Bull terrier

All about bull terriers

All about bull terriers

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  1. Origin
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Breed characteristic
  4. Longevity and health
  5. Character traits
  6. How to choose?
  7. Content policy
  8. Interesting nicknames
  9. Reviews

Bull terriers are dogs to which a far from unequivocal attitude has developed. Most people consider these dogs dangerous and unbalanced, and their opinion is based on the stories of attacks on people, as well as on the appearance of the dog. In our material we will try to figure out whether bull terriers are as scary as they are described, and what should be done to avoid unwarranted dog aggression.


The history of bull terriers begins in the Middle Ages, which became famous for its cruelty and fanaticism in relation to not only people, but also animals. The dogs were then bred solely for fighting, where the dogs had to fight with other animals for the fun of the blood-excited crowd. Money for the winners was paid a lot, and therefore from those who want to make bets literally there was no end.

Bull baiting was especially popular at the time, the first such show was shown to the public at the beginning of the 13th century. The organizers of such shows quickly realized that the size in this case does not play a big role, agility and bloodthirstiness are more important. Stocky and low dogs instantly bypassed the bull from the side and pinched its powerful jaws in its nose - the weak and vulnerable spot of the animal. And the bull, even falling into a rage and rushing throughout the arena, could not force the dog to open its mouth.

Thanks to such assertiveness, animals were even let down on bears, and it was rare that the inhabitants of the forest could win.

The years went by, the nightmarish entertainment continued to gain momentum. Now only the strongest and most ferocious dogs participated in the battles, paying no attention to their own pain. Peculiar arenas for fights appeared in each village, and the entire population of the neighborhood gathered for bloody performances. And it is not surprising, because one victory of the chosen dog allowed several months to exist comfortably.

That all changed in 1835, when the government finally banned sophisticated entertainment. Arena had to close, and the animals could no longer be used to drive the next bull or bear. But people accustomed to easy money, it was not so easy to get to obey. Taking advantage of the fact that the law banned the paddock of only cattle, the dogs were forced to fight with each other. At the same time, it became necessary to breed a new breed, faster and easier.

To get her out Old English Bulldog was crossed with a terrier. This made it possible to get a completely new look, which was called “bull-and-terrier”, which means “bull and terrier” from English. The bred dogs began to be used in illegal fights and quickly made a means of easy money. However, there was still a person who broke the established system, realizing that underground fights did not last forever. His name was James Hinks, and, having gathered a few enthusiasts around him, the breeder got down to business. Several breeds were selected for crossing, among which were even Dalmatians and Collies.

As a result of long and painstaking work, the breeder managed to get a dog that had a snow-white color and had a more elegant appearance than the dogs "from the pits." They called the new breed the bull terrier, and, despite the sarcasm and ridicule of the combat supporters, the species quickly spread through the territory of England.

In 1885, the breed was recognized in America, there even began to create special clubs where you could buy a puppy. And in 1917, a new variety was recognized around the world, releasing a certain standard of the species.

Nevertheless, the bulls breeders did not manage to wait for a quiet life. For example, in the late 80s, a project was adopted to ban ear cupping, and breeders had to re-use breeding to solve this problem. A little later, dog experts set out to prohibit the crossing of the boules with Amstaffs, arguing that the bull terrier should be exclusively white. The event received a resonance, and thanks to him the whole breed was on the verge of extinction.

The fact is that the boules admitted to breeding could not have ancestors in their pedigree with any colored patches. Only white color was allowed. However, in the modern world, any breeder of cats or dogs knows that pure white animals are more likely to suffer from deafness and hereditary diseases. It happened with the boules. Thanks to this selection, many of them were not only deaf, but could not have any offspring at all. The situation began to spiral out of control, and the colored dogs were finally recognized.

As for Russia, the Bull Terriers were brought here around the 1970s. The breed began to gain popularity, many wanted to have similar dogs. Unfortunately, this was due to the fact that the dogs were acquired by inexperienced breeders who could bring a maximum to a collie or a spaniel.

