Bull terrier

All about miniature bull terriers

All about miniature bull terriers

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  1. History of origin
  2. Breed description
  3. Comparison with a regular bull terrier
  4. Character
  5. Advantages and disadvantages
  6. What to feed?
  7. How to care?
  8. Upbringing and training

Miniature bull terriers are decorative types of dogs and are often found in the United States, England and Russia. They are different from their relatives, the Bull Terriers, they differ in their more active and stubborn temper, as well as in their small stature, which allows them to be kept in city apartments. In this material we will talk about miniature bull terriers: about the features of their exterior, the intricacies of feeding and maintenance.

History of origin

This type of bull terrier is relatively young - it appeared only in the second half of the XIX century. The founder of the breed itself was the English breeding breeder James Hinks. He was fascinated by the power of the bulldog and the grace of the white British terrier and sought to create a breed of dogs with common qualities. Some sources also report that individuals of Dalmatians, hounds, and greyhounds also participated in experiments on the breeding of these dogs.

The breeder's selection surveys lasted about 10 years, and the result was the presentation of the first representative of the breed at the exhibition in 1862. The presented individuals, which received the name of the white bull terrier, in contrast to their cousin the bull-and-terrier, had a more elongated graceful body, an elongated oval head, smooth lips and dense elastic skin. In addition, despite the grace and elegance of the new breed, Hinks was able to keep in it the best features of fighting dog breeds - a remarkably developed muscular system, powerful jaws and fangs.

In addition to their external qualities, white bull terriers had a cheerful and active character, a hardy and strong body, as well as cleanliness and a sharp mind. Representatives of this breed had such a furious success that at the end of the 19th century it was considered noble and elite among the teaching and student staff of Oxford to have a purebred white bull terrier at its disposal.

Official recognition came to the Bull Terriers only at the end of the XIX century. The first to do this was the American Kennel Club. Thanks to the activities and support of this club, by the beginning of the twentieth century, bull terriers of not only white but also other colors began to be allowed to the exhibitions.

The history of miniature bull terriers begins in the period of active breeding experiments conducted by Hinks in the middle of the XIX century. During his numerous experiments, dozens of different breeds of dogs were used, which once led to the birth of white bull terriers of absolutely identical standard, but smaller in size and height. Initially, these individuals were rejected or simply sold at discounted prices, but soon, even in the litter of purebred white bull terriers, miniature dogs began to be born. Very soon the breeder decided to divide this breed of dog into two types: standard (large) and mini (miniature). If the bull terriers were designated by the American Kennel Club as a representative of the fighting breed, then the status of a purely decorative look was assigned to the miniature individuals.

The miniature bull terriers, although not as popular as the standard type, also received their share of popularity. They began to be used as ordinary companions and rat-catchers — thanks to their small stature and developed limbs, these dogs could reach those angles where standard individuals would not have reached.

It is not necessary to think that the development of the dwarf type stopped on the division of this breed into large and small bulls. Even the segmentation of the breed did not help to cope with the flow of miniature babies, which were significantly different in size even from each other. There was a need to unify all the miniature individuals, for which they soon began to use the genetic material of toy terriers. This helped, and the problem with growth gradually disappeared, but a completely new one was formed - the traits of terriers began to predominate in these individuals, and the backbone of the new breed was becoming weaker every time, like the average weight. Individuals were born weak and hardly viable. Only thanks to annual experiments we managed to create the ideal variant of the mini-bull terrier individual, whose representatives we meet today.

Breed description

Both types of bull terriers have about the same and incredibly memorable exterior, thanks to which they can be easily distinguished among all other dogs. The key difference between the boules and the rest of the breeds is the egg-shaped head, the absence of the foot, and small, widely spaced eyes. Below will be presented the general standard of the breed of bull terrier, adopted by the ICF and modernized under the dwarf variety of boules.

