Bull terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier: breed description, care details

Staffordshire Bull Terrier: breed description, care details

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  1. History of origin
  2. Breed description
  3. Character
  4. Lifespan
  5. Maintenance and care
  6. What to feed?
  7. Upbringing

Nemo me impune lacessit - “No one provokes me with impunity.” This is the motto of the breed of staffs in one of the most popular national clubs in Canada, exactly the nature of the Staffordshire bull terrier.

Unprecedented courage, perseverance and unshakable courage of the dog earned the respect and wide popularity of the breed in many corners of the globe. In the well-known story of E. Seton-Thompson "The History of the Bull Terrier" a young dog, sturdy Snape wins a fight with a wolf.

Possessing high intelligence and goodwill in dealing with people, the bull terrier is the most reliable companion dog. On top of that, this is a dog with humor - she smiles at you all the time. Take a closer look!

History of origin

Various ancient records indicate that the ancestors of the English Staffordshire Bull Terrier were kept at the reigning courtyards hundreds of years ago. These mastiff-like animals were used by the Romans as gladiators in arenas, to bait bears, lions and bulls. Actually the term "bull terrier" is derived from the English bull (bull).

The breed appeared in the 16th century, in the English county of Staffordshire, as a result of the mixing of the blood of Old English mastiffs and bulldogs. Bull terriers were used as fighting dogs, because the breed was a strong, strong, with excellent response. Known and the author of the breed - the English Duke Hamilton, who managed to get a real fighting dog.

Old English Mastiff

In addition to the outstanding fighting qualities, a distinctive feature of the breed was the structure of its head, which did not have a massive forehead.

Over time, the Staffordshire Bull Terriers, thanks to their fighting qualities, established themselves as participants in fierce and uncompromising canine fights and bull baiting. From 1835 such battles began to be held regularly.

Later, the breed was actively used as catchers of rats and other small rodents. Discovered a new talent of the breed led to the fact that she consistently began to act in competitive rat fishing.

In 1935, an amateur stuff club opened in England, and D. Mullen was elected president. A year later, a dog show session took place, and the press broke out in laudatory publications about this amazing breed.

The breed standard was approved in 1936, and the breed was recognized as the best precisely as a home companion. In 1974, the staff stuff was added to the tribal lists and officially formed a standard that fully reflects their features.

After the time the bull terriers became regular participants of many prestigious exhibitions. In 2006, stuffed as the best domestic dog won the corresponding status. In England today, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is the most popular companion dog.

Professionals call dogs “Staffy”, which, unlike popular opinion, are not as aggressive as they seem at first glance, rather, on the contrary, they are gentle and playful. However, they are supposed to be kept in strictness, not to be spoiled, in order not to create conditions for the unforeseen manifestation of aggression against people or animals.

Breed description

According to the standard, adult stuff looks both massively and elegantly in stature. In males looks great relief muscular system.The dog reaches a height of 40 cm. The average weight of males is 17–20 kg, the bitch is 15 kg. The coat is short and tough and, along with coarse skin, is well adapted to protecting the dog’s body in combat fights.

Characteristics of dogs, in accordance with the provisions of the standard, reflects their main features:

  • short and slightly enlarged skull, visible cheekbones and frontal part;
  • dark tips of the nose and lips (without bryley);
  • jaws tight and strong;
  • protruding and slightly hanging ears;
  • eyes rounded, color depending on the suit of the dog;
  • powerful neck, with well-stretched skin (no folds);
  • large loin, strong chest;
  • powerful belly, not flowing;
  • legs in proportion to the body slightly shortened;
  • strong paws;
  • coat is dense, smooth, shortened;
  • bite correct, with tightly spaced lips;
  • the back is wide and flat;
  • small tail, slightly tapered towards the end.

Bull terriers belong to the short-haired breed. Wool undercoat has not. Typical colors:

  • colors of amber;
  • reddish tint;
  • dominant light;
  • blue (gray);
  • black

Two-color combinations are allowed. The combination of white marks in color is not considered a disadvantage. The presence of other colors, such as black and tan or liver, lead to disqualification of the dog.

We note a number of interesting and useful points.

