Scottish cat

List of names for Scottish Fold cats

List of names for Scottish Fold cats

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  1. Selection features
  2. Original nicknames
  3. Funny names
  4. List of popular unusual options

When a cat appears at home, it is almost always a reason for joy and the appearance of certain changes: a tray, places for feeding, a leash, a collar, food and other necessary accessories for your beloved pet. It is best to take not an adult individual, who is already accustomed to his life elsewhere, but a kitten, because he can settle at your home without any problems. And if someone has a kitten in his life, then he must have a name, because sometimes you have to quarrel with him, sometimes praise him, or just play with this “colorful ball”.

Choosing a name is a very complicated, but fascinating procedure, because the nickname should correspond to the behavior, character and appearance of the pet. To come up with the most appropriate and cool name for a kitten, you should familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the choice and either choose one of the existing ones, or, on the basis of the examples given, come up with something no less suitable and fun.

Selection features

Often, the pet is purchased immediately with documents from some breeders, in which case he already has a name and it is not advisable to rename it if the kitten is already older than 2-3 weeks, because he can already get used to his name. But the nickname is usually chosen taking into account all the qualities of the pet and possible exhibitions and performances - in the future. It turns out that at the factory the pet's nickname is painstakingly and often it is a very good option.

But if you still do not like the way your pet was named or it does not have a name yet, then you should consider a few features. Scottish cats differ from most breeds in their coat, ear structure, muzzle and manners.

Therefore, to pick a nickname for a kitten-girl in such a situation is not easy and it is worth repelling from several features.

  • Do not rush to the choice of nicknames. Over time, the kitten will show its qualities more vividly, and then the name will come by itself.
  • It is not advisable to call common names, after all, Scottish cats are special, and others with the same names may not be very pleased that the pet was named after her.
  • It is recommended to give a “loud” and sonorous name, if in the future it is planned to perform in contests and exhibitions.
  • It is worth remembering that often it is the nickname that characterizes a pet.
  • It is not advisable to call the kitten-girl the same as the name of the previous pet, especially if that one had a bad fate.
  • You should not give long or difficult to pronounce names, because children and the elderly will apply to the pet. Yes, and you may eventually get bored to pronounce a heavy nickname.

And then, what to call your pet, you might think, starting from the appearance of the cat. This is the brightest feature that is unlikely to change throughout life. Color, ears and eyes - this is something that is completely different in Scottish lop-eared cats, which means that it is worth paying attention to.

Often, these beautiful animals get a nickname depending on the color of wool and options can be very different.

White color

Cats of such flowers look bright and most often completely correspond to the breed of “royal” cats:

  • Alba (Short for "Albinos");
  • Blondie;
  • Ice or Asya;
  • Winter;
  • Milka;
  • Snowball or Snezha;
  • Fluff;
  • Squirrel.

Gray color

    (The most common color among Scottish Fold, is of different shades. The most common shade: smoky):

    • Haze;
    • Gracie;
    • Stele;
    • Aria;
    • Cinderella;
    • Earley

    Black color

    A rather rare variant, which emphasizes the grace and grandeur of this breed:

    • Bagheera;
    • Agatha;
    • Noir;
    • Panther;
    • Night;

    Brown color

    This color is often more like red or even golden, however, there can be many shades:

    • Zlata;
    • Bestia;
    • Toffee;
    • Persia.

    When choosing a name for a kitten, it is worth remembering that this is the same as the name for a person.

    Apart from you, your cat will be approached by friends, relatives and guests, so the choice should be made thoroughly and not be in a hurry with it.

    Do not invent complex names, but do not limit yourself to standard options.

    Original nicknames

    Many people want their pet to be different. It is worth to abandon the classic and common nicknames, but consider something more original:

    • Skye (cat with blue wool);
    • Boucle or Belatris (for fans of Harry Potter);
    • Queen or Carolina (name for stately and important persons);
    • Tigress or Tigrulya (a striped and aggressive cat will suit such a name);
    • Athena or Aphrodite (the name of the goddess is perfect for a beautiful and calm Scottish Fold);
    • Barbie or Dolly (For lovers of dolls and playful cats);
    • Chanel or Anfisa (Name suitable for smoky persons).

    It is clear that the originality of the nickname depends most of all on the appearance and behavior of the pet. And given the beauty and characteristics of the breed, it becomes clear that the original name is the most suitable option.

    Funny names

    Often the kittens are rather ridiculous, with strange behavior, plump and funny running, this also applies to Scottish cats - then I really want to emphasize the features of the darling and choose the appropriate name. In this case, it is worth referring to ridiculous names that will tell any stranger everything you need about your pet. In addition, a cool name for your pet is always a reason to tell those who are interested, why the cat is so named and what other options were there.

    But you don’t have to go over the choice of a name, yet you will often turn to a cat, and pronouncing heavy, strange, even funny names is quite difficult and will get boring over time. In addition, do not forget that the funny name should not denigrate the royal inclinations of the Scottish Fold cat. Variants of funny names for a cat:

    • Sonya (for lovers to sleep);
    • Shumka (when she constantly rolls around and creates noise);
    • Busya, Simka or Button (depends on the items that she most often nibbles);
    • Nut, Ponca, Shapoklyak, Nyusha or Fiona (depends on which cartoons you like more);
    • Carmelita, Barbara, Sansa, Arya or Margosh (for lovers of TV series);
    • Dipper (if the kitty is ridiculous in the movements).

    These are just a few of the possible options for how a cat can be called, but all animals are individual and it is very likely that your cat will push you to choose a certain name by its behavior.

    List of popular unusual options

    If there is no time and opportunity to choose the most appropriate name for your pet yourself, then you can refer to existing options, maybe one of them will suit you perfectly. Popular unusual names for Scottish Fold cats:

    • Violetta (abbreviated as Vi or Viola);
    • Chloe;
    • Tiffany;
    • Vesta;
    • Matilda;
    • Shelley;
    • Cleopatra;
    • Assol (grandmothers are often called Asya).

    These nicknames may be unusual and rare, but they can perfectly suit your pet and characterize it best.

    When choosing a nickname, your pet should not think first of all about making it funny, original or even strange. The name should emphasize the appearance, character and behavior of the animal.

    It is especially important to take this into account when it comes to Scottish Fold cats, because outwardly they are very different from the rest, and their behavior and character do allow us to call them "royal" breed. From all this it follows that The nickname should be not just unusual and funny, but also speaking, to emphasize the features of the representatives of this beautiful breed.

    On what nicknames to pick up for Scottish kittens, see the following video.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


