Scottish cat

Scottish cats black color

Scottish cats black color

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  1. Breed description
  2. Temperament
  3. Color Description
  4. Care features

Today, cats are the most popular pets. And Scottish cats are no exception.

This breed was formed relatively recently: about 50 years ago. Their first representatives appeared in Scotland and in connection with this received such a name. But for a very long time, their appearance was considered a defect. They also have admirers who they immediately liked.

    They became popular only in the late 90s, as they were brought to the United States. A little earlier, in 1980, they decided on their standards in appearance, and after that, everyone sought to display exactly this type of cats, which were called Scottish Fold.

    Breed description

    The breed is born with ordinary ears. And by the first month in some individuals they remain so, and in someone they assume a hanging position - this is what distinguishes them from the rest. This feature has always been of interest.

    It was formed as a result of a mutation, so it’s hard to guess how kittens are born.

    From birth, they have round, strong heads and powerful mouths. Immediately catches the eye such a feature as plump cheeks, in boys they are more noticeable. Ideal ears for this breed are usually small and drooping. They also stand out with their own eyes - they are round and large. Together with such ears, a slightly surprised expression of the muzzle is obtained.

    Paws of kittens of average length, but quite powerful. Their weight is about 4-5 kg. There are instances that can reach a weight of 7 kg and even more. Cats are always bigger.

    Scottish cats have a very large palette of colors in color. The most various shades can meet, but gray and lilac are most often observed.

    They are also divided into long-haired (Highlan-fold) and short-haired (Scottish Fold).

    Highlan fold
    Scottish fold

    All kittens have a very soft, fluffy fur, which needs quality care. To a greater extent this applies to long-haired cats.

    At the moment, a lot of excitement has received a ticked color, as it is very beautiful. Also, representatives of this color have a wonderful character.


    With age, the character can be absolutely anything - it depends on the attitude to the pet and on the environment in which he lives.

    For this reason, those who grew up in a family where there are children and other animals grow up with a soft character, rather than individuals living alone. But despite this, even evil cats will show their gentle nature. Aggression is manifested in such individuals only when they feel threatened. In infancy, the Scots are active and inquisitive. With age, they can remain the same or become lazy.

    In the latter case, most of the time pets will just roll around.

    This breed has no serious shortcomings. But there is such a minus as stubbornness. If, for example, the owner wants to teach his pet something, then problems may arise. For this reason, a person will have to gain more patience.

    Lop-eared cats are very attached to the house and its owner. They do not like when they put some restrictions. These animals love to eat, so you need to monitor their nutrition, so that pets do not gain excess weight.

    Color Description

    Scottish black cat (similar to smoke) color - one of the most common options. His color is usually uniform, without any inclusions.If it is necessary for the pet to participate in exhibitions, then it is impossible to have any specks of a different color or red (rust) in color. For this reason, the jury can reduce the assessment or simply not allow.

    Slightly non-uniform color or light undercoat can be only in babies, since such a shade is formed for quite a long time. When the color is already formed, the animal looks very impressive.

    And smooth-haired representatives have black pads and nose.

    Care features

    Scottish cats need special care.

    It consists of the items described below.

    • Air temperature. Because of their wool, animals do not tolerate hot weather, so the temperature in the room should not exceed 21 degrees of heat. Periodically, you need to air the room.
    • the washing up. This procedure should be carried out 4 times a year, additionally before performances, during shedding and as the wool is contaminated. A suitable temperature should not be above 38-40 degrees. When bathing you need to use a special shampoo and conditioner, suitable for the type of pet hair. After the animal is washed, it should be wiped with a soft towel and dried in a warm room with a hairdryer. Since this breed does not like water, in the case of resistance, you must use a dry shampoo that does not require rinsing. For this pet you need to comb, then apply the tool and once again comb.
    • Fur care. Scots need to be combed in a timely manner, so this procedure takes place 1-2 times a week for short-haired pets and 2-3 times for long-haired pets. To comb wool, a comb with frequent teeth is used, and during shedding - an effective combing tool (furminator). Combs with natural bristles and pooderki will not work, as they injure the skin and break the coat.

    Clipping pets can not be, because the fur protects animals from cold and heat.

    • Claw care. Trim the claws should be once every two weeks with special scissors. To do this, gently press on the pad with your finger and cut off the horny part, the angle should be straight, the distance from the vessel - 2 mm. Then all you need to file. If the living part was accidentally damaged, it is better to treat it with hydrogen peroxide. Must be a scraper.
    • Eyes and ears care. Because of the peculiar structure of the nasal septum, the nasolacrimal canals are narrowed. In this regard, the pets hung tears. On contact with air, the secretions become brown. For this reason, it is necessary to constantly clean the eyes with a damp cloth. From the ears you need to remove plaque with cotton pads, which should be moistened with vegetable oil.
    • Tray. To accustom to the new need in a relaxed atmosphere. After the pet wakes up or eats, the kitten should immediately be planted on the tray. Thus, he quickly learns.
    • Hygiene graze. Scots have a predisposition to gum disease. And they definitely need to brush their teeth once a week. This is done with a paste for animals and a special brush that is put on the finger. If the animal resists, then you need to wrap it in a towel or after a meal, apply a spray from germs, which can be purchased in specialized stores.
    • Vaccination. If a person has taken a kitten that already has 3 months, then he should be vaccinated. If this happened earlier, then vaccination should be done independently. As soon as the kitten got into a new home, then within 10 days the worms are twice removed. Then vaccination is done and repeated after 21 days. The next time you need to perform this procedure in 12 months. Vaccination for adult animals is carried out annually.
    • Parasite treatment. Once every three months, the animal must be given anti-worms. Wool from parasites must be processed 1 time in 2 months.If the owner from an early age taught his pet to such procedures, then he will not have any problems. Otherwise it is worth picking up a moment when the cat has a good mood.
    • Feeding. For food Scottish need to carefully monitor. He should not give products from the table. It is impossible that he had access to food - this can lead to excess weight, which is bad for health.

    They are also prone to diseases of the digestive system.

    The story about the breed - in the next video.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