  • Staffordshire bull terriers are called different, alternative names - “stuff” or simply “stuff”.
  • They have poorly developed hunting instincts and sentry skills, which is important to consider when choosing a dog breed.
  • For nearly half a century, Staffy has been performing as the living mascot of the Prince of Wales Staffordshire regiment.
  • Staffbuffle will not be lazy to enjoy for days with the owner of the "soap" series. The breed exists in a very dynamic mode and an accelerated pace is characteristic of it. Therefore, she prefers a game of idleness to play or to exercise considerable physical activity.
  • Males of staffs are more aggressive and tend to compete with each other. For this reason, the maintenance of two males in one house will require from the owner a remarkable exposure.
  • The intelligence and sharpness of the staff is important to regularly develop workouts. Dogs are in dire need of early socialization.
  • Staffs have a high pain threshold - they are lighter than other breeds, withstand injuries and even serious wounds.
  • The breed is contraindicated overheating and significant hypothermia. Therefore, home and apartment maintenance is recommended for staffies.
  • Staffbull is a sporting breed, with proper upbringing and training, it is able to show excellent results in dog frisbee, agility and freestyle.


Despite the definitely aggressive look of the bull terriers, in reality they are loving and true friends. In a relationship with a person, they are well-disposed; even when meeting with strangers, dogs usually do not show aggressiveness.

Smart and tender staffies are extremely loyal, cheerful and perky about their liking, they adore being in the limelight. Staffs are active, always confident in their abilities and love games very much.

The bull terrier is alert and focused on identifying hazards. Controlling the situation and the environment, he immediately warns the owner about it, and if necessary, immediately enter into a fight with the offender.

Staffordshires are the dominant breed, so their early socialization ensures calm and lack of excessive aggressiveness in individuals.

Steffi is positive about children and is always ready to protect them. Quite peacefully dogs get along with cats and other pets.

However, Kindness and poise of character do not prevent them from being real fighters. The first dogs do not attack, but are ready to give a fitting rebuff to any aggressor. In this they are helped by tremendous energy, physical strength and low pain threshold of an experienced fighter. Males are somewhat more aggressive than females, therefore regardless of the conditions of upbringing, they should be inculcated in the skill and understanding that even minimal demonstration of aggression is prohibited.

Some features of the staff stuff:

  • the dog cannot be kept in the yard, but only at home;
  • walking is done exclusively on a leash, as individual dogs can be aggressive towards strangers;
  • Stuffy - dogs with a developed intellect, but not devoid of some originality (stubbornness);
  • the dog is not indifferent to home comfort and coziness;
  • puppies are big chews, so durable toys for dogs will not be superfluous;
  • Stuffy love to dig;
  • hardly carry the heat, so in the summer you need to monitor the possible overheating of the dog;
  • it is an animal with a highly developed predator instinct, which imposes a special responsibility on the upbringing, training of the dog and control over its behavior;
  • This is a reliable defender of the owner, but the property is often indifferent.

We highlight some of the shortcomings of the breed.

  1. Staffs poorly tuned to good relations with other animals. The breed is dominant, seeking to occupy a leading, dominant position among other dogs.
  2. Stuff cats and small rodents consider their prey to be caught.
  3. Often they are stubborn and eager to dominate the family, which can only be avoided with proper and patient upbringing.
  4. Their training and considerable physical activity take a lot of time.
  5. A long separation from the owner is fraught with psychological trauma for the dog.


Genetically stuffed boules are strong and enduring animals that do not particularly feel pain. Therefore, it is often not possible to determine the disease of a dog in the early stages of its development. On average, they live 12-14 years. The life span of an animal is most often determined by a hereditary factor. However, diseases typical for the breed are not the least of places in this context. therefore The subject of vaccinations is extremely appropriate here.

Stuff puppies, especially those under one year old, are extremely vulnerable to infection. During this period, the puppy's immunity level is low - he recently broke up with his mother.

Therefore, it is precisely at this time that the basic course of vaccination of the baby is conducted.

Of course, vaccination does not provide complete protection against the occurrence of diseases, but the probability of their appearance decreases significantly. Vaccinated animals are much easier to tolerate the disease than non-vaccinated.

Primary vaccination is usually carried out in nurseries, where breeders are required to issue veterinary passports. In the future, the owner must adhere to a special schedule of vaccinations:

  • comprehensive vaccination is carried out at 2, 2.5, 6 and 12 months and then repeated annually;
  • Rabies vaccination is carried out at 7 months and then repeated annually.

Without vaccinations, the dog is forbidden to export abroad. In addition, an unvaccinated animal is a real danger to humans, since in case of a bite, treatment of the victim will be long and expensive.

Maintenance and care

The content staffs are unpretentious and adapt to new conditions quickly. Experts recommend keeping them in a country house or spacious apartments. This dog is mobile, energetic, and the space gives it the opportunity to splash out excess energy.