To train a new-fangled dog turned out only in units, thanks to which the bull terriers again gained fame as unbalanced and unstable dogs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Such a dog, like a bull terrier, has about an equal number of advantages and disadvantages. This is a kind of breed that is not suitable for everyone, therefore, before choosing it, you should study all the features of the animal. Let's start with the pros.

  • The bull terrier is an ideal "bodyguard". He almost does not feel pain, is physically strong and enduring. Such a dog will protect you in any situation.
  • Dogs are characterized by great devotion to their masters, they will not leave in trouble.
  • Caring for a dog does not take much time and effort.
  • If the animal is properly raised, it will not show aggression towards others. Boule is good for children too.
  • The dog can safely live in the apartment.

Of course, the minuses are not less, and almost all of them are quite weighty.

  • Get ready for the fact that other "dog lovers" will not particularly strive for your company. Few of them will want to find out whether your dog is raised or not.
  • A bull terrier should be educated and socialized from an early age, it will not work to accustom an adult dog to normal behavior. The owner of the bull can only be a strong, mature man, preferably - a man. In addition, dogs are stubborn, they are difficult to force to obey.
  • This dog will require constant and prolonged physical exertion. If you keep it at home all the time, the animal will become embittered.
  • Forget about buying another pet. Bull terriers do not tolerate competition.
  • Dogs are prone to allergies, especially whites.

Breed characteristic

In total, three types of bull terriers stand out: English, Staffordshire and Pygmy.

  • The English bull terrier is most often white, this dog is light, agile. It was obtained by crossing a Dalmatian, a terrier and a bulldog.
  • The Staffordshire breed is more sedate and slower, the muzzle resembles a bulldog. It was bred by crossing a bulldog and a terrier. It can have different types of color, very common tiger, brown and red color.
  • Dwarf bull terriers are a mini version of English dogs. Here the standard allows several types of color: white, tricolor or yellowish brown. Growth of kids - no more than 35.5 cm.

Now consider the description and characteristics of the breed itself.

  • Immediately it should be noted that the breed standard is rather ambiguous, because the boules are completely different in size, and somehow it is difficult to predict. Weight ranges from 18–36 kg (for both females and males). As for growth, it will be 30–60 cm.
  • The head of the dog is elongated. Many people notice that the muzzle looks like a rat, especially strong associations are caused by such a character as the Rat King from The Nutcracker. Other owners claim that the dog has a Roman profile.
  • The nose is large, slanted, black. Lips tightly closed with the jaw.
  • The eyes of a ratlike dog must be dark brown, almost black. Any other color is prohibited.
  • Teeth strong, smooth. Scissor bite, fully complies with the standard. The dog's lower jaw is always better developed.
  • The ears are medium, located close to each other, have the shape of a triangle. Position - standing.
  • The neck is long, gradually expanding from the head. There are no folds, the neck is clearly visible.
  • The body is strong and compact, the chest is wide. The back is straight, with pronounced musculature, the stomach does not hang down, the tail is short, horizontal.
  • The front limbs are better developed than the hind limbs, but the hind ones are more flexible. The muscles of the paws are clear, the fingers are very mobile.
  • The coat of the bull terrier is short, in the cold time there is an undercoat. The touch has a soft texture, glitters in the sun.
  • The color of the bull terrier is usually standard white. In addition, dogs can be three-colored, red, red, brown or black.

Sand and blue shades of wool are not allowed.


Longevity and health

Bull terriers live about the same as other dogs - 12–13 years old. However, this period is not approved, it can easily be extended if the animal is properly maintained. Features of care, we consider a little later, but for now we will list the diseases that this breed mainly suffers.