  • Average weight Adults should weigh no more than 15 kg (males). Females weigh slightly less than males - up to 12-13 kg.
  • Medium height at withers. Both males and bitches of mini-bull terriers should be no higher than 35 and not less than 25 centimeters. Inexperienced breeders believe that the lower the growth of these dogs, the better, but in this case the proportionality of the body is disturbed. The apparent disproportion in the growth and size of the dog leads to various diseases - the main burden is on the backbone and the cardiovascular system.
  • Lifespan. Bull terriers usually live no longer than 14 years (at best), and mini-boules often live up to 15 or more.
  • Body The body of the boules is incredibly compact and massive, muscular, has a smooth back, a broad chest with developed relief muscles. The croup is smooth and rounded, hardly visible.
  • Head. The large, ovoid type, the skull is elongated, widened between the ears. The stop is completely absent due to the extremely wide bridge of the nose, which evenly passes into the face.
  • Nose. Large and wide, well developed. Usually black, however, pigmentation with other shades is permissible.
  • Neck. Medium length, but large and strong. There are no folds on the sternum or neck.
  • Limbs. Not particularly long, but massive and muscular. The front ones are straight and parallel (elbows are pressed to the body), the rear ones are longer and have a slight tilt.
  • Ears. All bull terriers have large, straight-set ears with rounded tips. Auricles look ahead.
  • Jaws and Teeth. From their ancestors, the mini-boules remained very powerful and muscular jaws, which are still able to bite hard bones without any problems.
  • Tail. The same average length, as well as at standard bull terriers, is thinned from the basis to a tip. Covered with a thick layer of not short, but hard wool, the tip of colored individuals is usually painted in a light color.
  • Color The classic color of bull terriers is considered to be white, which allows partial pigmentation with spots of a different color on the chest and head. In addition to white, it also recognizes red, black, red and brown colors. The requirement for the color of these dogs is the dominance of one particular color. Also there are individuals of these dogs with the so-called "tricolor" - several colors in color (brindle, wild boar, marsh). In addition to the colors presented, there are individuals with a color of golden and blue, but such dogs are usually rejected.
  • Movement. Despite their small stature and medium-sized limbs, these dogs are able to develop very high speed.In the movements of these dogs, there is both grace and a slight clubfoot when moving for short distances.

Comparison with a regular bull terrier

This breed of dogs is easy to confuse with the standard type of bull terrier, because “mini-boules” is just one of the varieties of this breed. Speaking quite simply, miniature bull terriers in almost all are a miniature copy of the standard of this breed. Some dog experts write that the main difference between miniature bull terriers and their “big” brethren is that they are much more mobile, more active and more cheerful. In the clubs of the breed clubs, these dogs have gained the reputation of inexhaustible batteries, which have the energy for any adventures and adventures. In addition to activity, there is a version that this mini-breed is distinguished by great stubbornness, which often interferes with the training and education of these dogs. However, this is more of a fallacy - because of the small size of the dog, its owners often scornfully relate to the education of these pets, and therefore capricious and disobedient animals grow from them.

It is believed that miniature boules live a little more than the breed standard. The main reason is a more active lifestyle and a lightweight backbone. When breeding this breed, a genetic pathology peculiar only to these dogs was found - the so-called dislocation of the lens, which can lead to partial or complete loss of vision in dogs in old age. In the procedure of crossing miniature bull terriers with a standard type, puppies are recorded exactly as representatives of the miniature variety, since the presence of this pathology is considered unacceptable among ordinary bull terriers.

As a final feature of mini-boules, it is possible to point out not so much cost, since these dogs are considered purely decorative and rarely participate in international exhibitions.


In simple words, all miniature bull terriers are choleric to the bone. It is difficult to find more active and restless dogs, and therefore not every owner is suitable for them. The owner of the mini-boules must have an uncompromising and strong character, able to keep the pet under control in any situation. But at the same time it should be a cheerful person, able to support the initiative of his pet, his fun, discoveries and adventures. Domesticated and melancholic, this dog is not suitable - bull terriers need regular walks and physical activitywhich is simply impossible to arrange at home. Every day for these pets - the possibility of new discoveries, training and games, and if the owner can not provide them, such dogs become aggressive, capricious and uncontrollable.

These dogs do not tolerate loneliness very well, this is not the pet who will calmly wait for you from work every day. Alone, the mini-boules begin to destroy everything that comes his way. And believe me, when you come home from work and condemn the dog for this offense - he will not understand what exactly you are unhappy with. These dogs should not be brought to people with a tight schedule and a bunch of daily worries. Let mini-boules and wickedness with a stubborn character, but no one has the right to doubt their loyalty to the owner and his family members.