Bull terriers have no inclination to incapacitate furniture or other household items - they love to just frolic and play. Therefore, frequent walks of dogs are extremely useful for her. You need to walk it at least 2 times a day. At the same time during the walk it is important to ensure a high activity of classes.

Stuffy is a sociable and cheerful animal, so a long stay in solitude can lead a dog to a serious psychological trauma.

Care for staff is easy. Its short coat sheds in the spring and fall.However, if the dog is kept in rooms with dry and warm conditions, the change of coat can take place throughout the year.

It is recommended to replace the shampoo in case of stale baldness, dandruff, dry and brittle hair. It is useful in such cases to look at the quality of food. A consultation with a veterinarian will not be superfluous.

To improve the circulatory system, stimulate growth and eliminate dying hair, the dog is recommended to comb it once a week using a brush with natural bristles. During the molting period, the procedure is carried out as necessary.

Bathe the staff once a month using a special detergent with air conditioning. In this case, the wool is rinsed with warm water, and the shampoo is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. After foaming, the dog is washed with plenty of warm water. Shampoos are not recommended to be applied on the animal's coat, without diluting.

Upon completion of bathing, blot the dog's hair with a towel and then comb it over the wool. It is desirable to insert wool into the ears for the speedy elimination of moisture. After bathing, it is not recommended to walk the raffles for 2 hours for final drying. In winter, the dog is bathed at the end of the final walk.

The recommended frequency of water treatments in the winter time is reduced to 2 times a month or carried out if necessary.

Regular inspection of the eyes of the animal is very important. Small grains in the corners of the eyes are not dangerous, they are easy to clean with a lint-free cloth moistened with warm boiled water or chamomile decoction. In the case of redness, swelling of the eyelids, abundant tearing should contact the assistance of a veterinarian.

Once a week it is necessary to check the dog's ears. Sulfur and dust pollution eliminate moistened warm water with a cotton pad. With a clear excess of sulfur, bad smell from the ears, reddening of the skin It is not necessary to self-medicate, it is better to contact a veterinarian.

Milk teeth in puppies appear at about one month of age, after 5 months, the root teeth erupt. Mature stuff has 42 teeth, of which 12 are incisors, 4 are canines, 26 are molars. Bite - classic, scissor. Care for the teeth of the dog 3-4 times a week using a special toothpaste using a brush or a nozzle on the finger.

Pasta does not have to foam - Stuff do not like it.

The claws are trimmed with a special clipper once every 2 weeks in the winter and once a month in the summer, because in summer the dog runs around a lot and to a large extent grinds off its claws. After trimming, the burrs are removed with a special nail file. Excessively hard nails of the staff are difficult to trim, so in order to soften them, it is recommended to hold the legs in warm water for several minutes.

After walking the dog's feet should be cleaned with a moistened towel. (you can wash the dirt from them and in the shower). The wounds or abrasions found on the paws are treated with an antiseptic. In order to prevent the occurrence of cracks on the pads, a small amount of vegetable oil is included daily in the diet of the animal.

In the winter, the pet's paws can be protected by rubbing special wax or cream into the pads, which are washed away at the end of the walk. A different method of saving pet's paws from road chemicals is use of silicone boots.

In the cool period, the dog needs clothes (sweater, raincoat, overalls) to save the short-haired animal from hypothermia.

De-worming staffies are done 2-3 times a year. The dosage is determined based on the weight of the dog.

Treatment of bull terrier with substances against ectoparasites (fleas, ticks, lashing) is obligatory. They can cause significant harm to the animal - cause constant itching, allergic reactions and so on.

So, the tick tolerates piroplasmosis - a deadly disease for a dog. Therefore, a post-examination examination of the integument of the dog in the neck, armpits, abdomen, tail, head and ears is mandatory.If a tick is detected, it is more advisable to contact a veterinarian. After treatment, it is important to control the dog’s appetite, temperature and physical condition.

Pyroplasmosis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • temperature up to 39-42 degrees;
  • lethargy, apathy;
  • unhealthy appetite;
  • reddish brown urine;
  • the dog relies heavily on its paws, especially on its hind legs.

Medicines based on the condition of the dog will choose a veterinarian. It can be:

  • drops on withers;
  • spray (before walking);
  • collar (for regular wear);
  • pills (after consulting a veterinarian).

    Healthy stuff - a dog with an excellent appetite, regular and free emptying of the intestines, normal urination, even breathing and pink color of mucous membranes.

