Face massage

How to make a face massage with spoons?

How to make a face massage with spoons?

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  1. A bit of history
  2. What is the procedure?
  3. Technique of
  4. Features and nuances
  5. The details of the completion of the massage

Every woman wants her skin to be healthy, beautiful and young for a long time. In the modern world, there are many face care products. Beauty and beauty treatments will help to look good and well maintained at any age. However, most salon procedures have a fairly high price. There is a pleasant alternative: these include facial massage with the help of ordinary spoons, which can be performed independently at home.

A bit of history

China is considered the birthplace of such a massage, where it has been used for many decades, using a spoon of a special form. However, there is a perception that the discoverer of this procedure is René Koch, a famous doctor in Germany. This massage is almost universal remedy for all skin types.

It is used:

  • to improve the condition of young skin;
  • for getting rid of mimic wrinkles;
  • for mature skin after 40 years.

The results of the massage will be noticeable after several procedures, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of women of different ages. This procedure helps to get rid of age problems, thanks to her face skin will be fresh, toned and rejuvenated.

What is the procedure?

This is a warm-up of the muscles of the face, which is done using tablespoons of different sizes. Spoons are promoted along the massage lines of the face, thereby activating the outflow of lymph.

For this wonderful massage the best tool will be spoons of silver, since its antioxidant and antiseptic properties have long been known. Massage with silver spoons will allow substances to penetrate deep into the skin, which will improve its nutrition. In the event that there are no silverware, you can take ordinary metal spoons, the effectiveness of such a massage will also be a decent level.

Massage is recommended to produce spoons, changing the temperature of the devices during the procedure.

Cold appliances are used:

  • to restore skin elasticity;
  • to lighten the skin under the eyes;
  • for removal of puffiness, thanks to the procedure, bags under the eyes can be significantly reduced.

The action of hot massage is aimed at tightening the contour of the face, it is done against wrinkles, the procedure allows you to remove the second chin.

    The most favorable time of day for a spoon massage is morning. It takes quite a bit of time. About 5 minutes will have to spend on a massage for the eyelids and 10-15 minutes to massage the face.

    However, it is worth remembering that there are several contraindications for this massage, they are:

    • nasopharyngeal diseases;
    • lymph node inflammation;
    • skin rashes and irritations;
    • couperose;
    • feeling unwell.

    Also, be careful with the places where there are vascular nets, they can not be massaged.

    Technique of

    Before you begin the procedure, you must remove the makeup and wash your face well.

    Then you need to apply the skin oil that is most suitable for your skin:

    • almond;
    • olive;
    • coconut

    Also well suited face cream or a special lifting cream and gels. If necessary, the oil composition can be applied to the spoon itself to improve its gliding.

    During the sliding of the device, it is important that the skin does not stretch.

    Next, you should prepare two spoons for the procedure. It can be devices of different sizes - you can take a teaspoon or dessert spoon. To determine their size, they should be held over the face: this will allow you to find out which spoons it is more pleasant to work with. Their size will depend on personal convenience and comfort sensations.

    It is necessary to put two containers with hot and cold water. By the way, it is not necessary to use water, herbal teas, warm or chilled, are very well suited.

    For the preparation of herbal decoction, you should take:

    • daisy;
    • sage;
    • green tea;
    • nettles

    To conduct a cold massage in the tank is recommended to add ice.

    It is very important to use only pure materials. It is necessary to process the instrument with alcohol or another antiseptic, also use clean containers for liquids. Before a false massage, wash your hands with soap and wipe dry.

    Conducting massage with hot spoons, the devices heat up to no more than 50 degrees, the massage movements should not cause discomfort or discomfort.

    It is necessary to carry out the procedure very carefully, pressing the device should not be strong, the direction of movement is strictly along the massage lines. It is necessary to control the degree of pressure, do not press very hard, so that there are no bruises or injuries.

    The frequency and number of procedures will depend on the goals. In the event that such is the destruction of small wrinkles and improvement of the facial contour, this will require 10-15 procedures. If there is swelling of the face, you can massage every day for 5 minutes. After a course of massage you need to take a break for about a week. If you do not want to stop at the achieved result, then the course of procedures should be repeated.

    Features and nuances

    Consider the types of massage for different zones and purposes.

    How to remove facial wrinkles and bags under the eyes?

    The eyes are the window to the soul, and eye care must be the most thorough. To remove wrinkles and get rid of dark circles and bags, you should massage problem areas with cold spoons. Before starting the procedure, pour cold water or herbal decoction into the container. To enhance the effect of the procedure, you can add pieces of ice to the liquid. Spoons are dipped into a bowl of water and allowed to cool.

    Then they are taken out and the back side is advanced along the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. Movement should be carried out not strictly according to the eyelid, but along the brow arc about five times. Next, perform the movement in the opposite direction. Spoon should be moved towards the nose, massage is carried out on the lower part of the eyelids from the far corner to the near. Need to hold a spoon about five times.