  • Dislocation of the knees and elbows. When the dog sprains the joint, it starts limping heavily, in this case you will have to go to the vet. Sprains may also be due to genetic predisposition. So psam need to carefully offer physical activity.
  • Deafness. Deafness is a “scourge” of white dogs, it is more common than not present. Deafness can be unilateral or bilateral. Puppies, completely devoid of hearing, rejected.
  • Kidney problems. A dog that becomes ill with kidney failure looks sluggish, the coat is dull, falls out, the animal loses weight, has a poor appetite. Only a veterinarian can help; in an already neglected case, the dog usually dies.
  • Dislocation of the lens. With a similar disease, the lens "floats" in the pupil. If the disease is ignored, it will develop into glaucoma, and then into blindness.
  • Problems with heart. Dwarf bull terriers are more inclined to such misfortunes, but in any case the dog, which is planned to be bred or allowed to the exhibitions, is examined as soon as it turns one year old.
  • Allergies. Boules, especially whites, are very susceptible to allergies. Carefully choose food and do not let your pet grab foreign objects from the ground. In addition, the dog should not spend too much time on the street during hours of strong solar activity: it is fraught with burns.

Mosquitoes are dangerous for a pet: these harmful insects can even turn a dog’s life into a hell for a couple of days with a single bite. The animal will endlessly itch, tearing the skin.

Character traits

In general, a properly trained bull terrier is a good-natured dog, infinitely devoted to its owner. Unfortunately, many people, believing that a boule from nature simply must be an evil guard, deliberately arouse aggression in him. It is impossible to do this in any way, because the dog understands everything perfectly, she has high intelligence and excellent mental abilities. Sooner or later it may happen that the aggression will turn against the owner himself, and there have been such cases.

A raised dog will be a model of cheerfulness and obedience. If the owner immediately shows who is in charge, the dog will obey and carry out the owner’s commands. Animals love to play, this should be considered before buying a pet. And the games will have to be ensured, if you don’t want to find the gnawed shoes every day, springs pulled out of the sofa or slapped wires. The best places for walking with a boule are open parks and forest land, where the dog can easily run around.

In addition, bull terriers are very dependent on their owner and can not stand when he leaves. If you spend a lot of time at work, it’s better not to have such a dog.

Left alone, the dogs howl, rush around the apartment, knocking everything around.

In this case, you can not solve the problem by buying a companion dog. The animal will instantly change tactics, and begin to clarify the relationship, accompanied by stormy fights and endless injuries. About cats, even the speech does not go - the boule will immediately drive this animal. Even worse would be the idea of ​​buying a rodent or a bird.

The bull terrier is an animal which will always protect the owner. HOh, there are no guards from these dogs. Contrary to stereotypes, the boules will not bark threateningly, block the way for guests and try to tear them to death. No, in most cases, dogs are very friendly with visits, but if the owner starts to threaten something, then the dog will instantly have reflexes: he will not warn with barking — he will immediately pounce.

It is worth noting that the boules adore children. Since the dog needs games, they will not find a better companion. With children, the dog will feel great, support any initiative. But do not forget that the dog does not like it when they tease it. Also, she does not like it if the baby starts to take away from her any toy. therefore the process of communication of the animal with the child must always be controlled by adults.

How to choose?

The age of the acquired puppy should be in the range of 2 to 3 months, babies younger or older will not work. Refer only to reputable breeders who have officially registered nurseries with all the necessary documents and permission to breed. It is impossible to take puppies anywhere on the zoo market: this is fraught with enormous and unpleasant consequences. Of course, you may be lucky and you will get a pedigree dog for a small amount of money, but there are very few such cases. Most traders sell discarded individuals with physical or mental disabilities.

Arriving at the kennel, look at the conditions that contain a bitch with puppies. In winter, the room should be heated, there can be no drafts, it should be clean in the nursery. The main indicator of a breeder’s attention is the correct behavior of animals. Bitches allow you to inspect puppies, do not growl, and the puppies themselves are active and curious. The breeder is obliged to provide all the necessary documents upon your first request.

The appearance of the baby is no less important than the behavior. A puppy should have a shiny healthy coat, clean eyes and ears, there should be no unpleasant smell from the mouth. Healthy chubby kids, they happily run on the proposed delicacy. There is one more thing - checking the dog for deafness. This must be done before buying a puppy. Shake the keys in front of the puppy or drop a heavy object - if the baby has not reacted, it is better to pick up another puppy.