    The sick dog usually tries to hide in a dark place, eats poorly, responds sluggishly and is constantly thirsty. He often has frequent urination, manifestations of diarrhea, constipation, and blood in the urine and feces are not excluded. Purulent discharge may occur. The mucous membranes turn pale, often become bluish. Wool fades, ruffles.

    Typical Staphy Pathologies:

    • cataract;
    • manifestations of deafness;
    • impaired ovarian function;
    • intestinal obstruction;
    • stones in the urinary system;
    • volvulus century;
    • cell cancer;
    • arthritis;
    • violation of articular functions;
    • dislocations of the patella;
    • allergy.

    A daily walking of the dog (a muzzle is obligatory), at least 2 times a day for 1.5-2 hours, has a beneficial effect on the physical and mental state of the staff.

    Walking starts after the 2nd vaccination. First, puppies are taken out for a walk on their hands, in 3-4 days - on a leash. Immediately you need to start teaching the dog to the team "near" and the voice of the owner. In the course of the necessary early socialization of puppies, at first they walk in calm and deserted places, then they are introduced to more crowded places and transport.

    So babies quickly get used to their environment. To muzzle puppies is also important to teach from an early age. Staffs are not particularly fond of dogs, so with such acquaintances should be postponed.

    Dog parks - perhaps the best place for effective physical loading of the pet. Here you can do and agility, and play, using treats and toys. Training the dog is best done in a protective suit - the stuffer has strong jaws.

    It is important to remember that staffs are extremely susceptible to heat and cool weather. Therefore, you should choose the time for walking and pick them appropriate weather clothing.

    What to feed?

    Nutrition is the most important factor determining the health of animals, their physical abilities and energy potential. Unnecessarily feeding stuff should not be, because with his sedentary lifestyle followed by obesity. The established ration of staffies must be strictly observed from an early age.

    As early as 1.5 months, the dog ration is divided into 5-6 feedings. This mode is followed up to 3 months. After 6 months, the diet detailed:

    • since morning - milk products;
    • dinner - cereal in milk or broth;
    • By the evening - vegetables with meat;
    • late in the evening - A piece of boiled or boiled meat.

    At 6 months of age, puppies begin feeding eggs and buckwheat. Oatmeal is rarely used. Somewhat later, the dog is transferred to the diet of an adult individual - 2 times a day. The main dish on the menu is meat, which takes up to 65% of the total diet. Periodically, instead of meat dishes they give fish.

    Availability is not recommended in the diet:

    • sugars;
    • salty dishes;
    • flour products;
    • sweet;
    • potato

    Choosing dry food, you should not buy cheap products that are usually of poor quality. It is more efficient to choose balanced and high quality feeds. Canned food is not worth it.


    Stuffy is a breed with a fighting genealogy, so teaching her obedience is a priority and starts from an early age. The dog must be able to obediently walk near the owner, on a leash and without him. Early and skillful socialization of the staff is the key to his successful upbringing and training. It is necessary to visit a puppy in public places, to go with him in motor transport. A pet should not have a hint of aggression towards strangers.

    Taking into account the peculiarities of the breed, it will be useful to receive several consultations with an experienced instructor, especially if you feel a certain lack of necessary experience in raising a dog.

    It is important to think over and choose a specific set of frequently used commands.

    In this regard, it will be useful to look at the existing programs of the type of GHS, GHS (controlled or protecting city dog). Stuffy may well become an effective bodyguard, but on a walk the dog will have to be displayed in a muzzle and on a short leash.

    Pet should be taught to comply with a number of simple rules:

    • eating should be done only after the household has been eaten;
    • entrance to the house only after the owner;
    • games, pampering and sleeping on the master furniture are prohibited.

    The breed is absolutely not designed for the deliberate development of her aggression. Such experiments are fraught with bad outcome and disturbances in the psyche of the dog. Stuffbull can easily become unmanaged animal.

    At critical moments, the dog is pressed to the ground and held until it calms down.

    It is not worthwhile to start a breed for beginning dog breeders, because raising staffies is not an easy process and requires a lot of time and attention. To dominate a dog you need skill, strength of character and experience. Showing weakness in a relationship with a dog is not recommended.

    The dog must learn that it has a strong owner. With a verified and consistently implemented approach to training, staffs quite successfully assimilate the teams and execute them easily. They are quick-witted and have developed intelligence, but sometimes they can persist in refusing to study. In these cases, it is necessary to choose a different time for training, without punishing the pet.

    About the features of the breed, see the video below.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