    It is worth remembering that the spoon should remain cool, for this periodically it is immersed in a container with cold liquid.

    To combat fine wrinkles around the eyes, it is necessary to perform a circular motion massage from the cheekbones in the direction of the temples. Then, starting near the corners of the eyes, to the temples, while it is necessary to linger a little at the end and at the beginning.

    This procedure should be carried out by combining devices with different temperatures. Thus, it is recommended to begin massage with warm devices, and to finish with cool ones.

    From the nasolabial folds

    To massage the nasolabial folds massage movements on them should be made from the bottom up. To remove the lymph, you need to lead a spoon on the cheek, starting from the nose to the temple, then hold the device in the direction of the earlobe, moving from the corners of the mouth. Smooth movements should be made without undue skin tension. After the massage process is mastered, you can slightly improve the movement, holding a spoon is not a direct movement, and circular.

    You can enhance the effectiveness of this procedure: to do this, it is enough to inflate the cheeks and move along the nasolabial folds with tapping movements.It is necessary to alternate the temperature of the spoons, you need to start the procedure with hot utensils, alternating them with cold ones.

    For cheekbones and cheeks

    The cheek and cheek areas often need to be corrected. To massage this area, it is necessary to warm the oil slightly, gently moisten a spoon. The amount of oil on the device should remain moderate so that it does not drip. After wetting the device, you can begin the process. Massage in this case will take place from the corners of the lips in the direction of the earlobes, while the movement is performed along the cheek and further from the chin to the auricles. This manipulation is performed on the lower jaw.

    When performing the manipulation, it is necessary to linger a little at the starting and ending point.

    From the wrinkles on the forehead

    To get rid of wrinkles on the forehead, massage devices should be above the eyebrows. In this case, the devices must be pre-lubricated with a little oil. Then with one spoon it is necessary to make ten circular movements in one direction and the same in the other. Next, use the second spoon, for this you need to connect it with the first, putting one under the other. Then lightly move the spoons one above the other ten times.

    After that, both cutlery positioned near, between the eyebrows. Quiet movements need to dissolve the spoons towards the temples. Must be repeated ten times. During the massage of this zone, alternating devices with different temperatures are also used.

    For the lower face

    To improve the shape of the face, it is necessary to move the spoons towards each other in the direction from the chin to the ear. For better results, you can strain the muscles, but after the massage you need to remove the lymph. Correcting the chin, hot devices are placed horizontally under it, straining the muscles of the chin, and then pushing the cutlery to the side and upwards with a slight pressure.

    To make it easier to feel the tension in the muscles of the chin, it is necessary to push the lower jaw forward.

    For such a massage, three movements will suffice; after that, it is necessary to retract the lymph and perform another movement approach. The duration of the procedure is determined individually, for this massage it will be enough for five minutes, but if desired, the length of time can be increased.

    Adjust the “second chin” can be tapping movements of spoons, their direction in this case will be - from the chin to the neck.

    Massaging the delicate skin of the neck, movements must be made from the collarbone to the chin, holding up the neck about ten times.

    It should be remembered that the thyroid gland during massage should not be touched, it is extremely undesirable to massage.

    Decollete area

    A spoon massage can also achieve excellent results on the skin in the decollete area. In this case, we will need two spoons, they are used simultaneously. To massage the decollete area, cutlery is placed near the hollow between the breasts and massage movements are carried up to the forearm area. Then it is necessary to make a movement from a hollow in the direction of the armpits. At the end of the massage in the decollete area, you need to make movements from the hollow towards the middle of the clavicle, and then to its beginning.

    It is worth remembering that after working through each zone, the lymph must be retracted, moving from the ear lobes to the neck, then to the clavicles and to the sides.

    The details of the completion of the massage

    After the massage, it is necessary to wash the skin of all the massage zones with water and wipe dry. The success of any business lies in regularity, and cosmetic massage with spoons is no exception. Regular procedure can provide the desired result and save it as long as possible. At the same time, the intensity of massage movements and the duration of the procedure for each zone can be adjusted independently, starting from its own problem zones and goals.

    This massage is effective due to the impact of metal on the skin.The temperature difference includes the activation of intracellular processes or their slowing down. With the right technique and the right degree of pressure on the skin, it smooths, improves tone and color. It is possible to remove toxins from the skin and excess fluid, which immediately affects the appearance: the skin will noticeably rejuvenate, the blood flow will improve, which is the key to a healthy beautiful complexion. Regular massage with spoons will bring great benefit to the skin. The most pleasant thing is that you can do it yourself at home, keeping the budget. You should not regret for yourself 15 minutes every morning, and then the skin will be young and radiant for a long time.

    You will learn some more tips on self-massage with spoons from the following video.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


