmetics designed to fight age-related changes.

Non-surgical buccal massage has won many fans around the world. Now you can try it on yourself even in the office of a beautician in your city. For those who would like to learn how to do it yourself, the author organized courses, seminars and trainings.

Impact on facial muscles

Only having been born, the buccal massage technique caused a lot of controversy. Prior to that, it was believed that the effect on the skin and muscles of the face by force is unacceptable. However, those who have tried this miracle method on themselves return to it again and again.

The fact is that you don’t have to undergo any kind of radiation or inject chemical preparations under the skin., and even more so no one will reshape your face with a surgical scalpel. In addition to the effect of rejuvenation, buccal massage is active and normalizes the work of the masticatory and facial muscles due to the direct effect on them.

Buccal massage is absolutely natural, but it is extremely effective. The whole secret lies in the fact that there are many points on the face, by acting on which you can achieve the desired effect.

As a result, you get a toned face shape, although over time, he absolutely strives to swim downwards for everyone. From mimic wrinkles and nasolabial folds, too, no one has yet been able to get rid of without specific intervention. All these problems can also be solved with the help of buccal massage sessions.


It is obvious that it is recommended to conduct such massage sessions to anyone who has experienced the appearance of age-related changes on the face. Probably, there is no such woman who would not dream to look younger and fresher.

Here are some problems that may lead you into the office to the beautician for the procedure of buccal massage.

  • You have noticed that the shape of the face has become less sharp, or even sagging.Looking at yourself in the mirror and comparing with photos of past years, you clearly see the changes that you would like to get rid of.
  • The skin has become flabby. There is no trace of the former elasticity, and even the makeup can no longer hide the age-related changes.
  • The complexion became dull. It no longer radiates radiance and freshness, as before. Even after a rest, you do not look fresh and rested.
  • Edema. Especially noticeable they can be in the morning, and you have to spend precious time, not only to put on makeup, but also to hide them.
  • Double chin. Even if your weight is within the normal range, over time you may notice unwanted fat deposits in the chin and neck. These are also natural age-related changes that require adjustment, otherwise the situation will only worsen.
  • Mimic wrinkles. Our face is in constant motion, sometimes even at night, so the appearance of wrinkles is inevitable. But do not take it as a given, with which nothing can be done - daily care and courses of buccal massage can change the situation for the better.
  • Deep wrinkles. No cosmetologist can guarantee that they will completely disappear from such a massage, since these are already quite drastic changes that did not come in one day or even one year. But it is quite possible to reduce them and make them less visible with regular massages.


    Before applying to a beautician, make sure that you can do a buccal massage and you do not have contraindications and individual features that are direct contraindications to its use. Otherwise, you will not only not achieve the desired result, but you can also harm your own health.

    The list of priority contraindications for carrying out a buccal facial massage includes the following health problems and individual characteristics.

    • Malignant tumors.
    • Problems with the vessels. If you know for sure that your vessels are fragile and suffer from physical impact, then this type of massage will have to be abandoned.
    • Postponed in the recent past, for example, a stroke. Do not hide from a beautician those health problems that you have at the moment. A qualified master is able to determine whether you can conduct a course now, and if not, he will refer you to an additional physician for additional consultation.
    • Rash on the skin. Acne, papillomas, rashes of a different nature are also contraindications to massage. But do not be discouraged, because after solving problems with the skin you can easily visit the buccal massage sessions.
    • Open wounds, scratches, damages. With a force effect on the damaged areas or nearby areas, the deterioration of the situation and the slowdown of the regeneration process are not excluded.
    • Infections. Almost all infectious diseases, experts recommend to abandon the massage. At least at the time of treatment and rehabilitation.
    • Allergic reactions. If you suffer from seasonal allergies or have a rash as a result of a reaction to a specific irritant, postpone the visit to the beautician and proceed to the procedure only after consulting a professional.
    • Pregnancy and lactation. In this special period before the woman there is a bunch of prohibitions and restrictions, and cosmetic procedures are no exception. The most important thing is to preserve the health of the baby and mother, so you should not self-medicate and prescribe yourself any procedures without the permission of the obstetrician.

    Expected effect

    Buccal facial massage has a lot of advantages, but still you need to have a clear idea of ​​what results you can achieve after the course.

    1. The contour of the face becomes clearer and more accurate, and this despite the fact that no injections and cuts will be made.Therefore, after the procedure there is no recovery period. But after the first session, you will notice improvements.
    2. Any massage affects primarily the muscles, and buccal is no exception. In this way, the muscles of the lower face are trained, which has a beneficial effect on the skin condition.
    3. Relaxation. Some facial wrinkles appear precisely because the muscles are in constant tension. Relaxing them, the specialist achieves the effect of smoothing wrinkles.
    4. Emotional discharge. Relieving emotional stress can also help massage. As a specialist asks you to completely relax and trust his hands, the psyche also comes to a state of rest and relaxation.
    5. Recovery. If you have any pathologies of the facial nerve, then such regular workouts for the face is what the doctor prescribed. They help not only to solve the problem, but also to ensure the proper prevention of relapse.
    6. Slimming After the massage course you can see that the face has become slimmer. This is achieved due to the lifting effect and tone the muscles.