If the owner has managed to prove his authority and primacy in the relationship, you will not find anyone loyal to these pets. Sometimes their affection comes to the point of absurdity - they want to be near you all the time (even if it is a bathroom, a balcony, or you just want to take out the trash). Greetings, these pets will suit you when you return, as if you have not seen for many, many years. Most breeders find affection in such affection, it gives others considerable discomfort, especially if the dog prevents you from working, caring for children or cleaning the house.

Other people are afraid to approach the bull terriers, and it’s very vain - these dogs can hardly be called unambiguously trusting, but you cannot refuse them to be good-natured. If a stranger behaves adequately and shows signs of attention in the direction of the dog, the boule will most likely express a desire to meet and even give himself a stroke. These dogs love to communicate with new people, they adore new smells and shades.

However, if the bull terrier feels danger from the stranger or notice the host’s tension, the fighting qualities will instantly leap in him. And now, in front of you is not a pet, but a grinning lump of muscles that will fight for you to the end. Boule will not warn a stranger (grin his teeth or growl), he will immediately rush into battle and it will be difficult to stop him. That is why many people prefer to walk these dogs only in muzzles. Like all dogs with developed intelligence, mini-boules have a wonderful sense of the owner and their family members. According to facial expressions, intonation and movements, these dogs are able to define both joy and sadness. Bull terriers are prone to empathy, and therefore they will be happy if the owner is happy, and tensed if the latter is bad.

In small members of the family, the bull terriers are seen not only as supporters for fun and games, but also serious competitors for the attention of the host. The main part of the problems arises when a small child appears in a family with an adult boule and all the attention of the owners switches to the baby. These dogs can not understand for a very long time why the owner’s attention is so attached to the baby, and therefore they are capable of being naughty or completely withdrawing into themselves. To avoid such situations, you should make a pet with a child on the very first day of your appearance in the house, and also try not to detract from your attention towards the dog. As soon as the child grows up a little, you should teach him to respect the bull - these dogs do not understand and do not accept teasers and persistent behavior.

Bull terriers are not particularly rosy to other domestic animals, and if it comes to the attention of the owner, they can go to the most vile dirty tricks in relation to another pet. Feeling their physical superiority over other pets, these dogs can resort to real tyranny: stealing food from someone else's bowl, intimidation and violation of personal space. To avoid this, you should try to treat pets equally friendly, at the same time give them food and stop any attempts of terror from any of them. The ideal option would be a house where animals grow together from childhood - in this case, they will surely become good friends and will always protect each other.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are no bad or good dog breeds. Experienced dog handlers are confident that much in the behavior of pets depends on the education and attitude of the owner to them. However, for mini-bull terriers, there are still some common judgments and characteristics that will be presented below as negative or positive traits of this type of dog.


  • Small size. Due to their small size, these dogs can be successfully kept even in the smallest apartment and will not deliver the owner great inconvenience. Small size also means reduced portions of feed.
  • Intelligence. No one doubts the intellectual abilities of bull terriers. In the right hands, these dogs can very quickly memorize and reproduce even the most difficult stunts.
  • Care. Procedures for the care of these dogs do not differ any particular complexity. The coat of these dogs does not have the characteristic smell of a dog, moreover, it is rather thin, due to which these dogs practically do not fade, they do not need to be cut and often combed.All care for these dogs ends on the most usual hygiene and prevention: cleaning the ears, cutting the claws, washing the eyes, cleaning the teeth from plaque and tartar.
  • Power. Despite their small size, dogs of this variety are able to show every offender where the crayfish spend the winter. They are advised to start those who are afraid to walk on the street alone in the late evening - you can be sure that no one will dare to attack you, when with you even the miniature but bull terrier.