Prices for animals depend on what purpose you are buying a pet. For example, kids of pet class, designed exclusively for home maintenance, will be sold to you for 15-25 thousand rubles. Breed-class puppies will cost a little more - about 40 thousand.

The most expensive will be the kids from the titled parents who won at the exhibitions - 70 thousand and above.

Content policy

Oddly enough, but the bull terrier is best kept in the apartment. There are several explanations for this. The first is that dogs have a negative attitude towards active sunshine and frost, because they have short hair. Burns and freezing can not be allowed. The second point is poor security qualities. To protect the dog must be with its owner, accompany him. Of course, if the dog is provoked, he will also defend the owner’s property, but there is hardly a person who will deliberately climb into the courtyard when he sees a bull terrier sitting there.

The boules are absolutely not suitable for keeping on a chain or in an aviary. They can live in a private house, but only in the house, in the courtyard the dog will just walk. In addition, the animal is not suitable for yard maintenance also because it always requires the attention and support of the owner. Only in this way will it be possible to raise an obedient and sensible dog.

When housing the dog should be provided with all the necessary loads. You need to walk at least twice a day. You can take the dog off the leash for dog walking so the pet can frolic. But at the same time it is important that the dog be socialized, raised and not rushed to other animals. Otherwise better to get a muzzle, which will not allow the dog to cause injury to neighboring dogs.

Also, the muzzle will be required for travel in transport.


The diet of the bull terrier is of two types: feeding with dry feed or natural food. The first option is good because the owner will not need to clearly think out the feeding plan and select the necessary ingredients. Do not need and buy additional vitamins for harmonious development. But it is worth noting that Dogs can be fed only with first-class feed, cheap formulations will lead to many health problems.

When buying a puppy, ask the breeder about feed. If the kids were fed dry food, then you will be spared the need to think about the brand and manufacturer of the composition.

Plus, natural food is that it is much more diverse and, of course, tastier. But here it is necessary to competently and clearly formulate a diet, so that everything that a dog needs for growth and health is present in it. An important step will be the acquisition of vitamins. They will advise the vet in accordance with age, weight and characteristics of the bull.

The dog menu should include a number of important ingredients.

  • Low-fat meat, better if it is a bird. Meat can be boiled, and also give raw. If you give a dog raw meat, for sanitary purposes it is better to keep it in the freezer for 24 hours. This will kill the larvae of worms and other bacteria. Before serving the meat is doused with boiling water. This food should be half the daily diet.
  • If the meat was not at hand, do not worry if the dog eats offal. Choose beef or chicken. In addition, the dog can offer and sea fish. Before serving, it is well boiled and removed from the bones.
  • Buckwheat and rice cereals will be among the cereal bull terriers. In the finished gruel necessarily add a tablespoon of sunflower oil.
  • To unload the intestine of the dog designed sour milk products. Low-fat cottage cheese or kefir will adjust digestion well. Quail egg can be offered once a week.
  • The source of vitamins will be vegetables. They are well washed, boiled over and put in a bowl to the dog. Occasionally you can give fruit, but not citrus.

As for banned products, it is especially worth noting fatty meat, fried and salty foods, food with lots of spices. Raw river fish and sweets can not be given to bull terriers, the same goes for baking. They feed the dogs twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. If you have a puppy, then at first the food is served 5-6 times a day, then the intervals are reduced.

Feed the dog strictly on schedule, the mode for the bulls is very important. Also, the dog should not overeat. If the boules have not eaten their portion within 10–15 minutes, the food is removed, and the next time they put the portion smaller.

Do not forget about water. Animals should be watered with clean water or the same one that at least 8 hours settled.


Bull terriers have short hair, so they do not need daily care for her. Dead hair is combed three times a week, with a stiff bristle brush applied. When the pet will fade, and this is the autumn and spring periods, experts recommend buying a special mitt for trimming. Also remember that boules are very susceptible to allergies, so for the summer stock up with funds that will protect the pet's hair from ticks and other parasites. A good solution would be to constantly wear an anti-parasitic collar.