    Preparation for the procedure

    It does not require compliance with any difficult conditions and rules.

    To carry out proper training is not difficult, but do not neglect it - it will help to see the maximum effect in the shortest possible time.

    1. On a scheduled day before going to the beautician, refrain from stormy feasts, and 2 hours before the procedure begins, you should not eat at all.
    2. To get a great result, on the day of the massage, give up tea and coffee. It is much more useful to drink plain clean water.
    3. Do not apply makeup - the master will ask you to wash it off anyway. If the skin is pre-released from the layer of foundation, blush and other cosmetics, the master will only need to once again cleanse the face with a special tool to remove dust and greasy.
    4. Before and during the massage session, try to completely relax and not strain any facial muscle - so the master can work out all the areas better.
    5. A few days before the procedure, it is recommended to abandon the use of alcoholic beverages. It will be great if at the same time you also give up smoking. This will not only improve the result of the massage, but will also have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

    These are the basic rules that will need to be followed before attending a session. It is quite simple, but your skin and beautician will be grateful to you.

    Technique of

    Buccal massage is a patented technology, it can not be performed on a whim or change the order of actions. The author of the methodology conducts training courses and trainings to tell and show all the features of implementation. Even experienced cosmetologists will have to complete a course in order to perform the massage correctly, not to harm the client and achieve an optimal result.

    It is important to note that the sculpturing and deep-woven type of massage is distinguished. The second type is more complex and will require certain skills from the master. Due to it, a deeper correction of facial contours and wrinkles is achieved.

    Before you proceed directly to the massage, the master conducts antiseptic processing and puts on sterile gloves.

    Each session invariably involves several steps.

    1. Stroking So the master prepares the skin and muscles for a more aggressive effect, which will follow.
    2. Warm up Every athlete knows that you need to stretch your muscles before training, otherwise you may get injured. Massage is a kind of training for the muscles of the face, so the master performs circular movements throughout the face to relieve the existing tension.
    3. Tapping. With your fingertips, the massage therapist sounds like a tick on the treated area. Muscles and skin react to such irritation and in the future will be ready for more rigid movements of the master.
    4. Tingling and vibration.This stage is necessary to stimulate blood circulation, resulting in improved cell regeneration. Manipulations are carried out both outside and inside the oral cavity.
    5. The main massage begins when the master begins to work out each muscle separately. He moves in this case from the far corners of the mouth to the lips. It delays a little and returns to the place of the muscle - due to this, wrinkles are corrected. At the same time you may feel some discomfort, but this is absolutely normal.
    6. Stroking The final stage, during which the muscles and skin relax and come to their usual state.

    There are also the author's methods of buccal massage. In many ways, they are similar to the base method, but have their own characteristics. For example, Elena Nosova’s method implies a combination of several techniques and effects on the bone base and joints, while Jacob Hershkowitz’s method does not imply an aggressive effect, but it is considered necessary to work out almost all the facial muscles along massage lines.

    How to make yourself?

    To make a buccal massage at home is quite difficult. First, it requires knowledge and practice in such a matter, and secondly, it will be quite difficult to work out some muscles from the inside on your own, as you need complete relaxation of all muscles. And, of course, from the side it is much better to see which areas and muscles are affected.

    But if you are determined to hold an internal buccal massage yourself, clearly follow the instructions given.

    1. Clean your skin from makeup, sanitize your hands and put on sterile gloves. It will be especially difficult for girls with long nails to perform the procedure according to all the rules and not to injure the tissue.
    2. Lightly begin to massage the face. The line of impact should be directed from the chin to the cheekbones. Do not push or pull the skin very hard.
    3. Use your index and middle fingers to start working through the area inside the mouth. Massaging and slightly pulling movements from the corners of the mouth deep into. After working through each zone, make patting movements to normalize blood circulation.
    4. Finish the massage with light strokes and apply a nourishing cream outside.

    Remember that the best time for the procedure is from 09.00 to 15.00, and the duration of the procedure should not exceed 15 minutes (the first session - no more than 10 minutes).


    Reviews of buccal massage are very, very positive, but the end result depends largely on the correctness and number of sessions, individual characteristics and the initial state of the skin.

    In the majority of cases, all patients who underwent a full course of massage show improvements in the condition of the skin and oval of the face. Experts are also confident in the effectiveness of such a massage, only many of them argue that to achieve visible results with an independent performance is almost impossible.

    Another concern of specialists is that in order to maintain the achieved results, further repetition of the course will be required in the future. In general, it is a completely safe alternative to surgical intervention.

    For information on how to conduct buccal facial massage, see the following video.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