  • Reputation. The main disadvantage of this breed of dogs is in relation to it of all passersby and strangers. Walking with these dogs without a muzzle and a collar can end in unpleasant conflicts for you - because of the common stereotype about the bloodthirstiness of these dogs, few people treat them with confidence. These dogs are unlikely to want to see near the playground or recreation areas.
  • Wool. Short hair is not always a plus in keeping dogs. Because of her, mini-bulls cannot be kept outside or left in drafts. The body of these dogs does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature and frost. In addition, for every walk on the street in the fall, in winter or in early spring, you need to wear a pet blanket so that he does not catch a cold.
  • Activity. Standard bull terriers themselves are an incredibly active breed of dogs - they do not tolerate staying in one place for a long time, they adore playing with the owner in the open air and in the walls of the apartment. Some may think that since mini-boules are smaller than their relatives in size, then there is less hurriedness in them, but with miniature bull terriers everything is exactly the opposite. They are twice as fast, more agile, more fond of adventures and tomfoolery. Sometimes these dogs can play so much that it is simply impossible to stop them - for families with small children this can be a lot of problems. Kids do not notice when the game with the dog goes beyond the scope of entertainment, and the pet, in turn, can forget with whom he is dealing. To avoid these incidents in the walls of the apartment, you should constantly load the dog physically - go out with it for jogging, get out to the big fields and throw frisbees or balls for the dog to bring them. The best option will be special areas for training dogs - there are all the necessary simulators for effective exercises.
  • Allergy sufferers. Almost all bull terriers are allergic to certain products / plants. It is especially dangerous to walk with such animals in spring, during the flowering period of many plants. The greatest predisposition to allergies is characterized by individuals of white color.
  • These dogs often suffer a clear lack of attention., which is aggravated if a new member appears in the family, be it an animal or a person. At first, the dog will try with all its forces to understand the reason for the weakening of interest in his person, and will attempt to regain attention. If this does not work out - these dogs can show aggression and isolation.

What to feed?

There are two options for feeding miniature bull terriers: natural food and ready-made industrial feeds. It should be noted that most breeders choose the second option - it is more balanced, has all the necessary vitamins, no need to waste time on its production. In addition, it is believed that the boules grow and develop much better on ready-made food. However, there are some nuances.

  • For feeding miniature bull terriers, only premium class feed is suitable. High-quality feed is more difficult to find, in addition, they are much more expensive than conventional products.
  • The finished feed is balanced, but to diversify such a diet is extremely difficult. In addition, the transition from one feed to another can be very problematic and long, especially for a young pet.
  • Even with the choice of high-quality feed you can not be 100% sure of what it consists of.

The choice of the type of feed depends only on the financial capabilities of the owner and the limitations of his time.

When choosing a natural type of feeding, the main condition is the creation of a complete and balanced diet. You must constantly monitor the composition of such food and regulate the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates. The basis of such food can be raw or boiled meat (most importantly, with a small amount of fat), by-products or some sausages. The rest of the diet consists of plant foods and supplements. As a plant food it is recommended to use cereals in water (rice, millet, buckwheat, semolina). Sour-milk products, sea fish (as a meat substitute), quail eggs, vegetables (celery, carrots, cabbage) are served as additives.

It is necessary to add vitamins and minerals to such a diet, because in natural food, even despite its nutritional value, there may not be enough of the necessary elements. Before buying any vitamins, consult your veterinarian.

Regardless of what type of food you choose, you should follow the following guidelines when feeding mini boules.

  • Perform feeding procedures regularly around the same time. So the pet's body will get used to your schedule and learn how to provide itself in breaks without food. If the dog is begging for food outside of the feeding periods, you can use special brain or vitamin bones to satisfy its hunger.
  • Do not forget that food is also strongly dependent on the breed of dogs, as well as on the age of a particular pet. In his youth, dogs need food with a huge amount of vitamins. In more mature age - nourishing food, which provides the pet's body with energy for the whole day. Often the regularity and portions of food for dogs of a certain age are indicated on the packaging of feed.
  • Often, mini-boules cannot independently control the amount of food that their body is able to process. The peculiarity of the nutrition of these dogs lies in the fact that their body needs to be saturated with feeding practically until the age of one. That is why feeding should be carried out in small portions at least 4 times a day. Over time, the number of innings drops to 2 times a day. Do not overfeed your pet, in the case of bulls, obesity can adversely affect the work of their entire body.
  • Exclude from the diet all the elements of human food: salty, spicy, smoked, fried foods. In addition, the diet should not include sweets (in any form), fatty foods, milk.
  • Constant access to clean water is a must for any type of feeding.
  • Since dogs should be walked just before eating, the pet will be on the street in a state of searching for food. Often found on the street is harmful and dangerous to health, and therefore from a young age wean the dog to take by mouth any things from the street.

