
Affirmations to attract love

Affirmations to attract love

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  1. What it is?
  2. How it works?
  3. How to make?
  4. How to use?
  5. How to enhance the effect?

Love is the most wonderful feeling on earth. Who does not dream about it, about such a big and clean? However, few find a soul mate who can also love and feel you with all their soul. To meet your soul mate is a great success for both men and women.

And do not think that men are lucky in this regard more than women. Both suffer equally and equally want to be happy with their families.

What it is?

All our feelings can be concentrated so that the most intimate desire is fulfilled. Affirmations help in life even if they give hope. When we very often repeat phrases with a certain set of words, we perform the rite of affirmations.

Words directed inside of your “I” pass through the heart and remain with us in consciousness. This is a focus on the goal. Sometimes it happens thoughtlessly, on the machine. At first you yourself unconsciously believed in yourself, and then you began to act.

Most men are quite skeptical about the fact that various rites and magic. Few of them will want to achieve life goals by repeating certain phrases, that is, affirmations. It is boring and ridiculous. This is how many of them argue. Moreover, those who are very busy at work will say so.

And in vain. Higher forces do not separate women from men. They help everyone without exception. If you are desperate to find a partner who will love and cherish you, then you need to try all the ways, including this one. Believe in a miracle and you will receive from the fate of the most beautiful woman.

The fair sex a little easier to believe in the help coming from above. They are vulnerable, and their soul is more susceptible to various amazing things. Repetition of affirmations will not be a special inaccessible task for them. Therefore, you need to proceed to action, and the tips below will help you.

  • Affirmations for early marriage it is necessary to pronounce in the morning and in the evening at the same time several times. They may be the following: “I am married to an intelligent and wonderful person,” “I love my husband,” “I have found a husband, and he loves me.” Phrases can come up with your own. There should be no one in the room when you pronounce affirmations. For more effect, turn off the lights in the bedroom and turn on the quiet music on the theme of the wedding. So you set yourself up for a marriage that may happen soon.
  • You can also set yourself up for an excellent relationship with your husband (wife). As soon as you begin to radiate a positive, you will “infect” your spouse with the same. Try to use the following phrases: “I and my husband (wife) are happy,” “I and the family are one unit,” “Happiness and love are in the family.”
  • Family well-being can be supported by the following phrases: “My family radiates positive and happy,” “I am safe, my children and husband are safe and healthy.” So you not only save family happiness, but also increase it. Pronounce affirmations preferably in the evening before bedtime. You can bring a husband to this occupation and try to pronounce the words together. This will enhance the effect of the magic words.
  • Affirmations on the love of a man need to be invented and repeated for the next dream. However, this information will help a man who sincerely wishes to find the love of a single woman. At night, all our senses sharpen, portals open. In the dark it is easier to dream and dream. And as you know, dreams have a material basis.Therefore, choose one of the phrases: “I love a beautiful man (woman)”, “I am happy (a), and I have love”, “I love and love (a)”. Say these phrases out loud in your bedroom. For more effective ritual to attract a loved one, sit comfortably on the bed, put a pillow under your head, close your eyes and repeat the above affirmations or come up with your own personal ones (the number can be from 10 to 20 and above).

Be sure during the session, draw in your head the image of your future lover (oops). Such activities will not keep you waiting long, and you will find love.

How it works?

Around a lot of happy couples. Individual families have already had children. You also really want to meet your loved one, then to spend with him his whole life together. When you really want something, it will definitely come true.

It is this life-affirming principle laid down in such magical and psychological practice as affirmations. They are different. The main thing is to have positive words.

When every day you desire something very strongly, this desire begins to materialize. Here the following happens: one energy turns into another. The fact that our thoughts are material has not been denied for a long time.

For example, you have come up with an affirmation to meet not just a loved one, but one who is also rich, smart, and disinterested. Some skeptics will say: “If you want a lot, you will receive little.” And they will be completely wrong.

But the principle of "what you want, then you will get" works much more efficiently. Therefore, we will try to find support in the last statement and we will adhere to one more principle: we take all the best and the most beautiful from this life.

So, for the beginning we will make such an affirmation: “I met and fell in love with the most noble, beautiful and rich man in the world and married him”. You have already taken the first step on the road to success - you have written the right words. Now it remains to embody them in your life, that is, materialize.

Morning and evening, repeat this phrase. You will ask: “How will this work?” Very simple. You don't even have to do anything special. The main thing is not to deviate from the intended goal.

When you begin to pronounce the affirmation, you can feel nothing on the first day. It is necessary to continue and persistently turn directly to your consciousness in order to fulfill your desire.

Gradually, these magic words will be remembered by heart and will come to mind even when you are driving or at work. And this is very good. So, your brain, like a vessel, is “filled” with energy that you spend on uttering a phrase. We are all connected with the universe. Each cell of our body and our thoughts are a chain of one network, which is connected with the Higher Mind.