It is almost not necessary to bathe dogs. They only wash the boule when the wool is too dirty, for example, if the dog had the idea to splash in a puddle or to run on a dirty country road. Use at the same time soft "dog" shampoos, cheap means cannot be bought. If the coat is not too stained, you can simply wipe the dog with a sponge or a damp towel. Also, experts advise sometimes to walk on the suede wool: this will give the coat a beautiful shine.

Paws, on the contrary, need to be washed regularly, after each walk, or else wipe them with a wet cloth. City dogs also need lubrication of pads, especially in winter, when there is a lot of salt on the roads. You can also lubricate the pads with baby moisturizer.

In order to recognize the approach of diseases in time, pay attention to your eyes and ears. In the corners of the eye can accumulate secretions that need to be removed. For this, a weak cool tea will be suitable, as well as special eye care products, which will be issued by a veterinarian or advised by a consultant in a pet shop. Dogs' ears are almost never dirty, so they simply wipe them with a wet swab about once a week.

As for claws, dogs, as a rule, actively grind them themselves. If in single cases the claws have grown up and become uncomfortable, they can be cut off with a claw cutter.

The care of the bull terrier's oral cavity will also fall on the owner's shoulders. You can take a regular brush, but you should buy a “dog's” paste, and it is easy to find such a tool. The fangs are cleaned weekly, and, if for some reason the animal has disliked the brush, there are also attachments to the finger in the assortment of pet shops.


Raising a bull terrier is not a one day process. You will need to apply all self-control and composure to cope with such a dog. If you didn’t have any dogs before, or you had more peaceful, Nebeits breeds, it’s not recommended to take a bull, because the dog is complex and capricious, and if the approach is wrong, it is also dangerous. If you nevertheless decided to stop your choice on the bull terrier, we will immediately designate a few rules that will help reduce the dog's power a little.

  • This is a dog that you can and should love. Buhl must always feel your care and support. Do not be afraid that the abundance of love will spoil the dog, on the contrary, the more of it, the less the animal will spoil the apartment in the absence of the owner.
  • Do not leave the dog alone for long. If you work 12 hours a day, and the dog is closed indoors at this time, she will start to have mental disorders, which can lead to trouble.
  • Do not be aggressive. Bull Terrier is a breed that looks dangerous and is dangerous. Aggression should not be applied to such dogs: raise your voice, beat, close in separate rooms for punishment. It is very important to properly convey information to the children.

If a child lives in the same room with a bull, then he must learn that the dog cannot be teased and provoked; respect should be shown to him, because he is a member of the family.

Training puppy boules need literally from the day of purchase. Such dogs should be socialized as early as possible: this will avoid problems in the future. It is impossible to keep the dog in the room around the clock, while the animal is small, it is important to acquaint with new tastes, smells, conditions. Invite guests more often - communication with strangers will benefit the dog.

In order for a boule to grow up educated and obedient, it must clearly understand that you are in charge. The dog has a developed intellect, and it perfectly understands that it is stronger and more powerful than you. Therefore, setting the rules, you can not allow a pet to violate them. The same should be said to other family members. If at least one of them pampers the dog, allowing him what others do not allow, the dog will immediately understand the frivolity of what is happening and stop obeying.

The guilty animal reprimand in a strict tone, but it is important to be confident in their words. If you are by nature a gentle person and with difficulty “squeeze out” yourself a strict and fake tone, the dog will understand this.

Be prepared for the fact that to train a bull terrier will take a long time. Start with easy, well-known commands. Encourage any success with delicacy. Also, it is desirable to conduct training in the form of a game, because dogs do not differ patience and perseverance. In addition, classes should be short but succinct. If you see that the dog is constantly distracted, looks out for something, loses interest, offer him a delicacy "outside the program." This will help the dog to return to the lesson.

We remind once again that a bull terrier is an animal that not everyone will be able to train. If you do not feel strong, you have a mild, calm character, which does not accept strictness, then pick up another breed.