How to care?

Caring for these dogs do not differ in any particular complexity, even an inexperienced owner is able to cope with it. Due to the short coat, the main part of the care ends precisely on the usual hygiene. These dogs have short and hard coat with almost no undercoat. Molding itself is not, however, to get rid of dead hair, you need to regularly use a comb or brush with hard teeth. If the wool and dirt of these dogs repels remarkably well, then the dust on it lingers perfectly, but combing will help get rid of it. Combing should be carried out at least 1 time per week.

These dogs love active pastime, and therefore their claws usually grind themselves on walks and during training. However, in the winter seasons, due to the weak activity, the claws of dogs can grow back and cause them discomfort.In order to get rid of the painful processes, it is advised to cut them with a claw cutter, if necessary. When cutting off colorless claws, you need to focus on the end of the red stripe inside the claw;

These dogs do not need frequent washing with shampoos and lotions; they will need bathing 4 times a year. This is not the kind of dog that will throw into muddy puddles or into the water, mini-boules are natural cleaners. To dry the dog quickly, it is advised to carefully wipe it with a towel - this will reduce the chance of a cold. Dental stone and plaque regularly accumulate on the strong and powerful teeth of miniature bull terriers. In order to prevent its formation, you need to brush your teeth with a special paste at least once a week or give vegetables that clean them of plaque - tomatoes, for example.

Regularly monitor the hygiene of your animal's large ears. It should be at least once a week to wipe them with cotton pads and inspect for the presence of inflammation. The condition of the ears is easy to guess by smell, as well as the color of sulfur inside the sink. For prevention and protection, it is advisable to bury special solutions from infections into the ears of an animal at least 1 time per month.

Do not forget about the treatment of your pet from skin parasites and worms (worms). For this purpose, special solutions and lotions for skin treatment are purchased. Preparations against worms, as a rule, give the dogs before eating. Do not forget to check with your veterinarian about the need to supply one or another anti-worms medication. Do not forget about regular vaccinations. The animal must be vaccinated before the first walk on the street and before the first contact with other pets.

The main aspect of mini-boule content is regular physical activity. The owners of these dogs should provide them with regular walks for a splash of energy. If up to 8 months it should be normal walks with minimal loads (approximately up to a year, the backbone and muscular system of these dogs are actively formed), then after 10 months you are obliged to provide your pet with full-time training with different exercise equipment and exercises.

In the autumn and winter season, you only need to walk these dogs in clothes or blankets - a chance to catch a cold or to get pneumonia in them is too great. On the day you must provide a minimum of 2 full walks before meals. If you have accustomed the body of an adult pet to intensive training, weaning it will be difficult, and the long absence of stress will lead to obesity. Keep in mind that most hygiene procedures will give your dog a little pleasure. That is why it is necessary to teach them a dog from childhood.

Upbringing and training

The owner of any bull terrier is only one major task in education - to form the correct authority of the leader. Education should be conducted from the very first day of the appearance of the puppy in the house. Remember, if one day you give a pet a concession or allow something to be done - it will be very difficult to wean him out of it. To create the right authority in the eyes of a miniature bull terrier, follow these rules.

  • The place of the dog (aviary, lounger, house in the territory) is its permanent place to sleep. You should not give your pet to sleep wherever he pleases.
  • First you start eating food, and then you give it to the dog. As a rule, dogs eat faster than people, so if you finish eating later, you will not avoid complaints about food from the table.
  • Try to give encouragements and delicacies only for the execution of commands, otherwise the dog will lose the motivation to carry out your instructions.
  • Always keep a pet near you when you are walking. It is you who is the first to enter the room, and then the pet. So you show the difference between you and your priority.
  • Avoid screaming and beatings, express the attitude to the dog with the help of intonation and timbre.Speak commands clearly and confidently.

For information on how to properly raise a miniature bull terrier, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