When your brain overflows with energy, it will be forced to send its surplus into space. This light ball (it should be presented as follows: it radiates light and flies up easily and freely) and there is your desire. After this clot of activity reaches its goal, the Higher Forces will hear your prayers and come to the rescue.

They will fulfill your dream. That's exactly how it all works.

How to make?

There are certain rules for creating affirmations. As you call a ship, so it will sail. And this is the main principle of making phrases aimed at the success of your enterprise.

First you need to decide what you really want, and only then begin to act. So, here are some frames you should not leave.

  • Affirmations must always contain the essence, and do not need to "pour water" in their preparation.
  • The particle "NOT" is completely unacceptable when it comes to making phrases. It does not perceive the cosmos, and therefore your desire will not come true. You can not say "I do not want to be unloved," correctly say "I love and be loved."
  • Affirmation should be made as if the wish had already come true. For example, "I'm happy and in love." If you write this phrase in the future tense (“I will be happy and fall in love”), then your desire will be lost between the future and the past tense. And this is the risk that it will never come true.
  • All phrases should be positive and carry only positive. In no case can not direct their energy to eliminate rival. Otherwise, you yourself will suffer from the blow that you will direct against it. Higher forces do not forgive mistakes and anger.
  • Try to write a phrase that will only meet your interests. And be sure to believe that the wish will come true.

Every your action aimed at the fulfillment of desire, must have the character of faith in what you do. If you do not believe in the effectiveness of this practice, then it is better not to start doing anything.

You will fail without faith: you will lose a lot of time and will be disappointed in the hope of a miracle. And this is the right path to depression.

How to use?

In order for everything that you do to come true, you need to throw aside skepticism. Especially this feeling is inherent in men. But women, on the contrary, are able to accept the fact that the Higher Forces help those who ask.

Phrases must be compiled correctly and then pronounced correctly. And the setting should match your image. Therefore, use the following tips.

  • Saying affirmations does not require fuss. For everything to work out, we need peace and quiet around you. Best of all, a room with a closed door is suitable for this purpose.
  • You must be left alone with yourself. No one should be near. Even your favorite animals. They have their own energy and can "kill" your energy in their proper manner.
  • It is best to pronounce the phrase sitting in a comfortable chair. You can complement the atmosphere with quiet music.
  • Say phrases at least 30 times a day (can be divided into intervals). There are certain numbers that contribute to the greatest result - it is 7, 9, 33, 100.
  • It is advisable to conduct sessions at the same time. So you even more set up your mind to commit a specific action.
  • The environment should be more than comfortable.

How to enhance the effect?

You need to act so that your efforts are not in vain. Always have sessions in a very good mood. It should be not only good, but also highly elevated.

Around should be the same situation. In the room it is necessary to remove excess things and clean the floors. This will help improve the aura of your home. And it will help enhance the effect.

A few more tips will help you do it.

  • Most likely that you have everything goes according to plan, gives a mirror. It is necessary to sit in front of him and look directly into his eyes. Look at your reflection as if you want to hypnotize yourself. At some point, you will feel that your eyes fall into the reflection. So, the time has come, and you need to slowly, but clearly begin to pronounce affirmations. If you feel an inner and outer connection, then you are on the right wave.
  • For greater effect, place around the house colored stickers with affirmations that you repeat every day. It needs to be done like this: take colored stickers or paper. For writing phrases suitable color markers. Choose the brightest ones. Write phrases. You can go ahead and portray each letter or each word in a separate color. So you will spend more energy, and affirmations will become more colorful. And it will attract your attention all the time. Next, stick your colorful phrases on the refrigerator, toilet mirror, in the hallway or in the bedroom. Wherever you are most often. Try to look at them and each time to reflect on what is written there.
  • Always imagine what you are saying. At this stage you want to meet your love.So, imagine the future image of a beloved man. Feel free to dream. The more you want, the more you will be given. Every detail is important here. Therefore, you should think about each dash in the image of your invented man. More often represent it with flowers coming to meet you. Even clothes can come up with, and hairstyle, and hair color. When an image is painted in your mind, then it materializes more quickly in real life.
  • Light some candles and put them near you. The fire will certainly increase your energy and will direct it in the right direction.
  • You can do the same with water. Pour some clean water into the cup. Set in front of you. Start reading affirmations. The energy that cannot get inside the consciousness will fall into the water and remain there. After the session, drink water. So you enhance the effect. The lost energy will come back to you with the fluid and add strength.

Most importantly, do not forget that we are all - this is a huge universe. The more we give away positive energy, the more it is returned to us. Communicate through yourself with the Higher Mind, and he will answer you the same.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


