Face massage

Features facial massage by Jacquet

Features facial massage by Jacquet

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  1. Features
  2. History of
  3. Indications for the procedure
  4. Contraindications
  5. Technique of
  6. Massage at home
  7. Reviews

Massage according to Jacquet is a treatment-and-prophylactic procedure carried out by plucking technique and prescribed on the recommendation of a cosmetologist. It provides elimination of skin diseases, improves skin condition, has a lifting effect and improves the oval of the face. Currently, due to its effectiveness, the procedure is very much in demand.


Women who regularly visit beauty salons for facial massage are accustomed to the fact that the procedure is gentle and very gentle. Professional beauticians have always been very negative about the intense effects on the face. They did not get tired of constantly warning about negatives that may arise as a result of stretching the skin, even with daily care and application of the cream. The appearance in our life of therapeutic and cosmetic pinch massage by Jacquet has made very big adjustments to the idea of ​​the procedures for working with the face. Intensive stretching of the skin layers gives a significant rejuvenation effect in a very short period of time. It contributes to a change in the contour of the face and the disappearance of facial wrinkles, reducing or even getting rid of the second chin.

The Jacque massage technique on the face has now become widely used in beauty salons and medical clinics. In addition, such a process involving effects on massage lines is universally carried out not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body (back, hips, chest, buttocks).

The procedure of exposure is painful, but it guarantees a significant effect.

History of

Even in ancient times, doctors in Greece noticed that the removal of any severe pain or a change in the deformation of the skin can be done by the method of strong tingling, intense exposure and increased rubbing. In the XVIII century, the French dermatologist Leonard Jacquet, having studied in detail the ancient Greek practices, created a technique for the implementation of an intense facial massage. He very painstakingly studied, worked through, and later described his research in scientific works.

Initially, his practice was intended to treat the skin after various dermatological diseases. For several decades, the technique of using this kind of strong skin tweaks, grips and vibrations has been widely used in Chinese massage clinics. In China, such a massage is practiced throughout the body. In the East, this method has never been used to work with a person. The merit of the French doctor is that he first used his practice to apply massage techniques on the face line. Only two centuries later in Europe, the scientific work of Leonard Jacquet was evaluated.

According to the method of Jacquet, any anti-aging procedures should be done very intensively, despite the possible pain.

Indications for the procedure

This method is a wand - a wand for those who have skin problems. Masseurs, widely practicing the plucking technique, speak about its effectiveness.

The therapeutic effect of the massage is:

  • reduction of seborrhea by improving metabolic processes in the impact zone;
  • getting rid of inflammatory foci of the skin and epidermis;
  • getting rid of age spots and acne spots;
  • improving the tone of all the muscles of the face associated with age-related changes;
  • resorption of scars.

Due to the intensive effect on the subcutaneous layers, blood flow to the muscle tissues is improved, which enriches the subcutaneous layers and skin with oxygen and increases the circulation of lymph. In this way, regeneration processes are launched in the places of impact.


Due to the intensity of the procedures there are many contraindications.

It is strictly forbidden to perform pinch massage:

  • with open wounds, scratches and other injuries, all kinds of inflammations on the face (such as herpes, psoriasis, skin suppuration);
  • in the presence of moles on the face;
  • with vascular diseases;
  • in oncology and serious blood diseases;
  • in inflammatory processes of the facial nerve;
  • with progressive infectious diseases;
  • with high blood pressure.

According to the recommendations of Leonard Jacquet, the procedure should be immediately terminated when excess redness appears. He argued that one procedure should not last more than 10-12 minutes.

Technique of

The masseur must be informed about all your doubts and illnesses before prescribing the procedure.

The practice of massage includes three stages of exposure to the client's face: deep seizures of the skin together with the subcutaneous layers (done by tweaks); strong kneading, contributing to enhanced development of the subcutaneous muscle layers; active, but gentle vibrations with simultaneous pressure.

The technique of the procedure is carried out strictly along the massage lines, the slightest deviation from them can lead to significant stretching of the skin and the formation of wrinkles.

Impact on the lines from the neck

The procedure begins with an impact on the neck. Active kneading progresses from the cleavage to the tip of the chin, then to the ears and back down to the shoulders and clavicle. Proper treatment of this area can reduce the flabbiness of the skin on the neck. Head during the procedure should be strongly thrown back.