You can also contact the professional canine services that will conduct a course of training with the dog, as well as give a few recommendations on how to behave with this breed at home or on a walk.

Interesting nicknames

Choosing a nickname for a dog, the owners are based on many parameters: the appearance of the dog, the season of its birth, color, habits. Let's take a look at the list of beautiful and unusual nicknames that will suit these strong and unusual dogs.

For boys

Appearance boule - this is the first thing that draws attention. The strength and ferocity of the dog are known to everyone, and therefore the nickname can be chosen such that it reflects external differences:

  • Ivanhoe;
  • Atlant;
  • Viking;
  • Goliath;
  • Granite;
  • Space;
  • Sheriff.

As for the nature and individual characteristics of the dog, then there are beautiful names:

  • Buyan;
  • Right;
  • Proud;
  • Joker;
  • Napoleon;
  • Perseus;
  • Tristan;
  • Triumph;
  • Caesar;
  • Champion;
  • Nimble;
  • Humor.

The historical homeland of the bull terrier is England, there are many proud place names and names that may well become the nickname of your pet:

  • Watson;
  • Gloucester;
  • Eton;
  • York;
  • Christopher;
  • Lincoln;
  • London;
  • William;
  • Chester;
  • Sherlock.

For girls

Unlike boys, female specialists advise you to choose more gentle nicknames, because these are still girls, albeit big, strong.

For example, you can call a pet with the following beautiful names:

  • Squirrel;
  • Venus;
  • Haze;
  • Star;
  • Spark;
  • Caramel;
  • Cameo;
  • Lady;
  • Naiad;
  • Night;
  • Clear

Features of the nature of the female can be emphasized by other nicknames:

  • Storm;
  • Snowstorm;
  • Fun;
  • Yoke;
  • Joy;
  • Little thing.

As is the case with boys, the names associated with England are suitable for pets:

  • Valerie;
  • Dorothy;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Christie;
  • Katie;
  • Lucinda;
  • Melissa;
  • Nicole;
  • Rosie;
  • Flora;
  • Holly;
  • Chloe;
  • Esther.

In addition, a dog of any gender can always be called according to the color of her coat:

  • the black: Blackberry, Raven, Onyx, Midnight, Pirate, Knox, Panther, Ember;
  • spotted: Freckles, Dominoes, Dots, Marbles, Spot, Spotty;
  • white: Arctic, Snow White, Diamond, Marshmallow, Frost, Ghost, Snowflake;
  • brown: Brownie, Kashtanka, Cocos, Mocha, Snickers;
  • red: Garnet, Brick, Carrot, Lava, Twinkle, Scarlett;
  • Gray: Ash, Grayson, Pebble, Serebryanka, Smokey, Smoke, Silver.


Many owners love their dogs and are always ready to defend this breed. So, the owners note the kindness and loyalty of the bull terriers, their high mental qualities, the ability to find a way out of any, even the most confusing situation. Bred dogs do not have aggression, and breeders assure that such animals can be trusted even to temporarily sit with a small child. In addition, the owner of the dog does not have to provide complex care that takes time. Breeders say that dogs are cheerful, they like to follow the owner everywhere, they perceive games positively.

Along with this, boules are difficult to raise and train. For some, it is simply not possible to properly educate a dog, with many consequences. The downside will be that dogs do not tolerate other animals in the house, so if you want to have a bull, it must be one. Also, dog owners say that they sometimes have to be difficult because of their attitude to those around them. For example, many other “dog lovers” do not like it if people pull the leash off the leash in the presence of their dogs, people on the streets, if the dog tried to smell them, begin to shrink and change their faces, wave their arms, thereby provoking the animal. Nevertheless, despite all the disadvantages, a lot of people are happy that they have chosen this breed for their companions.

The kindness and dedication of the bull terriers makes them look at these dogs from a completely different angle, and their courage and ability to protect their master in any situation allows forgive some negative aspects related to upbringing and maintenance.

The following video is waiting for you interesting facts about the breed of dogs Bull Terrier.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