The procedure for the study of lines from the chin

Impact on the skin is made by tingling from the tip of the chin. Gradually, the masseur’s fingers move up to the auricles. The movements are carried out in the lower jaw. With a pinching motion, a massage is made from the corners of the lips to the ears, then an active effect occurs in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. The study of this area of ​​the face allows you to get rid of the second chin and improve the shape of the face.

Movement along the lines from the nose

Promotion is carried out from the bottom of the nose, and then goes to the auricles. The implementation of the massage in this area will return the smoothness of the skin, improve the contour of the cheeks and stop their sagging.

Elaboration of lines going from eyebrows

Along the massage lines, there is a movement from the eyebrows to the eyebrows and a further transition to the temples, then there is a movement along the forehead in the direction of the hair growth area. The skin here is very tight, but the process of kneading and the implementation of intense vibration are necessary. Elaboration of this zone smoothes even deep inter-brow wrinkles.

Eye zone

Exposure is very neatly performed in the eye area and progress towards the temples with increasing amplitude of exposure is more effective. Gently slit the upper eyelid with a slight vibration (from the inner to the outer corner), and then in the same direction and the lower eyelid. Tweaks and grabs of tissues in this area of ​​the face are strictly prohibited.

If you observe the process of holding a massage, it may seem that the technique of the procedure is very simple and everyone can do it. In fact, not every experienced beautician takes up massage for Jacquet. When teaching a pinch massage, a careful study of each individual technique is carried out.

Improper implementation of the procedure will have the opposite effect. Additional puffiness and severe redness may occur.

During the procedure, the masters wrinkle and nibble the tissues of the entire face. Some of their movements sometimes resemble the process of squeezing acne. They spare only the area around the eyes. Such strong and sharp movements really contribute to the destruction of subcutaneous suppurations and all sorts of inflammatory foci.

During the procedure, acne canals often break and their contents flow out. The process of implementation of the tweaks themselves is carried out very quickly, but the skin has time to relax and get used to the pain due to the alternation of tweaks with vibration. In preparation for the massage, the cosmetologist thoroughly cleanses the skin of the client’s face. The procedure is carried out without the use of creams and oils, because the skin of the clients applying for the Jacquet procedure is subject to the release of fat. The beautician uses antiseptic and talc in the treatment of his hands.

The time of exposure to massage depends on the number of problem areas. More than 15 minutes procedure is not carried out.

With a thin and very sensitive skin massage do about five minutes. In total it is necessary to conduct from 10 to 15 sessions. After 6 months, repeat the course.

Massage at home

When conducting a massage yourself, it is necessary to take into account all the recommendations and examine all contraindications. Before implementing this kind of process it is worth undergoing training. Be sure to conduct a preliminary cleansing of the skin. Completely remove makeup and prepare a steam bath to cleanse the pores. A person will be useful to hold over the bath with hot water, which previously added a few drops of essential oil.

We do the procedure under a blanket just as in childhood you breathed over potatoes during a cold. Instead of the essential oil, the camomile chamomile decoction and the lime blossom work well on the skin. After steam bath face should be wiped well.

Oil or cream should not be applied to the treatment area; skin should be completely dry.

The task of the procedure is maximum contact of the fingers and skin. After completing the process, a nourishing cream should be applied to soothe and relax the skin.


According to the recall of many clients of the beauty salon, Jacquet massage is not a very pleasant procedure. The masseur presses his fingers tightly and tingles his face, which causes intense pain. It is also extremely unpleasant when the master works with the area of ​​the eyes and nose.

Nevertheless, the results of the massage exceed all expectations. Facial oval improves, the second chin is removed. The overwhelming majority of women note the smoothing of mimic wrinkles, improvement of the complexion, its texture.

According to medical practitioners, medical and cosmetic plucking massage by Jacquet is very effective. One has only to pay attention to the fact that it is impossible to independently learn an effective self-massage, you can only understand general concepts and apply basic movements. For high-quality procedures for Jacquet requires the passage of specialized courses.

The technique of performing facial massage by Jacquet, see in the video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


